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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. My mistake. They lookeed so similar.
  2. Someone on this site already has the red mecha as an import (miriya to be exact). The pic is here. It's the top pic of post #51, the mecha in GERWALK configuration.
  3. Nah, 65 pages should be enough. Are you trying to channel MEOM1DOMINION? If you are, you're doing a really shitty, I mean perfect job.
  4. No sh*t where do you begin. Let me take a stab. How the hell, no how the f*ck do you base a movie about karate in the country where GUNG FU originated???!!! I mean, karate is supposed to be Japanese, isn't it???!!! That's all we need, giving more money to the f*cking Chi-coms. God, that trailer was so damned bad I bailed right when the Miagi clone showed his freaking face.
  5. Yeah, I did like "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston (who can forget that character with the middle finger printed on the back of his jacket?). The Mad Max series of movies were also pretty good, from what I've seen. (I do admit to seeing snippets of the original, most of The Road Warrior, and all of Beyond Thunderdome) Any chance of Jackson making a "Fallout"? I think that would be right up his alley. Maybe we can get Ron Perlman to do the narration.
  6. Yahtzee is at it again with his top games of 2009. Watch at your own risk.
  7. look up a Robotech fan by the name of goldfish over at Robotech.com, if he hasn't gotten his ass banned, that is.
  8. Sorry for not being clear, I was worried that you can only carry a max number of 150 items in Mass Effect 2, like in the first game. That way I know if I have to sell the stuff when I get near the cap in ME2.
  9. Nah, that's only a pic of Anomen (a Baldur's Gate II character) that I have over at photobucket. I keep meaning to upload a pic of Minsc over there but haven't gotten to it.
  10. Well, I was going by the avatar photo, if EXO's a dude, sorry for the misunderstanding.
  11. Damned thing looks like an E-Frame rip-off from Exo-Squad.
  12. No, I learned that fact on X-Play.
  13. Not suprising, since it was created by the same guy who did Biohazard (I absolutely refuse to call that franchise "Resident Evil"; whoever came up that freaking name has his head planted squarely up his f*cking ass) and Devil May Cry. You do know that cat suit is actually made out of the heroine's own hair and she is nude underneath, don't you?
  14. I was agreeing with her assessment for the massive spoiler post a few pages back using poker tems (post #398 in this thread, to be exact), that's all.
  15. My brother has a FF X-2 Yuna figure (he has the Twin Bees hands equipped) and a Hellsing Seras figure that he got with what I think was the first DVD of the anime series (yes, she came with that f*cking cannon of hers). Can't post the pics yet.
  16. I'll see your ass and raise you a prick.
  17. Right now, I just got off the tram on Noveria and dealing with the survivors there (I'm trying to beat the game before Mass Effect 2 comes out). My question about 2 is this, though: is there going to be an item cap of 150 like in the first game? If there is, I'm going to be selling my low-level stuff like mad as I did in the first game, I would hate to turn good equipment into omni-gel.
  18. Secret my ass, most likely the franchise is in pre-production hell, where it belongs. Start your search under "American Civil Rights era" with the keywords "Refusing to move to the back of the bus".
  19. But oh so true. What that really means is "I don't want to play this particular map anymore and I want to f*ck over everyone on the other team." I've been a recipient of that "honor" twice . There's only one thing you can do when you see that nuclear symbol in the upper left hand corner of your screen: bend over, grab your knees, and kiss your ass goodbye. X-Com, when a Terror Alert actually meant something.
  20. *Vorlon planetkiller drops out of hyperspace and destroys Robotech Shadow storyline.*
  21. Looks good (had to edit this post, due to the fact that the second time I tried the link, it went through).
  22. This petition hereby warrents the firing of the Brit bitch who does the voiceover for their version of Whacked Out Videos and replace her with the guy who does Whacked Out Sports. Anyone else will not do (not even that assh*le Blair). I'm a Whacked Out PURIST!!! Who's with me?
  23. More Modern Warfare news... I made full bird in multiplayer, and have a new favorite toy... The Javelin!
  24. I'll drink to that. Yeah, perfect to be printed on facial qulity toilet tissue sheets. I just renouced the new crap that comes out of Steve's ass; the classic stuff's still good. Jesus, been a long time since I've seen something from Highlights. Rather good children's mag.
  25. Upon royally fubaring the disarming of a nuclear/antimatter bomb... "You now have ten seconds to live... ...Have a nice day."
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