Trying to get this guy back into gerwalk mode and am having a very hard time getting the gerwalk leg joint to extend. Is there some sort of release or trick I'm missing?
Just got my YF-19 and it's great! Put it into gerwalk mode and found no obvious issues.
However I'm having a real hard time plugging the fast pack leg parts in securely. Is there some trick to this that I'm not getting?
Best thing to cut down on parts would be to offer two different connecting parts to plug into the top of the stand, one part to accommodate Yamato adapters and another for Bandai's.
Also quite interested in these myself. A jointed, adjustable arm would be coolest for certain and could cut down on the need for multiple fixed arms for the different transformation modes.
What kind of stand is that? I desperately need a display stand for my YF-19. Flightpose stands seem like the best option but the paint transfer issues some folks have had have me scared. D:
Ah, I think I understand. Any way of tightening that joint if it happens to get loose down the road? It's just a ball joint so I assume a bit of future/clear nail polish would work?
I'm aware Yamato made some specialized display stands for their VFs but these appear to be long sold out. Just ordered Arcadia's YF-19 and am curious if any particular display stand would well with these things. Preferably a stand that would work in all three modes (the product notes for the 19 indicate that it comes with a stand adapter, assumedly for the old Yamato stands)
I think something you're all forgetting is the average size of the Japanese otaku's living space. How many people are going to have enough room to properly store this beast?
Just got Max's VF-1J today and I farted up. The head snapped off, not at the ball joint (which is SUPER farting tight), but the pin hinge below it. It's snapped clean off, and I don't know how or if I can fix it. ;_; Help?