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Everything posted by Rbstr

  1. Mao died when the research fleet was attacked by Vajra (when ranka was 5). Like why would Sheryl be out on the streets if her grandmother was just chilling in the Galaxy fleet? It's not so much that it's a "random speculation" it that it isn't even possible.
  2. Sure they could be different...but the narrative requirements (and footage shown already) mean the SV-262 is going to be at least in the same ballpark as the 31. Given that's it's got two engines they're probably going to be similar. So it's unlikely that something that looks and quacks and flies like a duck isn't at least pretty dang similar to a duck. But mostly I just object to your exhaust nozzle melting statement. It doesn't make sense physically at all. If you can deal with two engines with separate nozzles you can deal with two engines exhausting into the same nozzle without much trouble. It's just not that different (and anyway, if you can make the engine you must have the technology to stand up to its operating temperatures to begin with).
  3. #1 Why wouldn't they be about the same size and performance? It's not like their VF is going to be substantially worse than the 31, it'd make little sense in the narative. #2 Simple thermo will say that, adding two streams of one temperature together results in a stream with the same temperature (in the absense of additional work performed on the system). So if it could handle the split temperature it can handle the together temperature, since they have to be the same. A more full descriptions is: If you take two exhausts with a circular cross-sectional area of 1*pi unit^2, and combine them into an exhaust with a cross-sectional area of 2*pi units^2 you have not changed the mass flow rate OR the flow velocity and you have especially not changed the exhaust's initial temperature. So the only change is that you've reduced the exhaust circumference by a bit over 25%. So you're overall exhaust surface area goes down leading to less heat lost by the exhaust on its way out (if your exhaust length remains the same). This could matter it you were piping the exhaust someplace and needed it to cool off X amount first, but here it's a very short duct and is immediately vented to the outside. The key is that at the temperature will start at the same place it did before, even if it decreases more slowly. And what I've described is about the worse case for the SV-262. The "real" geometry looks to scale in a more favorable way.
  4. This two engine/one engine thing is just so wierd since we get a very clear show in the episode itself...Like, have some of you not watched it? Here's a good WebM seti88 posted https://data.desustorage.org/a/image/1461/50/1461509514003.webm Clearly two engines, just arranged close. Why would the feet be any different than normal (which is already some kind of advanced overtech stuff)? The engines are just side by side, they aren't compressing the exhaust so the temperature and the flow rate impinging against any given surface would be basically the same between this and a "normal" configuration.
  5. We really need fan art of the knife fight scene with Hayate and Mirage inserted. As far as Freyja knowing Roid...She knows who he is because he's an important Windermerian public figure. AFAIK the manga hasn't painted Freyja as someone that has any particular connection to the noble/ruler types. Of course anything is possible in her earlier backstory.
  6. The Aether clearly detached from a kind of stub thingy just past the Elysion's elbow @ 7:23
  7. Yeah, exactly: Who knows? I'm sure, since it was brought up at all, it will probably be demonstrated somehow eventually. In episode 1 it looks like Freyja can jump pretty dang high. But it's hard to tell if that was just typical anime funsies or if it was a demonstration of impressive ability.
  8. It's really not safe to assume anything since this whole line of thought is conjecture.
  9. Nobody knows! It appears to be targeted to specific places or people based on context. They'll probably either explain Heinz's system in the show. Or it'll never be explained. I know everyone likes digging for hard rules...but unless it directly impacts the plot it might not actually be something with an answer. For example: Are there more Wakure-type groups around? If the show never goes to places outside the Ragna/Windermere local-ish area they maybe wouldn't bother with actually having a real official answer for that. That's part of the reason Macross tends to avoid revisiting stuff, they can play loose with the universe.
  10. Compared to the rest of them, though, she's a small fry. Like she didn't even save the galaxy or anything.
  11. She says something like "Gotta make the best of your 30 years" Mirage explains that they get pretty great physical ability but only live 30 years on average.
  12. It turns out she's a Christmas Cake....older even!
  13. Doubtful, it doesn't give them the motivation they seem to have. Their 30 is roughly equivalent to our 70-something. Like that's when they die of "old age" type problems, rather than accidents or disease or whatnot.
  14. Pretty much. It's clearly intentional having the generational and physical distance gaps have tended to refocus things. Lots of stuff going on in the galaxy can't have a few people be there for all of it. Though I do really love hearing about or seeing what old main characters have been up to. Like if we don't hear a bit about what the Jeniuses have been up to in the last couple decades I will be sad.
  15. I really hope we get to see a macronized Mirage. That would really make my week.
  16. That concept is possible with today's technology, even. You just need good position and ballistic data, accurate actuation of the gun mount and a simple computer. The VF-1Ex dogfight seems to show a HUD view where it looks like that kind of thing is happening. For gerwalk and battroid you clearly need the computer to figure out exactly how to point the gun to hit a certain target anyway. Or to show, based on current orientation, where it's going to hit. Guess it depends on how the pilot actually controls the thing.
  17. The implication is also that this went on over about two months, it's just compressed considerably. That was the timeframe Arad gave Mirage. (I would also note, that the scene where he's skipped class he's clearly been in the classroom at least some, with the laptop and books and all that around the empty seat) I don't really count one surprise attack as really outmaneuvering Mirage. He spent nearly 5 minutes getting wrecked.
  18. Yeah, she seems to be crushing pretty good on him. But he seems even more "No Fun Zone" than Mirage. There's plenty of setup there for tragedy :/ Speaking of Arad, he probably needs to own a jellyfish fishing boat with the way he downs that snack item.
  19. Given that it is anime, we should probably expect it to contain very common anime tropes. I've always found diving right into the serious business tends to dull its weight as well. Let us also remember chasing a pair of panties around a highschool in Frontier. Basara, eating a leaf and otherwise. Getting shot down flying a bicycle to the moon. Pineapples being a harbinger of death. "Mercat troubles" is simply the latest in a long line of comedic stuff. Sure it's taken various forms but at some point you have to admit this is par for the course. I also feel like he tried to do it in the earlier flight training session only to be stopped via the AI helper. And his general flying incompetence. The whole mercat thing actually illuminated Hayate's personality a bit more. In general he seems like he's a pretty likable/fun guy. He was best buds with Chuck and the kiddos right away. He's got quite a different attitude to Alto or Basara. He's kind of inverted compared to them. They were driven, they had reasons. Hayate doesn't really, he's fairly talented but hasn't found something to apply it to that gives any fulfillment so he's never really reached a wall he's wanted to overcome before. Chasing the mercat kinda showed he could be dedicated to things when he finds an interest in it. Sure it was frivolous and "fun" but he put serious effort into it. He found flying amazing but it was also work so and he didn't really get that the work was required, after this episode it seems like he's had his epiphany and saw the work was going to be worth it this time. Though i imagine he's not just going to flip to dedicated overnight. We'll see next week!
  20. The map made it look like it might be in one of the magellanic clouds. Those are smaller galaxies that orbit the Milky Way.
  21. Which sort of brings up another question. It's a Macross-type ship, it has to have a macross-type canon. Does it drop an ARMD? Does it go back to the tuning-fork over the shoulder?
  22. I think it turns out there's simply a ton of protoculture-derived races all over the galaxy. All you have to do is get to space and start exploring and you'll find them. Humanity just happened to be the lucky* ones to get to space on a somewhat faster timeline thanks to the Supervision Army ship crash landing on Earth. *Actual luck may be debatable...given it nearly caused our extinction too.
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