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Everything posted by Ichiban

  1. Thanks for the replies. So as I understand it, the 1st release of the YF-21 WILL NOT come with any FP accessories at all, just attachment points for FP and/or boosters. I am thinking more and more to wait for the complete set with FP. Was the combo pack of the YF-19 with Booster and FP the second release of the YF-19? Ichiban
  2. Forgive me if someone has covered this, but does anyone speculate that the YF-21 will be released in the follow-on models with fast packs as a set? They did it with the YF-19 with selling it as a combo set with the YF-19 AND the FP and booster. I would rather wait for that release to have it all in one shot. Is any one thinking of waiting? Do you think Yamato will do this? Debating pre-ordering with Kevin (great seller). LMK.
  3. Just wondering and maybe this has been already discussed, is there any speculation that some Macross collectible toys have lead paint content? I would not think so, but gives pause to think about it.....
  4. Didn't know if someone posted this yet, but check this out! http://cars.ign.com/articles/793/793259p1.html
  5. Hello, Meant to post in this section orginally. Got a few good replies, but was looking to see if others in this section had some additional input....... I just purchased a Hasegawa Ractive Armor Macross Zero kit and the parts on the white spruces all have a yellow color to them and are not brillant white as in other Hasegawa kits. Was this normal? Has Hasegawa changed things when they molded these parts? Thanks. Any input would be helpful. I think they have prematurely yellow since the kit is fairly new. I usually leave the white parts alone, because they are molded in white and paint the other accordingly. Just to give an idea, they almost look like raw resin model parts, just to give an idea. I wish they hadn't of molded this kit like this, if it is the case. If anyone has pics to post of these spruces it would be great..... Thanks!
  6. , just been a little lazy when it comes to the natural white and the other Hasegawa kits I have. Tend to leave the white (which has been usually a bright white) alone and have painted the rest of the parts as needed. Thanks for the clarificaion. Just not used to seeing them this from Hasegawa. I will have a lot of painting to do on these pieces then !
  7. Hello, I just purchased a Hasegawa Ractive Armor Macross Zero kit and the parts on the white spruces all have a yellow color to them and are not brillant white as in other Hasegawa kits. Was this normal? Thanks. Any input would be helpful. I think they have prematurely yellow since the kit is fairly new.
  8. I know some of you have mentioned this already, but, does anyone know if this release will come with the improvements that we all would like to see build wise? The gunpod and landing gear, etc. The gunpod and its mounting problem were a bummer for me as far as the price goes. Otherwise, I have been ok with it. I was really happy to even see it made. I have to agree some, that after spending the money for it and it having the QC problems, I feel a little disappointed. Granted no one held a gun to my head and said you need to buy this, but I wasn't sure if it was going to be reissued again, so I took the chance. Now that is is going to be release with the FP, I wish I didn't bother before. But, live and learn. However, by the same token, the 1st release for its price point (although complex), should not have had these problems. Its like buying dvd movies lately. They release the initial collector's one, them a few months later, the dircetor's cut, then a little while after that the ultimate edition, etc. Just get it right the first time. If you know there is a good market for a highly demanded item, yet low volume item, make it right the first time. Then everyone is happy and will be back for more. I am probably going to give up on my hobby soon. Pricing has increased greatly, while QC has gone down. Hopefully, there will be a day when the 1st release is truely a quality piece, as it should be.
  9. PM sent, thanks. Ichiban
  10. I found out about the recasts too late to get in before . I would be interested in both, barring extreme price hurdles and time to create. I thought the guys who made the last reacsts on the forum last did a very great job. I think the only real problem they had were weight issues and the strength of the landing gear and a few seam line issues. I thought they cured it with metal reinforcing with the molded landing gear parts, but I am not sure. Well, put me down on the interested list. I really like both aircraft, but if only one were able to be made either one would be fine. Better than none. I thought Myersjessee had a big part in the last ones. He is a great person to deal with.
  11. I think the sale is over.....Arghhhhhh! I was planning to order next week. The price has changed to $62.98 from $37.98 per set as of this afternoon (E.S.T.). Maybe this is a mistake? I think I missed out on this one. Can anyone confirm..... Thanks!
  12. Thanks for the responses!
  13. I wish I could go to this. I live here on the sunny East Coast! DAMN! Are we allowed to buy a ticket to perhaps have the chance to get an autographed CD of her work? I just had to ask, but I am glad it has come together for everyone on this! I think I'll even send in a few bucks just to donate as an appreciation for those involved. Especially just as a thanks for those who make this and other great ideas / projects on this forum happen. Best of luck!
  14. Could some one please tell me what the specific differences are between the three individual sets and the orginal 9 disc set? I thought I heard that the three individual sets come with liner notes, but I am not sure if the discs in the 9 disc orginal set do also or don't. I know the 9 disc set came with a motion card. If anyone can give specifics, that would be great. Thanks!
  15. It has been a while since I last looked at this thread. Is this close to being finalized? I had enquired about a conversion kit a while back, but it was in the early stages, I believe. I would like to be put down for TWO complete two-seat conersion kits for 1/48 (depending on price- maybe just one, not sure on price....). Is there a going price or a color?
  16. Please count me down for one or two (depending on ending price, not sure yet) sets of 1/48 VF-1D 2 seaters conversion parts. And keep me on the list for a set of Elint and/or Ostrich as well, if they should they become reality. Thanks a million!
  17. Hey Jesse, Awesome recasts! Is it too late to get a set? I am just getting back into Macross kits and have been interested in doing a few 1/48, but could never get them at a decent cost/quality. It looks like you guys have done it! How have the gearing molds held up as far as weight when the kits are complete? Is it too late to get an order in? If it takes weeks or a few months, no worries... . Great job!
  18. Ichiban


