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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. My brother is going to love to hear that . Thank goodness I have multiple save files; one Normandy file, one mission file, and one that I have archived (the Tali poker one). I'll just reload the "mission" file whenever the glitch rears its ugly head.There's another glitch in Mass Effect 2 concerning a certain law enforcement officer, the one that you helped put away the Salarian official in Mass Effect 1, and this time she wants your help in nabbing a smuggling ring. After you talk to her and check your beer, the game won't let you talk to your mark (one of the Asari kiosk keepers on Illium). My suggestion: save before you talk to the cop, and only save after you talk to her if you are able to talk to the Asari salesperson.
  2. It was most likely unlocked when the forum skins were changed during maintainence.
  3. I hope you're talking about the Japanese version (if there ever was one), because the English version was damned near atrocious. You can most likely find the full sets of both Super Dementional Cavalry Southern Cross and Genesis Climber Mospeada on DVD at either Best Buy or at Suncoast.
  4. I pronounce Roy's last name like the German person's who helped revolutionize aviation; with a long "o".
  5. I heard a rumor about Grunt concerning his skills once you gain his loaylty (or lack thereof) in Mass Effect 2. The rumor is that BioWare didn't want Grunt to have a skill set tied to loyalty and the way around it is to show he has one, but not to give the players access to it. My brother got his loaylty but couldn't put points into his loaylty skill set, and he's wondering if it's a glitch, as am I.
  6. I haven't seen the flick yet, but Dwight was on yesterday's ManCow show (the powers at be at Radio MOJO 950, in their infinite wisdom, air the show from 3:00-6:00 am the day after the original airing) and confirmed that he did a cameo. .
  7. Case in point with Jazz, since Scatman Caruthers passed away in about 1986 shortly after finishing G1 "Rebirth".
  8. I wish to all that is holy that I was kidding, but when I heard somewhere (it was long ago, though) that Captain Planet was based an idea by Jane Fonda, and Ted Turner gave the go ahead for production, I just about lost all respect I had for the series.
  9. I thought Captain Planet was good for its time.Until I found out who created the thing... ...HANOI JANE!!!
  10. They already had a live-action series in the seventies. At least it wasn't as campy as West's Batman.
  11. I actually read the original origin story for Captain America (I have a book full of excripts of Golden Age Comics), and Steve didn't inject himself with the serum (that scene was in the atrocious 70's television series); the German Doctor who created it did. The story was actualy pretty good.
  12. Damn, Vinnie must've been really hard up. I still think his best role was Detective Goren on Law and Order: Criminal Intent. He had a good swan song in that series (Both Bogosian and Erbe also left the show; Bogosian's exit didn't fare too well for his character).
  13. The only humans in the show I know of were Hachiman and Mumm-Rana (sp.?). There could've been others, but I can't remember off the top of my head.
  14. Both reviewers for Game Informer gave the game a 6.5 out of 10, a below average score (for those of you who don't read Game Informer, an average game according to them scores a 7.0). I do have to say that their reviews do tend to be fairly accurate.I think I'll pick up this game used, if at all. Don't worry about Fallout Vegas, because Alpha Protocol most likely got the shaft in favor of making Fallout Vegas a great product. Remember, that the people who worked on the original Fallout series are working on this game. I can't wait until it comes out.
  15. Man, the D.C. Comics homepage sucks. All I got from the site were a list of the recent comics. I tried getting his bio and and came up with dick.
  16. ... ...A non-jet fighter Seeker is a freaking waste of space in my opinion.
  17. Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years, Thundercats, G.I. Joe, The second season of Transformers G1 on, and Silverhawks are examples of shows that broadcast five days a week.Edit: Both *shudder* the original He-Man and She-Ra Princess of Power fall into this category as well.
  18. I think Mumm-Ra was referring to the Third Age of Earth when he first encountered the Mutants. I think Humanity gets well and truly screwed in the Second Age of Earth.
  19. I hope that they don't include those freaking P.S.A.s at the end of each episode like they did during the series' original run.
  20. And no blue scales on the suit?
  21. Man, that character is actually better than Thor. Bill's bio is here.
  22. "Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form into... Mumm-Ra, the Ever... Living!!! Yeaahhhh!!!!"
  23. I hope the film won't be as cheesy as that made-for-television Bill Bixby/Lou Ferrigno Incredible Hulk movie. In the comics, the normal guy who owns Mjolnir is actually supposed to transform into Thor, not summon him.
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