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Everything posted by Checkmate

  1. Good job, Jef!
  2. I'm sure MW modellers will make wonders out if this kit even if there are flaws. Wrong or missing panels lines? Misplaced gun pods? Wrong color? It can be fixed. It's a new Macross kit! Affordable! I'm excited!
  3. I don't want to post another thread for a simple question. Benson was kind enough to give me his 1:48 Yamato cluster missiles. I'm ready to repaint and I just need verification for the colors. Picture is from http://www.macross2.net
  4. it does look good in black! : ) thanks for the input, guys. Cleaning airbrush? I use laquer thinner that I bought from Home Depot. It's just for cleaning right? Strips away acrylic and a lacquer paint from your AB. I've been using it for years and so far have not encountered any problems. When I use it I have my gloves and respirator on. ALWAYS. Oops, I didn't read the original question. Disregard my previous post. : )
  5. I based the black markings from the Wave CF. Then, i did a little more searching and saw that the Yamato toys had white ones. Whew! I panicked a bit there. Thanks, Jeff!
  6. Noyhauser, O.K. I'll start scanning tomorrow.
  7. Guys, Have you tried applying a wet transfer decal over another one?I used the black instead of the white UN. SPACY decal. : (
  8. Cain, I'm not familiar with the mecha but that looks impressive!
  9. I'm not sure if this is the right section to place this thread. Mods, feel free to move it. I received my VF Manual last week. It's beautiful! i'm willing to scan the "how to section" of the book if you guys are interested in translating it for the Non-Japanese.
  10. ANy upcoming events that you guys know of, that Bandai might show us some more photos? I'm still undecided on whether to cancel my HLJ order or not.
  11. While building my 1:48 Hasegawa kit, I've learned a few tricks. : ) Verniers: I painted them in advance then filled it with White tack to mask it. Kite decal: Have you applied those kites to your kit only to notice that the base color is showing through the white Kite? 1. airbrush the approximate spot where you're Kite needs to be applied with white paint. 2. affix the round sticker. this will act as a mask. 3. airbrush the base coat. Canopy: The kit came with two canopies. I attached the more rounded canopy on the kit with white glue. Used this while painting the rest of the kit. Paint brush: I have been airbrushing fro years and never thought of using an old paint brush to clean the insides of the AB's paint cup. Learned this trick from Flory's pro-modeller website. Yellow latex gloves: This is a godsend! I've always used latex gloves from work. But those kind gets melted easily by lacquer thinner. You can buy the yellow ones from any CVS or Rite aid for $1 a pair. 3M respirator: I have been using this since I started airbrushing. If you don't have one, get one now. Save your lungs! Resources: The internet. EVERYTHING I needed to get started on airbrushing, model building I learned from the internet. oops, also some old issues of Fine Scale modelling.
  12. From what I remember, Cartograf is an Italian decal company that made decals for tamiya. IMO, Catorgraf makes the best decals.
  13. Tochiro, yeah I did! $119 + $12 shipped. I hope it arrives this Saturday. I'll post pics too.
  14. Thanks for the very informative posts, guys! I was about to ask the same questions that OP did.
  15. They used to have Macross Plus too.
  16. Windy with lots of pollen sucks too. : (
  17. LOL! When can we see your CF Jeff?
  18. Thanks, Jeff! I based the color on the Wave Battroid CF. Do you think I should lighten it a bit? The base coat of white, I was thinking of using grey that's recommended for Hikaru"s VF-1A.
  19. ANimeogo set for $119 + $12 shipping.
  20. Thanks guys! I was really close to buying a set. The animeigo release, is it worth the price?
  21. . Are they subtitled in English? Will it work on a U.S. PS3?
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