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About Wanzerfan

  • Birthday 09/13/1970

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    Harris County, Texas

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  1. Bartholomew Fatima called. It seems he wants his Yddrasil sand criuser back. Hopefully Manga will get their hands on this one. Here's to seeing this one on my 360 in a few years.
  2. I wouldn't even wipe my ass with the new script. 'Nuff said.
  3. Soviets and Cubans. Although I don't see why the Cubans would be involved in an invasion, because after we kicked both them and the borscht-eaters out, we'd go balls-out on Cuba, commiting militaricide going all the way to Castro for payback. If the Soviets didn't like that, well f*ck 'em.I don't see a remake of Grand Theft Auto's war documentary movie going far in this day and age.
  4. Well in other video game news I just saw on XBox live that there will be a new Counter-Strike game. Nice to see a game grow from a community mod of the original Half-Life. And in Valve-related news: For all you Achievement sl*ts *ahem* hunters out there, pick up a copy of The Orange Box. It has a slew of Achievements, most of them worth 5 gamerscore .
  5. The character's name is Jack Dalton, played by Bruce McGill. Real funny guy; he crackes me up every time I see him on Rizolli & Isles (he plays Corsack (sp.?; I'm in the process of reading the novels, so I'll update his character's name later).I used to watch the show when it was on the air, and my sister totally loved the show. Years ago I wondered why Dana Elcar's character was using a different name after the first episode of the series before I learned that the network (I think it was USA) actually aired the pilot during the syndication run. Talk about a "duh!" moment . Oh and when I finally found out what his first name was, I really didn't care, mainly because one of Austrailia's best musicians is named Angus .
  6. Well, Manga is now airing the subbed version of the Space Battleship Yamato movie, which I guess is a condensed version of the "Journey to Iscandar" series. I might give that a try after watching the rest of what's on my plate.
  7. This is video game related. I've been recently been watching Rage Quit from Rooster Teeth. Funny stuff. I'll post more when I have time.
  8. Man, I used to watch VanDread when it was Encore Wam! years ago. I loved the series, too bad they didn't do a third series, I would've watched it, too. Too bad Comcast dropped the channel a few years ago when Houston aquired them for their cable service and dropped Time Warner.
  9. Well it looks like I'm going to have to wait to see "The New Voyager", since Manga hasn't added it to their lineup as of yet. Hopefully they'll add it by the time I'm through with the second series. Thanks for the heads up about "Farewell Yamato" (that's how Manga has the tile), Keith, I'll do my best to skip that (well, at least until I'm though with the rest of the franchise). Matsumoto, huh? I thought the style looked familiar. So is Yamato in the same universe as Captain Harlock and Galaxy Express 999 or is it a seperate story altogether?
  10. Okay from seeing the capsule of "Farewell, Yamato", I have a feeling that movie is either "The Comet Empire" cut down into a movie or they expanded "Farewell Yamato" into a second series, so I'll probably watch the second season instead. I have no idea where "Be Forever Yamato" and "Final Yamato" falls in the timeline, so I'll wait for input from you guys before I watch those. I'm still having a blast watching the first season of Star Blazers. Watching "Journey to Iscandar" I have the feeling that the Americans only changed the names of the characters and not the overall plot. I still would like to see the dub of the original Japanese script, though, but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Unless that has already happened that is.
  11. I have a question related to the Colorado tragedy. Have the police finally gained entry into that f*cktard's apartment? From what I've heard, he had it booby-trapped with explosives to such a scale they had to send a robot into it. My condolonces go to the families. One of the victims was an aspiring television sportscaster who moved there from San Antonio, TX.
  12. Okay, I knew that the original Ghost in the Shell was a movie released in the theatres, I was insinuating that the director's cut was an OVA. Second, Bolar Wars was also not aired in Houston, Texas, so I had no idea it was released stateside (having dial-up until a few years ago also didn't help me in getting the news).
  13. I second that. I especially loved how the Hellboy crew told Tambor's character to "Take This Job and Shove It" in the "The Golden Army". I would absolutely love to see a third movie. This proves that you can't really say "no" to make a wish without looking like a total ass, can you ? (That last comment was made entirely tongue-in-cheek, mind you)
  14. I don't know how true this is, but I heard a rumor from my XBox live friends that EA is going to be jacking the price of their online pass for thier games by 100% (from 800 MS points (about $10.00 U.S.) to 1600 points (about $20.00 U.S.), further screwing over gamers who either buy their games used, or share their games with others (two players can play Mass Effect 3 multiplayer using both disks in different systems). I'm sorry, but if this is true, then E.A. can kiss my ass as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Well I installed the Manga app onto my 360 recently, and was suprised to see StarBlazers on it. When I saw the secondary titles for them I thought that they were movies. Imagine how pleased I was when I clicked on Iscander and found that it was the complete seres. Then I clicked on the other two folders and found that Manga has finally released Space Battleship Yamato season 3 here in the States under the title "The Bolar Wars". From what I've seen of Iscander, it's the original American Dub that I know and love, though I would've loved to see a dubbing of the original Japanese script translation. Maybe I was about seven at the time, but I never noticed that IQ-9 was such an arrogant S.O.B. when I originally saw the series. And the enemy knowing exacly the name of the force they're fighting with alomst no inlel, well I chalk that up to the American writers trying to cater to a young audience. I'm also happy to announce that Manga is also airing both Yamato movies directly translated (I have to check to see if they're subbed or dubbed, though). Other Manga items of note: They have the remake of the original Ghost in the Shell OVA (it's probable a director's cut), both Stand Alone Complex movies (I'm guessing The Laughing Man is a summary of the first series) and the entire Stand Stand Alone Complex series. They haven't released 2nd. Gig as of yet, though.
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