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Everything posted by Checkmate

  1. http://www.finescale.com/fsm/community/for...?TOPIC_ID=20519 check the above link. it might help you out. especially about the hp-cs .35 mm and .5 mm needle/nozzle combo.
  3. how large is that bottle that would last for 5 years?
  4. well i guess i can't persuade you anymore about getting an Iwata. about the air supply: try going to home depot. they have big compressors there with tanks that are around $135. it does'nt have an air regulator or water trap though. the regulator/trap combo i think ranges from $20 to $60. it depends on how it can handle the pressure coming from your comp.
  5. Have you tried using a gravity fed a/b? IMHO it's really better than using a siphone fed. you can airbrush at any angle unlike a siphon fed. And every drop of paint is really used unlike the siphon fed which requires a lot of paint. I used to have a Badger Anthem 155 which was a siphone fed, doub action. It was easy to clean and sprays fine. But in the long run i was limited by the angle i should airbrush. the .35 mm n/n HP-CS really sprays pretty good broad strokes. And really easy to clean. beacuase of the top paint cup it's easily cleaned by sparying thinner and wiping it with tissue paper. the usual rituals of removing the needle and soaking nozzles and caps still do apply.
  6. I recently bought a Iwata HP-CS. It's double action, gravity fed, and has .35 mm nozzle/needle which sprays from pencil thin lines to fairly broad strokes. try visiting www.dixiart.com If you want to spray really broad strokes get an additional .5 mm needle/nozzle combo for $15 i think. And shipping is free!
  7. HAve you tried goint to Wal-Mart? I had the same problem 2 years ago and bought some male connectors from them. the connectors i bought where made by CH also.
  8. pards visit Greattoys.net. Click on the message board. I think that store has the lowest priced 1/48's in Manila.
  9. So the two characters after purple meant a little! Yes! I've been looking all over the net just to translate those two characters! For those of you who needs to translate GUnze colors hope this link helps. http://www.apc.net/mechworks/colorguide.html
  10. Checkmate


    amen to that!
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