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Everything posted by Wanzerfan

  1. I envy you. My brother paid full retail for his over at the GameStop on Texas State Hwy 6 Copperfield location (don't bother looking for that particluar store, they closed it when they changed the ebGames that was located in the Copperfield Randall's shopping center to GameStop).
  2. Here's a few songs that'll kill your lawn. Motorhead "Born to Raise Hell" "Ace of Spades" "The Game" (it's good that Motorhead that does Triple H's theme music; Lemmy has a very recognizable voice) "Killed by Death" (I love rocking to this one while driving in the video game "Scarface: The World is Yours")
  3. I remeber my brother and I having a few of those Switch Force toys when they first came out in about 1980. The two we had were the black Trans Am that turned into a jet and a yellow Corvette (the A-Team Face version shown in the commercial is basicly a white remold of the one we had).
  4. You're not kidding there. I just checked Shotgunnova's spoiler free walkthrough over at GameFaqs.com, and it seems there are only two locations for money; it looks like I missed the locker in the main lab during my first playthrogh of the mission. Curiously, money you find on the mission doesn't match what Cerberus pays you, unlike most other missions of the game. Thanks for next to nothing, BioWare guys.
  5. Let's not forget his appearance on Justice League Unlimited. Both appearances were badass.
  6. Not that hard, since the first Artist he parodied was Michael Jackson. At least he recieved permission from the artists to do them (I think the only reason why Coolio says he refused to give permission was to keep his street cred; I suspect that he secretly gave "Weird" Al permission to parody "Gansta's Paradise").
  7. Anybody who doesn't know where these came from should have his head examined. Blue Oyster Cult "Veteran of the Psychic Wars" Grand Funk Railroad "Queen Bee" Cheap Trick "Reach Out" Black Sabbath (Heaven and Hell) "The Mob Rules" Journey "Open Arms" And this song describes one segment of the movie (even though it's not in the movie): Blue Oyster Cult: "Vengence/The Pact"
  8. The only thing I have from the ToyNami line is a freaking chibi VAF-6R morpher (I know I'm using the R.P.G. designaton, so deal with it), you know the one that has the spring-powered wheels. I played with it for a while and then put it right back in the box. My brother has a limited edition chromed Rick Hunter chibi Veritech that came in a tin. I have to say of the two toys, the Rick Hunter one is of much shittier quality.
  9. To quote my college professor Foster when he gave out our term paper assingments on politics..."EVERYTHING'S POLITICAL!!!"
  10. Firewalker's a blast to play. The hovercraft controls similarly to the Sodium craft in PSN's Salt Shooter game, it's just that the Mass Effect hovercraft has a better weapon. I just finished the freaking freezing world, and no suprise, no credits other than what The Illusive Man pays me. I'm now about to tackle the freaking volcano and I'm wondering one thing (I tried the mission before, but I decided to reload a previous save and save that mission for last): are there any credits hidden in that mission other than the ones squirreled away in that wall safe? I want to get the full 1,200 credits in the mission that matches what Cerberus pays me.
  11. If you can stomach their sh|t: Robotech.com.If you want to buy them, though, I think Amazon.com might have a [sarcasm]few[/sarcasm] left.
  12. Thanks for the info. I'll go ahead and do Firewalker and hold off going for the IFF until after my brother downloads Overlord (I certainly don't want to lose any of the Normandy's crew during my first Paragon playthough). Maybe I'll go back to playing Dragon Age: Origins or maybe Fallout 3.
  13. Well, I completed just about every assingment except the Liara missions (I do not want the Renegade points associated with that mess) and Firewalker. The reason being is, well, I think I'll use a spoiler tag. After I'm done with this playthrough I'm most likely going to start the whole shebang over again from the beginning, Most likely a male Shepard with a different Class and appearance (I'm using a Soldier now). I wanted to do Bring Down the Sky content (we got the Platinum Hits version after I started a vanilla Mass Effect 1 Career; big mistake not restarting the game) and get some of those ME1 Achievements I've missed.
  14. I forgot to ask, how many Microsoft Points does the "Overlord" DLC cost? I don't have an X-Box Live account, so we have to use my brother's (it's a good thing the DLC that you get can be used on all the profiles on the console).
  15. I hope the response to the Cease and Desist order is going to be "Shove it up your ass, and I hope Big West eats your f*cking lunch, *ssholes."
  16. You want some Rush? "Limelight" "Early Distant Warning" (#1 in my book) "Tom Sawyer" "Fly by Night" "Subdivisions" (close #2) "Free Will" "Spirit of Radio" (good song; not one of my favorites, though) "New World Man" "Closer to the Heart"
  17. Too bad, I liked Zakk's work on No Rest for the Wicked.As for your little mantra, areaseven: cute, real cute . The reason why I didn't know this little bit of news about Ozzy is that I just about stopped caring about him around halfway through "The Osbounes". He didn't have Gene's, how do I say it, charisma and pure arrogance in doing his reality show. Probably the reason why his show failed, and why "Gene Simmons: Family Jewels" is doing so well (besides, Nick and Sophie are more interesting than Jack and Kelly; probably because they're sober).
  18. Given his track record, I'd say that Kojima's certifiably insane.
  19. Well, the story does take place mostly in the Terminus Systems, where moral ambiguity is the norm, so it stands to reason that you get renegade points no matter what you do. Also it seems that BioWare is taking "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" approach to storytelling, where everything literally goes to hell before the story is finally resolved at the end of the next game. If there is any setting BioWare can use for its next MMORPG, Mass Effect would be the perfect coice, as I've said before. After they're through with the Knights of the Old Republic one, that is.
  20. Ahh ZZ Top. The band that should've done the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show, instead of that nimrod Janet Jackson and the douche-bag that caused her "wardrobe malfunction". That car would make an excellent Transformer, if you can get the permission of Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill, and Frank Beard to do it, that is.
  21. I suspect you gave the response on the middle right hand of the side of the response wheel when you confronted the Krogan after defeating the Thresher Maw. I did the same when talking to Grunt about the Turan body being mutilated by a claw hammer and recieved a 5 point Renegade boost for the trouble.
  22. I just finished Thane's loyalty mission, and I had Garrus with me, and, trust me, it was well worth it. He says something sarcastic when he finds out about the Shepard V.I., something along the lines of "That's harsh, Commander". Shepard's reponse was equally good: "Laugh it up, Garrus." For something even better, ask Mordin about "Gilbert and Sullivan" after you complete his loyalty mission. His version of "Modern Major General" had me laughing my ass off. His dialogue tree when he finds out that you're persuing Tali as a lover is equally hilarious. Joker has a few good lines as well in the game as well. My favorite of his so far is, "Garrus finally worked the stick out of his butt, but now he's trying to beat people to death with it. I can't believe I liked the old Garrus better." That one always brings a smile to my face. What he says when you bring Grunt's staitis capsule on board is the ultimate of sarcastic goodness.
  23. Good lord. Space: 1999 was a real classic. Loved the show when it came out.
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