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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. After seeing that Daft Punk quartet of videos he was involved in, I should hope so.Here's also to seeing either a Captain Harlock or Queen Emarladas cameo, too.
  2. Well, my brother's life is officially over for the next, oh, year, since he picked up The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at midnight on 11/11/11. If I get a chance to play the thing, I'll give my review. I'll also hopefully get a chance to tell you all how badass that resin draconic bastard really is.
  3. Yeah, that is Reimi from the latest Star Ocean game. When you play the game, absolutely do the Reimi shower scene private action in Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Not only is it classic, it's hilarious as well.
  4. Well, I only saw the last 20 minutes of the episode "Sight Beyond Sight" when I originally posted that (damed near forgot the show was on). I've since seen the entire epsode On Demand so I'll revise my statement. Their entire memory both "sucks and blows."
  5. Just saw the Elephants episode last night. Interseting take on the species, giving them excellent short-term memory. It's the long-term memory that, in Bart Simpson's words, "both sucks and blows."
  6. Even Gary Graham couldn't save this little gem I'm about to post. "Robot Jox"
  7. Any Bond film with Timothy Dalton in it. Hell, Micheal Weatherly as Tony DiNinozzo didn't even mention his name when he rattled off the Bond actor's names in the NCIS episode "S.W.A.K." (he didn't mention Daniel Criag's name, either, but that was most likely because "Casino Royale" was in production at the time of that episode's airing).
  8. I myself thought that this was a Spiral Zone topic.
  9. I hear that The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is finally getting the console treatment. Looks like they had to rebuild the engine for consoles, which is probably why it's taking so long for the 360 (I don't know if it's coming for the PS3, though).
  10. I've recently started playing Growlanser 2: The Sense of Justice again on PlayStation 2, and forgotten how hilarious Hans is. "Say 'Hola' to my spicy little friends, pendeho." (yes, he did use the Spanish word for what I think is "dickhead" in the game) "Say 'Hola' to the grande hombre downstairs, senior freakalone." "Victory, with fifty percent more satisfaction." My fave: "A tisket, a tasket, you freaks are getting caskets." (he ends this one with either a raspberry or a little chuckle) Here's one from Charlone: "One order of bad karma, coming right back."
  11. I wonder, will C.J. will make an appearance in GTA V?
  12. Do you really want Big West to "Make it Rain" with Cease and Disist motions?
  13. That's what's In Demand is for. It's an easy way to catch up on the shows you missed at any time.Until they remove the episode you want to see off the list, that is.
  14. Well, "One Shall Sand" really showed how much a scheming son of a bitch ol' Megs is. It's also a good thing that Prime entrusted Jack with a certain relic, because he knew just what might happen to him after killing Unicron, because he didn't want the 'Cons to have it.
  15. My guess is that Ashley died on Virmire (either with the Salarian commando unit or by nuking herself) in the official story. Sorry guys.
  16. How about "Total Recall"? Wait, that was a good movie, it was his role in it that kinda sucked.
  17. Boy, am I glad that I didn't go ahead and download the Battlefield 3 beta into my profile. My brother said that it sucked so bad that it wasn't worth a purchase. All I'll say is when the 11th of next month rolls around, I won't be seeing my brother for a long time. Here's a hint, the collector's edition of the game comes with a two-foot resin statue of a dragon.
  18. I have a few to add. 15. Rico's mother gets killed when San Fransisco gets vaped, not Buenos Aries. 16. Rico's father becomes his platoon sergeant at the end of the book. I absolutely hated the first movie (I read the book first, and loved it, go figure), and will most likely never watch the second and third ones. Oh, and in the book, you had to be careful when you moved in those powered armors in a confined space. The damned thing amplified every movement you made. That means if you took a step normanlly while wearing the thing, you'll go flying about 50' into the air, That's why the MI guys had to shuffle their feet when moving through a hallway. That prick Verhoeven cinematicly pissed on Heinlein's grave, and not even NPH could save that piece of sh*t of a flick.
  19. UFO: Eddie Trunk's favoite band. Why even post a video with Shatner in it when you know that the f*cker can't even sing worth sh*t .
  20. Maybe it's because Miko is such an adrenaline junkie (probably even more so than Patrick Swayze's characer in Point Break) that everyone hates her so.
  21. I couldn't believe it. On one of his last visits to GameStop, he went ahead and did a full pre-order for the Collector's edition of Mass Effect 3. I'm just suprised because I would've been just as happy with the normal version. Not that I'm complaining, anyway.
  22. I find that hard to believe, since the Needlenose my brother had had the F-16 intake scoop under the fuselage. I just wikied the Mirage 2000, and the aircraft lacks the belly intake scoop.In this wiki photo of the Mirage, there are twin intake scoops on either side of the fusalage. Check out this YouTube review of you can clearly see the intake scoop just above the foreward landing gear.
  23. Or invest in a quality wireless router. The PS3 does have a Wi-Fi antenna.
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