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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. She's a former porn star who figured there was more money in B-list stuff.
  2. Different viewpoint, this is not a double post. Especially since you can operate a SPARTAS without a helmet.
  3. Oh holy hell, he's getting his mitts on Space Adventure Cobra???!!! I don't know what to say.
  4. Look, it's a Coalition States of America infantryman!!!
  5. If you read the post you quoted, you'll see I used the Japanese name for the Gundam Wing series.
  6. And myself, who became disillusioned to what the franchise has become. We are in agreement here. According to Siembieda, the Macross is 1,200 meters long. It also has a mass of about 16,329,600 metric tons (I had to convert the figure myself; he only gave the imperal measurement for weight in his Robotech: The Macross Saga sourcebook).
  7. I hope it's more along the lines of... CHRONO BREAK!!! On the 360 front I decided to take a break from Mass Effect and get back into The Last Remnant. I'm at a part in the game at the Catacombs where I encounter a couple of squads of large fae-winged pricks, and if I activate the right trigger on both icons my army gets its ass kicked. I'm going to try to whittle them down by luring one icon at a time. Edit: I failed to mention that I encounter them in a trapped room.
  8. You scare me.
  9. Somewhat new Maiden here. "Perfect World" "The Resurrection of Benjamin Breeg" God, the critics are right, A Matter of Life and Death is the best Maiden work since Piece of Mind.
  10. Wing Gundam (Mobile Suit Gundam W reference here) had a secondary mode somewhat like a G.E.R.W.A.L.K., but the thing looked more like a raptor. I don't know if the Wing Zero Gundam can transform, since it's been so long since I've seen the show (sadly cut, I'm afraid).
  11. Which would finally make them finacially bankrupt.
  12. I'm now playing Assassin's Creed 2 on the PS3, and I have to say it is an improvement on the original. You no longer have to go to a previous memory to collect flags. I'm right now about to go to Tuscany (I think that's the next city after training in the villa) after buying a few paintings in Florence. Fun game so far.
  13. Liam Neeson as Hannibal Smith? I can see two outcomes with this situation. He'll either nail it to a tee or f*ck it up beyond all recognition.
  14. I always though Gung Fu was Chineese, and was originated by the Shaolin Monks of Tibet.
  15. Yeah, I would rather see the mechanical web shooters than those bullshit wrist spinerettes. Actually have Gwen Stacy before M.J.. Just so Norman Osborn can toss her off the GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE!!!
  16. Lacking??? Those shitheads over there are creatively bankrupt.
  17. That's one fugly looking G.E.R.W.A.L.K.. But this is coming from a guy who's nasty enough, if I owned one, to pose the freaking thing giving the finger.
  18. Okay, so I got into it about halfway into ep. 2; the story still sucked donkey balls!
  19. The original A-Team. Great cast... ...shitty story.
  20. Okay, full-blooded Zentraedi.
  21. A Macross show that doesn't feature at least one Zentran/Meltran is not Macross in my opinion.
  22. "Got it in one, Mr. Gerabaldi."
  23. Sad to say I have not. I just foolishly assumed when I compared the pics. Now excuse me while I go extricate my foot from my mouth.
  24. I'm paraphrasing here, folks. From a Rutger Hauer movie. Going throgh the police aromory after meeting a big mofo alien on the flooded streets of London: "We need bigger f*cking guns, bigger f*cking guns. Too f*cking small..."
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