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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. ROTFLMAO You gotta love Jerry Springer. M.J Eat your heart out The other one I hate is... Can you break their security ? followed by 3 seconds of key clicking and they are in past the worlds most secure network etc, and all the files are laid out as follows:- Really_secret.doc file size 20GB downloads in 3 seconds. Plans_to_take_over_the_ world.pdf has pretty animations even though they file type dosent support them. As I work in I.T this particularly pisses me off. So many people think my job is so easy. Especially the guys in Accounts who after completely killing the data base file system cant understand why it takes 2 days to put right, when on CSI or what ever takes 2 mins. That's a Maury qoute, not Springer. Trying to bullshit security... "Everything's fine, we're all fine..."
  2. I think I know my problem. The save file I'm using is a non-platinum file (Asgard isn't even showing up on my Galaxy map), and I have a feeling that I have to access the content with a Platinum Hits file.
  3. Okay, I have a Mass Effect 1 question (I'm trying to finsih the first game before I even crack 2). We have the Platinum Hits version of the game. When can I access the "Bring Down The Sky" content (I don't beleve this version has the Pinnacle Station content)? Do we have to have the content installed in each gamer profile to access the content? I hope I can access the content after I take care of Vimere (sp.?).
  4. ZZ Top "I Thank You" Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings "Lucanbach, Texas" Billy Squier "She's All Right" "Lonely is the Night" Fire, Inc. "Tonight is What it Means to be Young"-From the "Streets of Fire" Soundtrack Celine Dion "It's all Coming Back to Me Now" Meat Loaf "I Would do Anything for Love (But I Won't do That)" (I think both videos for this song and the one above were directed by the same guy) "Life is a Lemon, and I Want My Money Back" Andrew W. K. (Gotta love a guy who would hit himself in the face with a brick just for an album cover shoot) "I Love New York City" "Party Hard"
  5. I don't think Starblaze Studios exists anymore.
  6. Okay, so I screwed up his name, so I fixed it by using his nickname.
  7. San Andreas was a full game that used an improved version of the GTAIII engine. There are so many good games out there, but I have one to add; series, that is. The Chrono series. Chrono Trigger introduced the idea of multiple character attacks, otherwise known as double and triple techs, and had a It was also the first game to introduce the concept of a New Game +. Chrono Cross takes the same formula and ups it a notch, It was also one of the first games that had you gather at least 40 player characters ala Gensou Suikoden (those guys at X=Play still can't pronouce the freaking name right). The only thing that bothered me about the game is that I just wish the team would get off their collective asses and finally finish the storyline with Chrono Break.
  8. I'll give this one to Dr. "Bones" McCoy from the first Star Trek movie, even though he didn't say the line. "I'd like to see how you like your molecules scrambled." (I'm paraphrasing here, folks, since I don't know the exact line; it's been so long since I've seen "The Motion Picture")
  9. Yeah, Gonzo should've done something better with their time... Like making a third VanDread series!!!
  10. i just beat it real quick. then it saw the file. so far me2 is idk.... i can't think of a word. good thing i got a 120gb hdd Even though we have a 120GB HDD, I think we'll suffer through a few disk swaps.
  11. Pretty good cartoon. Too bad they didn't get to finish the storyline. I would like to have seen the rest of Grey Wolf's family broken from the wolf curse.
  12. I already checked there, and the store didn't give any size info, that's why I asked here. Thanks for the estimate.
  13. I have a question on the Borderlands front. We have the PS3 version; how much space does the new expansion pack (the Underdorme) takes up (we have a 60GB PS3 and worried about space, since we have now 15GB free)?
  14. Well, Yhatzee's at it again. His review for this thread's game is right here. Do I have to tell you to watch at your own risk? Didn't think so.
  15. Robert E. Howard is the one who created Conan the Barbarian; don't know if he created Red Sonya, though.
  16. What did you expect? Obsidian is made up of former Black Isle Studios people, after all, and they and BioWare were together from damn near the beginning.
  17. My only problem with the Leger Joker is that he didn't use any poison. Everyone knows ol' Jack Napier is a master venomeer.
  18. Yes there is an Art 2; I have a copy. It's full of fan art (I happen to like Don Yee's work), production sketches, as well as as some information about what inspired mecha anime as a whole.
  19. "I have a dangerous mission that needs to be done and I need a volenteer; if no one volenteers, I'll pick one."
  20. I think Tarintino pulled that type of coyness off quite well in "Pulp Fiction" with the resturaunt scene, even though Travolta's character was ordered to do it.
  21. Now that I think about it, the voice does sound a little like Rolf Emerson (Robotech). Thanks for clearing up the confusion. Oh, and the spelling of the actor's name is right on the money, mikeszekely.
  22. I'm not suprised, since I know that "The Maltese Falcon" is a Dashell Hammet work, written in the hard-boiled era of writing (Don't know if he worte The Big Sleep, though).
  23. The chick may be hot, but that strap-on is cold as ice.
  24. I knew that; I just wanted to say how beautifully illustrated that work was. Thanks for making my eyes bleed, you schmuck. I think I'm going to go projectile vomit now.
  25. I'm just glad Macek decided not to stitch in Super Dimentional Century Orguss into Robotech. Who knows what would've happened if he got his grubby little mitts on that one.
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