    Rohby, Thanks for processing the order! Payment sent. Keep up the the great work and thanks for making such items for your fellow Macross fans.
  19. Ichiban


    I haven't broken one yet, knock knock on wood! Just getting them for insurance. I have many 1/48s. They have held up so far for several transformations. After saving and spending and conecrn over replacement parts, I thought it would be a good idea, since it does seem to be a stressed part.
  20. Ichiban


    Looks great! I would like to be put down for 4 of the $5.00 type if you end making some quantity. I too, think it will be a good idea for a backup. Please post instructions on how to order (in the U.S.) and pay via the forum and/or contact info. Thanks.......
  21. Thanks for the input. I read the postings in detail here. I don't know Japanese well and from the postings I think you order the magazine from their store and you pick it up? I live in Florida and I am unsure if they deliver from the store to other parts of the U.S. I need to hire a translator, ha! I 'll investigate further and keep browsing. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Can I some how get on a list for this magazine if anyone is planning a major buying spree for it. It looks great as a reference for many Macross toys! I have looked all over the net to order it, but I am having no luck Thanks!
  23. I was wondering if anyone else gets there Yamato 1/48's from online vendors with dented in boxes and dents. I seem to have hit or miss luck when getting my Yamatos deliveried. The Shipping/Packing box is fine whenever I get my order, but most of the time I look inside to find the Yamato boxes dented in at the bottoms or corners, sometimes pretty serious. This leads me to believe that the Yamato box is like this before packing and shipping to me from U.S. vendors. I know these great items make a long trip over, but I wish they came in near mint/mint shape. I must point out that, that the Yamato itself is usually fine. Oh well, I am still please with my Yamatos, just wondering if anyone else was experiencing this with some U.S. online vendors.....
  24. I recently got back into Macross / Robotech from my youth and have fallen in love with everything Macross again. I noticed that at one point the the Yamato 1/48 TV Fast Packs were being offered for pre-order and could be purchased separately from the VF-1J bundle. However, I can seem to find anymore info on this. Has anyone pre-ordered (TV Fast Packs) them or know anything about there availability through dealers?
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