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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. I really see no value in the V1's in the near future. $35 bucks seems to be the going price and think its gonna stay that way. I found it odd when I got back into the hobby to see how the V1's were getting dumped by everybody. But I can see why.
  2. Well they actually look really good just plugged in to the tv. Kinda of a pain with the wire but I can deal with it.
  3. Ok have the laptop hooked up to the plasma. Its kinda fun. Ill let you know how the episodes look.
  4. Ha the manual. Who the hell would ever think to look there for anything!
  5. Should I order right now? I shouldnt but that doesnt mean anything
  6. Rockets, missles, the space shuttle launching into space all do it with no lift. All thrust baby.
  7. I found DYRL much better visually but I think if you didnt watch the show you would be kinda lost. Everything kinda happened quickly in the movie. But the movie was much more "adultish" then the run of the show. Of course I have only watched homotech... errr I mean robotech. Bugt on a plus side of robotech the biggest contribution was the good intro music over the odd macross song.
  8. Dont need much lift if you have thrust.
  9. I actually have a PS3 and Xbox 360 hooked up to the TV I watch these on. My computer also has a hdmi out I believe. I would like hard copies of them on dvd but its been a hassle. This is my computer, http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1218045569785
  10. ver1 1/60 fokker 1/72 yf-19 1/48 CF 1/48 DYRL 1A hikaru with strike parts 1/48 Max with super 1/60 VF-0 with ghost 1/55 Jetfire 1/55 jetfire complete in box Next either VF-25 michael or however they spell it or V-11 Not big but I collect different things off and on.
  11. Blasphemy! Not like Macross Plus stuff! I need that VF-11. I dont know why but I need it.
  12. Dont think to hard about the mechanics or build of a valk. It will boggle your mind like thinking about the end of the universe. I just try and chalk it up to advanced technologies we havent figured out yet.
  13. Abuse the thread? hmmm... I coulda made seperate posts each time. Unfortunately I have never downloaded a show or movie on the internet. Have also never burned a dvd. So I needed all the help I could get. Oh and I had NO clue where to download these things. I appreciate all the help in this thread. And thanks for the sites.
  14. Ok well I change my opinion. After about half way through the episodes I actually started to really like the music. Just took me a bit to get used ot I guess.
  15. A minigun would work great if you had the rounds. Hows a zombie going to get you if its cut in half by bullets?
  16. I know this is all late and wrong but I give it a 9. I just finished the series. I went into this show thinking I was gonna hate it. Boy was I wrong. Im not going to break it down into categories. But the animation was great. The story was good. The japanese "actors" sounded right. But I do wish it was a little longer. Oh and I really didnt like the music until about half way through then it really grew on me. I hope they do another series. Ill wait ten years as long as its good. ps Im so glad I didnt quit getting back into this stuff after I watched the shadow chronicles.
  17. Now what could be the next logical evolution of macross? Many colonized worlds by humans. Some that want more than others. Alliances, fear on part by more peaceful colonies. New mecha, intergalactic wars, odd alliances.... HHmmmm could be good.
  18. OK having a lot of trouble with the subtitle conversions. Any tips?
  19. I watched about 5 mins of Dynamite 7. The cops were shooting at bandits and the guy ran up while they were shooting and was trying to make them listen to his song as he played guitar.... Ugg, couldnt watch anymore.
  20. ok well i think avs4you messed up my downloads. I couldnt get the subtitles to work with it an now my videos dont have sound. Ifigured out why they didnt have subtitles. I used convert x to dvd the first time and it kept everything intact. This is aggravating. Might just be easier to learn japanese.
  21. I have a sony a100. I tried to figure that thing out but in the end its usually just set on auto.
  22. I do have vista. Brand new computer. I was playing with the dvd burner and was able to select subtitles on the first one but on the second one I tried to burn it just went straight to the episode with no option for subtitles. They are all from the same subber. Is it something Im doing before burning that does that?
  23. Ok I got the AVS4u. I would like to try and shrink the size of the episodes so I could fit more on the disc. The standard play would let me do 10 episodes on a dvd. To shrink them more before I convert to dvd would I have to turn them into another format first?
  24. Is there one to buy that also allows to burn dvd to dvd? And generally how much info can you fit on a dvd?
  25. Hey guys, Just wondering what you guys use to make dvds from downloads. I downloaded a free one but it puts a watermark on the video. I guess Im going to have to pay for one. What are the better ones out there? Thanks, Erik
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