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Everything posted by Rbstr

  1. It's also not how plasma works. Unless speculative matters include physical laws. Given this is Anime...I guess that's entirely possible. You just aren't going to contain a plasma on the outside of a single magnetized slug in a meaningful way. The only particularly weaponizable way of shooting plasma at something is to somehow get it compressed inside of some kind of containment so it can't radiate it's heat out very well. But you're talking a lot of energy to do that. It makes far more sense to use available energy accelerate a heavy slug than to heat up something up until it ionizes. When you start talking railgun speeds...that slug is either going to blow a hole right through or, more likely, melt/vaporize/ionize itself and whatever it's hitting. But Like I said...that doesn't really matter....it's anime they can do whatever they want to physics Still, similarly to Killer Robot, I think we might be hitting some translation snags. I wouldn't know: what's the difference between sabot and cartridge in Japanese? I mean...Gold makes sense to use as a component of railgun ammunition because of its conductivity. It doesn't make too much sense as the actual penetrator...it's not very hard. DU and tungsten are both better options. I suspect the gold is actually used as a sabot. It could very well be totally ionized in the firing process by the way, if you've seen on go off - that flash is plasma from the projectile/sabot being ablated.
  2. If NMC only refers to the combination of a Battle and City dome like Macross 7 how do we explain "25th New Macross Class Emigration Fleet" applying to Frontier? and the Galaxy fleet is the 21st "NMCEF" What qualifies them for that? To me it seems that it points to this: New Macross Class refers to when a Battle Class is attached(perhaps not physically, until we get more about Galaxy) to a colony ship - seemingly regardless of type. It could be a city or island or galaxy's mainland thing. That's consistent in all of the fleets we've seen. (I guess my first post isn't too clear, I wasn't referring to the Battle class being the NMC itself.) This makes some in-universe sentimental kind of sense too - the "First" Macross was a battleship with a population of civilians protected inside of it...so a New Macross fleet is a "New" Macross - a Battle class - with a population of civilians under its protection.
  3. It makes sense to some degree: Frontier is the 55th Super-Long-Range Emigration Fleet. Regardless of actual fleet composition. The megaroad that Misa commanded would probably be the first. I think "New Macross Class" refers to the battle ship attached to the fleet. So Frontier is the fleet that took on the the 25th New Macross Class ship - the Battle Frontier. Large Scale probably has to do with the number of people involved...Macross 7 only had a city so it doesn't qualify. Frontier had multiple cities/a really big city plus all the other islands.
  4. GAh! Turret, not turrent. Where the hell does the word "turrent" come from? So many people use it it it's so...not a word. It can't be a typo because 'n' isn't anywhere near turret. It's on the bottom, all the rest of on the top row.
  5. The Galaxy's just looks shorter because the whole thing is turned more toward the viewer
  6. I don't see any real difference between the three gun ships at the bottom in terms of style or shape. The 13 looks like it's picture has been "squashed" so I won't comment on that Frontier's does seem like it might be a bit longer. That's not really unexpected given that it was built quite a while after the 7. Little changes in big ships can sometimes be quite large.
  7. Poor Osugi - it just isn't his day. I giggled at how "Uncle" only cost 60 yen but "find Girl from yesterday" was considerably more expensive.
  8. So here's a question I have: Are Nia and Simon living together after the 7 year jump (prior to the engagement)? We see that golden flowery looking house on the pond which seems to be hers because that's where the old man is. But that seems like an awfully fancy place for just her, and fairly fitting for the Commander-in-chief. Also I agree about viral, he's quite something. So's Genome
  9. So I finished watching this at about 5am this morning. I couldn't put it down once it got started. Not only was it one of the most absurd things I'd ever seen....giant robot's throwing big bangs at each other: holy fart. It's also got to be one of the most consistently sad things I'd ever watched. But it was in a good way, inspirational sadness....? The emotional aspects of were really well done. Especially Simon and Yoko's depression when Kamina dies, the whole brigade trying to get it's self back together then Nia shows up and gets Simon back together. The fact that there aren't really evil characters (I'm not gonna count the 3 of those 4 big beastmen in on this...they were designed/brainwashed that way). Genome was beaten to to point of madness but everything he does is to preserve the spirals. Anti-spirals just don't want the universe to end. It also had a great ending....but wow it was terribly sad. In that final battle when Nia started to sort of disappear I saw it coming and dreaded it. Simon say's it's ok...but I just don't see how he could possibly be happy after that. If one guy deserves to have his happiness it's Simon. When the ring landed at Yoko's feet I hopped that the two might end up together...not necessarily romantically but as support for each other's losses.
  10. I dono, Alto seems to get his VF-25 blown up a lot.
  11. Hi, I'm new here and a new fan to the series...having not been born yet when it was created(first encounter was CN's 1998 RT re-airing). I just finished watching Frontier this past weekend. So, enough of the disclaimers: I don't think you can cut Alto out. I'm not his biggest fan...but he's actually fairly integral to the story. Yeah he's not the best developed character...but that is probably Frontier's critical storytelling fault. He's got a great pool of potential character development available to him that we've kind of glimpsed at but never delved into particularly well. Given that the triangle never got resolved...I imagine there's some kind of direct sequel that we could eventually see and that could "fix" his character. The series was like 3/4ths of a proper story we got everything up to and including the climax but we never got the falling action or denouement/catastophe. It's very much like we got the first 27 episodes of SDFM up to the epic battle, but none of the rest of it. And that's where Kikaru really grows up anyway, IMO.
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