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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. I with you on the missile gimmick. I would like it to come with a gun pod but could care less if it attached in fighter. I just like to have them for battroid mode.
  2. OK I couldn't nap anymore and had to play with it. All three modes look great. I had a hell of a time getting the hips to swing down. Im not sure why but they suddenly did it. I did somehow ding one of the points on the kneecap. Battroids a beast!
  3. VF-18S Hornet your should be here by now as mine came today! Im also in Delaware. But I'm gonna sleep a bit more then get up to play.
  4. I really don't mind the difference in size from the 19 and the 17. Actually I kinda like it. I see the 19 as being a kind of wiry little fighter and the 17 as a frankenstein. maybe like a Napoleon vs King Henry VIII
  5. I agree. I was never big on the low vis, camo schemes on the vf-1 but its seems whatever color you slap on this thing seems alright.
  6. My YF-19 will likely never be transformed and I'm not gonna look for problems. The only angle I like it from is top fighter anyway.
  7. This thing will be mine and likely never come out of fighter mode. I think its one of the best looking fighters out there in the macross world and was never really used.
  8. As far as the mighty blocks I picked up 2 a few months ago for the 19 and 17. But they do not come with the arms to hold anything up.. just posts. Do you get the arms separate? Im kinda pissed I didn't pay for the 17 right away as Ill prob have to wait till the end of next week to get it now from HLJ.
  9. But to add I loving the new pictures. It looks great. I have a feeling it will look even better in person. But for this one Im truly torn between displaying between fighter and battroid. they both look great. And Im not one to change it after initial transformation or non transformation for that matter....
  10. I with ya. Its seems theres no problems with stock so I see a discount in the future....
  11. Im hoping the VF-4 is coming up. I Don't really care what series they come from or the amount of screen time as long as they look good. And the VF-4 has one of the best fighter modes out there..... but gonna be $300 plus prob. I would like the VF-2SS as well. I would like something different. This VF-17 was a surprise to me and ones gonna be comin to me!
  12. Just the main bridge would be cool.
  13. I Never really cared for Gerwalk in the 19 in general so this doesn't really bother me. The only one that stays in gerwalk is the VF-1S hikaru with strike packs. the rest are all fighter or battroid.
  14. Well I know that now but as I see them they look white. Im just saying what I saw.
  15. It is a great looking plane.
  16. Well just for kicks I watched the intro to mac 7 that i had downloaded and ill be damned if those stripes don't look white.
  17. Im with ya. Mine's sitting on top of one of my detolfs right now with my 3 enterprises. kinda freaks me out but no other safe place other than the box. And I can't do that. I lost a vf-25g tornado to a tipping dresser and can't go through that again.
  18. however this is I think would nail it....
  19. I really can't make an opinion on this. Id have to see both. Maybe a semi-gloss... MAybe someone can pull up some of those hasagawa (sp.) fighters done up all nice for some insight.
  20. Hey I struggled through every episode of Mac 7 and Ill be damned if I could tell you the S's stripes were blue. I know I saw that white stripe somewhere though.
  21. Well since i started this thread Im just gonna add again.... Do the YF-19 JUSTICE YAMATO!! screw world peace!
  22. My only complaint is that you can't turn the forearms. I guess I have been playing with revoltechs for too long. HHmmmm now theres an Idea. A 1/60 Revoltech!
  23. The YF-21 in high speed mode. Has sat that way on the stand since I bought it.
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