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Everything posted by Rbstr

  1. I'm calling it now: "Normal" red head is also a contractor or has some kind of importance. And Masked dude is not BK201. They've got a new music director, it's to Yoko any more...but apparently he was a member of the seatbelts...I liked what I heard in the episode too.
  2. That and DYRL is a historical drama in series cannon. So Ai Oboete Imasuka isn't a protoculture song to begin with....not that it's hard to hand wave as racial memory or something. Or reto-car-robots that play basketball the gods' sport! and save the earth (I assume...things could go horribly wrong at this point I guess..but this ain't a gainax production)
  3. If "See You Space Cowboy" doesn't make you go go "hell yes" I just don't know what I can say to ya. And Who can forget the OP...Three Two One, lets go. For good measure.
  4. I get what matthew was doing, didn't need the memory...or rather didn't want it holding him/her/it back. So mahoro's memories were removed from the collective memory somehow. I see that as one of three things: She's a corporeal being again She's now a schizo/BSG style virtual person thing in his head. She's a spirit ala red-haired school girl and misato died too so they meet again. (Both have the whole unfinished promise thing going on...plus this would also fit with the haunted school episode as foreshadowing) Anyway there's a OVA coming out isn't there? What's the news on that?
  5. I just watched Mahoromatic. Not only at the end of each episode do you have to be reminded of how many days she's got left but...I guess my take on that ending is that he's dead they both end up spirits IE. the haunted school episode. Mainly because Matthew says he/she/it's leaving behind a memory. Timeskip Misato was badass though...stabbed though the chest and thinking about picking up a prostitute. I think the only strait up happy Gainax endings are Abenobashi and FLCL. Everything else is bittersweet at best.
  6. Have you seen the first season? It's decent. Also spawned a decent meme "Chinese Electric Batman"
  7. You know, I think it is that Eva is just an action show in the time period this movie covers. All the conspiracy stuff doesn't really show up until later. And then everything goes to pot after pen-pen gets put on the bus.
  8. Disappearing near the center of the galaxy, to me, implies the black hole/other force of nature bad end in my opinion.. In fact it's the end that makes the most sense...something falling into a black hole would leave no trace. Barring that 2060 doesn't have to equal dead at all! Hikaru wouldn't even be 70 yet. (And in looking up his age to make sure: Wiki has one Miku Ichijyo listed as his daughter!..what's the source on that? I'm sure that's new somehow, or may be I'm just an idiot). But that's not the point, I want the MIA to become a KIA or crashed on planet, lost technology, but lived in a nice little village of survivors until he died/retired to being grandpa or whatever. Don't need a series, just a factoid.
  9. I'm watching Planetes. I'm 10 episodes in. They've really shown their work with this one. It's probably the mot realistic space-based scifi show I've ever seen. Plus I quite like the way, so far, the universe's depth is being introduced. the focus is almost entirely on the character's daily lives but you get the outer world worming it's way in like the terrorist training/preparation and stuff. Also: YUUKI!!!!! TM8.0 you are mean.
  10. See, but they didn't ride off into the sunset...they rode off into nothingness...lost. It's reasonable to not want to delve back into those characters...I'm fine with it. However, being told they disappeared isn't satisfying. It's not happily lived ever after or dead...it's limbo someplace in between. I only want a final fate for that ship stated...it doesn't need to have a series, just a mention in a new installment of the franchise.
  11. I can't help myself! What is this, anyway? Kids show of some kind...or have moe shows gone of the deep end?
  12. I'm surprised anyone though Endless Eight was going to be less(or more?! 0_o) than 8 episodes after about the third repeat. I actually find the whole thing highly amusing concept...It was a kind of way to transmit the despair of the characters to real life. All the fan rage.
  13. I want the end of Martian Successor Nadesico. If they hadn't have mad that movie I'd be OK with the ending but with the movies ending the whole thing was left wide open.
  14. There's all sorts of loose ends for the movies.
  15. Honestly...the censoring is better than just having it all hang out. There's a rule: The hotness of and outfit is directly proportional to the chances of said outfit having a wardrobe malfunction. Quite often the "clothed" chick is simply hotter than the strait up naked one. See EVA 2.0 with the beer can/straw gag...hotness AND humor...hard to get better than that.
  16. It's not anime..it's manga...but i read Onani Master Kurosawa Given the premise...well you'd almost think it was a joke..but it gets good. Still watching Monster otherwise...I like how this world's got irredeemable apefaces and unfaltering nice people and everything in between. It seems too often that you get idealist vs. crap-hole-world or nice vs. bad...or everyone has nice deep down inside. EDIT: That most wanted list is great...Keiichi as #3...I'd be careful trying to apprehend him...you might find you've suddenly failed to exist.
  17. Basquash just introduced some giants/zentradi...so it may be this has already come to pass.
  18. The only thing that makes me want more of those three is that we're just told they disappeared there's no explanation. I'd be happy with the franchise "discovering" what happened to them over the course of, or even as a small bit of a future series.
  19. I'd like a bit more just-after space war 1 stuff...like the founding of planet Eden. Or something on Earth in the mac7 or frontier decades. Perhaps a bit of political intrigue, how launching of colony ships effects family ties and stuff. Or maybe a fairly direct sequel to Frontier dealing with the settlement on the vajra planet in the spirit of the post rain of death reconstruction SDFM episodes. That'd give us more background of vajra/protoculture interaction and triangle settlement. Though, TBH, I'd be fine with just the former. the "Tenchi solution" works fine with me. (I love TVtropes) Honestly more macross is good macross to me...I'd just like it to try and keep out of the too common ordinary highschooler, falling into the cockpit type stuff, if possible. (though that was subverted to some extent in frontier...because he was training to be a pilot...it still kinda annoys me)
  20. I've started monster...I'm about 10 episodes in now. Tenma is to nice what grown up Simon is to badass IMO. and Anna + dress she wore to the candy club...hot as hell.
  21. I'm watching Now and Then, Here and There. The entirety of episode 11 had me on the verge of tears. I don't know is it gets more horrifying than getting kidnapped form your planet and put though what Sara's been though. All because she resembles someone else. EDIT: Ep. 12 stepped into the "too mean" region... The end left me relieved that it was over more than anything...this is one of those that I imagine a lot of people couldn't watch twice.
  22. Man...this weeks basquash seems to have take a turn toward to more hardcore. Fights to the death an all.
  23. I've watched some of it...it's kind of hit or miss...The broodwich episode is hilarious.
  24. I used to play in a couple MW4 leagues with a clan...one ladder and one galaxy-sim type thing. lol I was in middleschool and on a dialup connection back then IIRC.
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