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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. Well just to say it again like I have said in other threads... I would like the Ghost x-9 to finish out the macross plus collection.
  2. Im just going to keep using this post as my own little blog. Anyone know of a good place to get do you remember love? I tried animesuki and it is butt slow
  3. Haha well you cant have it all. Is there any thing special you need to do to burn them to a dvd? Ive downloaded the h264 versions.
  4. Yeah looking at the VF-0D in the mentioned pic. I would definitely get one. They really do need a GOOD YF19 repaint too.
  5. Is the VF-0D the one with the delta type wings? If so I thought that looked real good in zero.
  6. Just watched the first 10 eps of frontier. I have to say Im impressed. Music sucks but other than that its great. Cant download anymore until I get my new computer. This old ones filled.
  7. People in the US make a big deal out of things. Unless you live in the boonies I wouldnt worry about the swine flu.
  8. Do they replace mispacks? On my VF-0 I received 3 of the gun pods that attach to the top of the plane and only 1 that goes on the wings. I put a request in a few weeks ago but no word yet.
  9. Another quick question. How is the quality when youburn these to a dvd? I would really like to watch them on my tv instead of this little screen
  10. Cool. Thanks guys. I think Im getting the hang of this. I really need my new computer though. I only have 4gb lleft on my old one. My new one arrived with a line down the screen and a charger thatgets super hot.
  11. Ok Im trying to download episodes 1-5 of zero but its saying its gonna take 3 weeks
  12. Thanks for the link! I just watched zero episode 1. I did download bittorrent but couldnt get the video to play after I downloaded.
  13. From what I have seen I think this one looks great. It may just have to be my next purchase.
  14. Ok I suck at computers. Where do you find these fan subs and which ones are good? I would really like to see macross zero and frontier.
  15. Wow those are some rediculously large and pointy knockers!
  16. Now Im spamming but I noticed your sig. I have a 02 Sunset orange SS currently waiting for me to get the ford 9" in. Awesome cars.
  17. It seems most of the macross stuff available is in japanese. What is a good place to buy these with english subs. I was looking into macross 7, macross zero, macross frontier. Any help would be appreciated, Erik
  18. Im new here and never commented but I was annoyed by his posts all over the place. His posts kinda seemed like they were coming from a hyper 12 year old.
  19. I dont know much about figures but her uniform is very WW2 german'esque.
  20. they all look good to me.
  21. How do you watch the vids? Im not super computer saavy so if I cant just hit play I dont know what Im doing.
  22. So are the macross sdf dvd's different than the protoculture collection?
  23. Well I finally watched shadow chronicles the other night and wasnt impressed. I have not seen robotech since the 80's and I just recently re-watched macross plus. I think plus ruined chronicles for me. I am drawn into the plus story and the planes look great. I was not drawn into chronicles at all. Im watching the macross saga and even though its kinda kiddy and fast moving its still fun to watch. Have any reccomendations for me?
  24. I think both of them capture the essence of the cartoon just fine. They do have differences but it is a "saturday morning" cartoon after all. Its not like its drawn to a blueprint. The big guys just look so much cooler to me. I dont analyze line arts and I haent really inspected a 1/60 but the 1/48 is just about perfect to me.
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