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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Thanks a whole lot. That f*cking link froze my machine. At least it didn't completely crash.
  2. Okay, I have a question regarding a game that came out a few years ago. We have the PS3 version of the Game of the Year Edition of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblibvion at the house. I know it comes with Shivering Isles, but does it come with the following plug-ins? "Uneartihing Mehrunes Razor" "The Orrery" "The Wizard's Tower" "Dunbarrow Cove" "Vile Lair" "Horse Armor" I just want to know, because the only thing in the PSN Store for downloadable content for Oblivion is Shivering Isles, which, as I stated before, is on the disk.
  3. Not a double post. I have news on the Borderlands front. The new patch will fix several issues including wiping your modded weapons. You can get the info here
  4. Please tell me Mike Patton is still lead singing. Jesus Jones "Right Here, Right Now" Steve Miller Band "Abracadabra" "The Joker" "You Keep Rockin' Me Baby" Dokken "In My Dreams" "Breaking the Chains" Jim Stienman "Wasted Youth" (I know it's on Meat Loaf's Bat out of Hell 2: Back into Hell album, but it's him doing the monolouge). Alice in Chains "What the Hell Have I?" "Would?" "Man in the Box" (uncut) Metallica "Wherever I May Roam" "The Unforgiven" "Ride the Lightning" "Fade to Black" "Anesthesia/Pulling Teeth" (Anesthesia was done on only one take, which shows you what a master bass player Cliff Burton was) "The Memory Remains" (one of the better post Don't Tread on Me songs) "Call of Kthulu" (excellent instrumental)
  5. You have three guesses on who originally did the Robotech action figue line. And the first two guesses don't count!!!
  6. Another plus for the PS3 version is that it will be released on a single Blu-Ray disk. How many disks will the X-Box 360 have? Two, maybe three?
  7. I have news on the Modern Warfare 2 front. I finally made prestige class!!! I have to rebuild my custom classes, but it's a small price to pay.
  8. God, that's worse than some of Grissom's teaser quips .
  9. Here's an idea when you do Robotech stuff that's Macross related. Get permission from Big West, and if HG tells you to cease and desist, tell them to go f*ck off with a nice big "Chicago Wave" in their face until they get their mess with Big West straightened out once and for all.
  10. I see the artist pulled the Renegade trigger dealing with Mordin (slamming him "El Cabong" style with the surgical tray was a nice touch). I can see why, though, because like most Salarians he does tend to have diarrhea of the mouth if you don't shut him up somehow.
  11. I would've said he wanked on it if that review was more vicious.
  12. More like staining your nose from constant brownnosing.
  13. Well, Yhatzee gleefully ripped Mass Effect 2 a new one in his latest review. Not only that, he went and took a missive dump into the hole. Watch at your own risk.
  14. Hopefully the next Mass Effect game will run along the lines of an MMO. Anderson's story was already chronocled in a novel. For the life of me I can't remember the title.
  15. Hopefully that's when he's finished his rehab with Dr. Drew.
  16. Yeah, I found his private head after taking care of all the loose ends on the Citidel. I have a question, though. Should I pick up Zaeed before going for the Salarian scientist? I'm asking since he's right there in the docking bay right after disembarking the Normandy SR2.
  17. Let's see what would happen if we put the helmsmen of both the Elsa and the Normandys (both SR1 and SR2) in the same room. Would Tony Oliver be able to kick Seth Green's ass?
  18. To hopefully drag it out of the shithole it finds itself in?
  19. Speaking of bad sci-fi movies, SiFi is airing a cut version of "Transmorphers: The Fall of Man" this week, or was it last week?
  20. I have news on the Mass Effect 2 front. For those of you who have access to the Cerberus Network, a few goodies are going to be coming your way today. I present to you the Cerberus Assault Armor and the M-22a Eviscerator Shotgun. I'm going to be downloading these puppies tonight for my brother.
  21. Gotta add some Cream. Damn, can Clapton play or what? "White Room" "Sunshine of my Love"- I think Judd Nelson did this riff as John Bender in the scene of "The Breakfast Club" at the point when he has to take a piss. Ah, well, gotta add more Clapton. "Layla"-During his stint with Duane Allman in Derek and the Dominos Some solo stuff "After Midnight"-Eighties version "Tears in Heavan"
  22. Some news on the X-Box 360 front. I just downloaded Stone Prisoner (Dragon Age: Origins and Blood Dragon armor (Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2), as well as activated Cerberus Network for my brother's X-Box Live Account, as well as the Inferno Armor for Mass Effect 2 (he pre-ordered the game where he works). Getting the Inferno Armor was a minor pain in the ass, though, because I had to go to masseffect.com on the PC, login into the account I created for him over at EA Games), and put the code there (for the life of me I don't know why they didn't include a code input under the downloadable content menu like in Dragon Age: Origins), and restart the X-Box 360 in order to download it. Going to the Normandy crash site is going to be interesting to say the least, and having another body to recruit is a plus, too.
  23. I know of two dubs of Akira, but I've only seen the one Cam Clarke (James Flinders) was in all the way through, though; good lord, was he whiny in that dub.
  24. I think they designed her to be a sociopath, which is almost as bad as a psychopath, all she thinks about is herself; wait a minute, that's your renegade persona ! Good lord, BioWare is the master of the banter dialouge. Some of the banter between the NPCs on the Citidel in Mass Effect 2 is downright hilarious. Especially in the weapon shop; gotta love a Turian who's damn near having a love affair with his shotgun.
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