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Everything posted by Checkmate

  1. Thanks for this! I bought another one from CDJapan because of this. My buddy lost out on AmiAMi and HLJ. I bought two for me from Ami_AMi. Bought another one from HLJ for my buddy and another one from CD Japan for my other friend.
  2. got TWO! California
  3. Wha?! Where’d you get yours?!
  4. That does look worth the $135. BUT, the seller increased the price when I was ready to buy! now it's $160!
  5. yellowing is bad. I'm still undecided if i'll pull everything apart then paint or as you suggested masking it. Yup, i'll post progress pictures.
  6. Oh, man! Thank you so much! This is really helpful too because I’m thinking of repainting a severely yellowed CLAT I recently bought. THANK YOU!!!
  7. Hi, do you know where I can find this PDF? i'm 8 years late to the game. LOL
  8. There's one review of the item and it said that the figures are painted already. What do you guys think?
  9. Hi, maybe you guys could help me out. I've had my Yamato Patlabor 1:24 in storage for years and recently taken it out for photos. But when I posed it the thing won't stand upright because of the waist joint being too loose. I searched for solutions on Youtube but could not find any.
  10. Looks great without the distracting colors.
  11. I couldn't understand what you meant bout your first post that's why asked you "ano?".
  12. ano?
  13. Probably '94 too, on WoWow with no subs at all. I was living in Manila at that time and for some reason we get WoWow on cable. Saw it again, this time dubbed on DVD arpund '99.
  14. I love it! For those of you who built a 1/48 before, did you have any problems with the base color (aside from white) showing through the kite decal? I had to paint a white circle first on a brown base color for my VF-1A.
  15. Nice and clean! I like it!
  16. Guys, if you get the 30th anniversary kit please, please save the manual for me. : ) I have a spare 1:48 and I think i'll just order the decals to save money. : )
  17. I have been using 3M respirators since 2002. Before respirators I used to spray straight from the can while holding my breath then running away from the paint area. LOL. Since we're on the topic of respirators, do guys use the particulate filter too? I use lacquer thinner from Home depot for cleaning my airbrush.
  18. Thanks for the link 505th!
  19. Guys, Shoji Kawamori will be at the Santa Clara Japan expo next week!
  20. Free hand? How? Can you describe to us your technique.
  21. Are you sure you're a noob? : ) Applying those strips of metal takes some skill and a lot of patience.
  22. Good job!
  23. Alclad always amazes me when I spray it for the first time. it really is like "magic in a bottle".
  24. I mailed the instructions already, Shaiorin. You'll get it in 3-5 days.
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