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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. I have most of the old Robotech RPG's (Lancer's Rockers is really bad; I have yet to get Ghost Ship), as well as the Macross II core book (which, by the way, does have a few errors in it). Let me tell you all, the combat system totally sucks donkey dicks. It's not as bad as Synnabarr's (god, you need a feaking scientific calculator to play the freaking thing), but it's nasty enough.I also have the trifecta of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness, Ninjas and Superspies, and the 1st Edition of Heroes Unlimited. I even have a few 2nd. Edition books of the Palladium RPG. I bought them when I was running some Palladium system games. Well at least the books weren't as expensive as the ones from f*cking Wizards of the Coast.
  2. I hope they don't rename Hell "Home for Infinite Losers" like they did in the original U.S. release. Talk about a cornball, but fitting eidting.
  3. I liked "Dark City" as well. It kinda suprised me that the actor who played the lead character went on to star in the ill-fated television series The Eleventh Hour. I have yet to see either Iron Man film, so I'm going to hold comments to myself until I do.
  4. Damn, man, Macek's death is news to me. He must've passed while I was taking a month-long forced vacation from this site. The man was a visionary for his time. It's too bad part of his vision included a minor revamping and editing of three Tatsunoko series into one concept.
  5. I hope to hell you're being sarcastic in regards to Liefeld. Both artists can't draw their way out of a f*cking paper bag in my opinion.
  6. The aft section of that G.E.R.W.A.L.K. form of that mecha must play royal hell on the aerodynamics. The drag on that thing must be a bitch.
  7. My take on the series: I liked what I saw of the original before CN gave it the axe (I also read the one of the more recent translations of Tomino's novels three noves Awakening, Escalation, and Confrontation; the translator gave different names to some of the characters, names which were, in his opinion, truer to the Japanese meaning: Char became Sha, for example). I loved the 08th. M.S. team, it had an excellent story; too bad it ended the way it did, I would've loved to see more of the characters. I couldn't get into Seed. Mobile Fighter G-Gundam was goofy at parts, but the endidng made up for the bad storyline, but not by much. I only saw Mobile Suit Gundam W cut on Cartoon Network; it was good, but I'm suspecting it was better uncut (one of the few animes I saw where one of the main heros was an out and out prick; I'm talking to you, Heero). I couldn't stand Endless Waltz. Was I the only one who nodiced that most of the main characters were named after numerals? I didn't see any of the other series to make a comment on them.
  8. Okay, that wasn't what I intended. I wasn't trying to be sarcastic (I was trying to be literal with that comment) but it looked like it came out that way. Looks like I've been using sarcasm here for so long that I got burned. I apologize for my previous post.
  9. Yeah, it's Downshift. I have the figure, too. He combines rahter well with most of the Silver-Symboled Autobot figures.Aron Archer's brains must be Spam stright out of the can. Douche-bag.
  10. It's official. Tommy Yune is a f*cking crack addict.
  11. Yeah, Darkness was a pretty good bad guy. Did you catch Tim Curry's performance in last night's Criminal Minds season finale? He takes the term "psychopathic shithead" to a whole new level.
  12. I have another example: The original Battlestar Galactica and the recent reboot. Sure, the original was corny, but it had its charm; The new one was pretty good, I just couldn't get into it.Now Babylon 5 is a rather good series that actually takes physics into account when the show was made (there were absolutely no sound effects during the space battle scenes), kinda like Kubric's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  13. Okay, I know it's a reairing of the original DBZ seiries, but I do have a question about it. Is it being aired uncut? I would like to know, because a few years ago I saw a few uncut episodes (around the time when Goku crashed Recoome's party during the Namek Saga) of DBZ when it was on the late Saturday night Adult Swim block on Cartoon Network and liked what I saw.
  14. Of the figures I have, I happen to like the Cybertron vestion of Downshift the best (I have a soft spot in my heart for Wheeljack, which happens to be the first G-1 figure I've got). Whoever changed the name to that from Wheeljack shoud be... ...given a Blood Eagle!!! (google Viking tortures to find out what that is)
  15. Blame Game Informer about the information about Biohazard, the article (It was about changes made to games when they're shipped to other countries) said that the name was already trademarked by a band in the U.S. (the only band I know of with the name Biohazard has Evan Sienfeld as a member), and I inferred that Capcom didn't want a trademark infringement suit from them.Besides, I was running on fumes when I posted that last night, and didn't bother to quote the Pac-Man post.
  16. I was referring to the original 36 episode Super Dimentional Fortress Macross series. From what I've heard (I'm not sure on this front) is that all other Macross series (Plus, &, etc.) are sequels to DYRL (I know that Macross II is, at least), which from what I've read was a re-imagining of the series. I kinda like the character designs from the original. A sequel to that would be kinad cool. Sorry for the confusion.
  17. I just found out today the cause of Dio's death (yeah, I knew he passed on). Stomach cancer can be a bitch and really ruin your day, can't it?
  18. There is a reason why Namco used the name "Pac-Man" here in the U.S.: it's because it was originally named "Puck-Man". The company was worried people would vandalize the machines by changing the "P" to an "F". There is also a reason why Capcom Changed gave the franchise the name "Resident Evil" insead of Biohazard: they were afraid of a lawsuit. But I have a suspicion that if Evan Sienfeld saw the content of the game, he would't have bothered; Hell, he might've even offered to do the music for the game.
  19. I would rather see a live-action version of the sequel of the original Macross series than anything coming out of Tommy Yune's "pen hand". Lord, does Britai Kardinak and Exedor look fugly in their DYRL incarnations. My response to Harmony Gold if a Cease and Desist order does come down the pike: "Shove it up your collective asses!"
  20. Gene Roddenberry, a man that radio talk show host Chris Baker would've loved to rip apart verbally, since Baker hates Utopians. What did expect from the prick? He's been trying his damnedest in deluding Houstonians ever since he set up shop here since the early Eighties.
  21. I'm back from my forced month-long sebbatical, and I see that the skin is haveing an aneurism. I had to switch to lo-fi and back to fix the quick reply section of the thread page.
  22. Angie's back tats?
  23. If you want something good that has kids who curse like sailors, go and pick up a copy of "Stand By Me", one of the best films based off of a Stephen King story.
  24. ... I may get spanked for saying this, but absolutely nothing good has come out of Marxism.
  25. No one, because Virgin Interactive shitcanned the project before it went off the ground when they bought out the original developer; it was deemed too violent. If you want to play a game with that engine, go and get a copy of Wu-Tang Shao-lin Style.
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