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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. Do you wanna uess who gave the Stinger the idea to paint his face black and white? It was Scott Hall, who thought he would look good painted up like "The Crow"; Sting looks so much better with his NWO Wolfpack red and black paintjob in my opinion. I'd rather watch TNA than WWE, for the reason that I don't like that prick Vince McMahon all much. Ted Turner's biggest mistake was selling WCW to that son of a bitch. TNA is the new version of WCW in my opinion (I was a Monday Nitro fan after all).
  2. Kain in Final Fantasy IV also didn't have a pet draco.
  3. You can play Salt Shooter over in the Sodium area of Home, if you have the $4.99, that is. Tidus is character in Final Fantasy X that can leave a bad taste in some people's mouths, mainly because of the actor chosen to voice him.
  4. Didn't that guy appear on the first season of Dr. Drew's Sober House? That guy really did dance a little too close with Mr. Brownstone, didn't he?
  5. I just started Chapter 3 and having a blast with it. My only complaint so far is with the instruction booklet, because it doesn't include the credits. Of all the actors they have for the game, I have a guess on one of the charcters-I think Snow is voiced by Cam Clarke. I'm not 100% sure, but it's similar enough; so take it for what it's worth.
  6. Thanks, I cleaned out the wall safe by selecting "Take All" and didn't bother to read what was in there before posting this. So I was spinning my wheels for nothing; thanks, Prima for the minor headache. Oh, well, on with the game.
  7. Let me guess, is the law firm's name Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe? I see they're still trying to milk the merchandicing cash cow, huh? Can't they realize that particular cow's milk's run dry?
  8. Okay, I'm haveing a reletively hard time in the "Trouble on the Homefront" quest. I'm looking for the laboratory so I can pick up Father's Books (I know it just takes up space, but I want to get them), and the damned Game of the Year strategy guide is very vague on the location. Just tell me what room the lab's near and I'll take it from there.
  9. I hope there will be discount for Cerberus members.
  10. For those of you looking for the Classic version of Hot Rod, look for the name "Rodimus" on the package. I bet that Ultra Magnus set you back a pretty penny, Valkyrie Hunter D.
  11. I certainly hope you're shitting me. Danny would make a better innkeeper than a Kratos wannabe.
  12. What did you expect from a director who worships at the almighty altar of Global Warming (which, by the way, the late Micheal Chricton thought was a crock of sh*t, as well as myself)? I present as evidence his last film, "The Day After Tommorrow".
  13. That's suprising, since Working Designs closed their doors a few years ago.
  14. So I really like Michal Ling's artwork in the Malcontent Uprisings. So freaking sue me. It's the best of the Eternity Robotech comic storyline, in my opinion (especially issue #7; I loved the Breetai solo story).
  15. If you want that song, go and get the Empire album; another example of their good work.
  16. He was an important figure, along with both Maximillian and Miriya Sterling when the sh*t hit the fan in Cavern City during the Malcontent Uprisings. That, and Ron Bartley (Rook's father) was his Centaur hovertank platoon's second in command.
  17. The only way I would see a rebooted " The Game of Death" remake is if they followed Bruce Lee's true vision of the movie. I'm saying this because a few years ago, they found all of Lee's notes regarding the martial arts choreography of the film, and I think they re-edited the DVD version to reflect this.
  18. Tommy's so damned talented I bailed when I found out what that dickhead did with one of my favorite Malcontent Uprisings characters. Having Johnathan Wolff on board the SDF-1 instead of the RDF New Alburquerque base absolutely killed the WildStorm comic franchise for me.
  19. Taht only happened in Book 1, issue 5 of the Eternity comic series. That never happened in the novel The Devil's Hand.
  20. Nah, I was hoping that the local Barnes and Noble had a copy, but I didn't know the title last time I went there. And yes, I do know that the book takes place before Mass Effect 1, I meant backstory of the universe in my last post.
  21. I got some more Seattle Sound that I like, other than Alice in Chains or Soundgarden. Queensryche -All of Operation Mindcrime "Empire" "I am I" "Bridge" "Promised Land" "Damaged"
  22. Can't wait until I get my hands on the Revelation novel. I would love to see the backstory between Anderson and Saren.
  23. Thank goodness we don't have any of those restraunts here in Texas. The freaking things can't even transform right.
  24. A few nights ago I tried to get online with PSN and got nowhere. Not only that I get an error message, but all the games and themes that my brother downloaded got corrupted (I don't know if the Borderlands expansion packs were screwed, I'll have to find out later). So my punishment for corrupting all that data is to restore all the stuff that got corrupted. Anyone else here have that happen?
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