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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. 7, for some people, would prob be like telling you to sit down and watch a season of the young and the restless. Unless soaps are your thing. So you have to get creative.
  2. UUgg prob pass on that. I want some Decept's dag'gummit.
  3. so im so not up to date with the MP transformers. whats coming up? I was praying for a Galvatron or shockwave
  4. just download to your computer. set it up on stand to side of bed. dim it down. put it in for a couple episodes to run then let the screen go blank when they're done. thats how i watched it. ya miss some stuff but oh well. The 7 intro is great though. I normally hate FF throughout the opening credits but i usually let this one go.
  5. I wouldn't go as far as to call the heli guy a dumbass. showboating gone wrong. anyone of us at any given time trained in that thing would prob try to do it. And he was just one that didn't get away with it. theres a lot more to doing that kind of stuff in heli's than just hitting the throttle and pulling up. I forget what its called but theres a point where the rotors just kind of push down through the air instead of creating lift.
  6. I lost all pics of my car and its debilitated right now in the garage. But this is my baby(well not actually mine but identical). 2002 Camaro SS black leather 6sp. About 3 years ago i took the trans out replaced the clutch threw a ford 9" in the rear with a detroit locker and never finished what was in between. Ran 13.0@110 with kooks headers and full exhaust only on street tires. God it needs to get back on the road. only 29k miles on it. and I just looked in it and theres mold on the seats......
  7. I think this version looks great. Fighter does suffer a little without the "kibble". The kibble made it look more like a real 15.
  8. Im not sure what the Kawamori version is but its here... Nope sure didn't. Either way I took it upon myself to start a new topic. Starscream is the man. Ahhhh I see now. I had no idea Kawamori had his hands in Transformers. good for him. And compared to the first release its def a good bit different
  9. Just picked one up and its great for you old transformer heads. I was reading on the TF forums and they were talking about how they have 9,10,11 seekers and that they might as well collect macross. thought it was funny. So I guess it is somewhat related.
  10. For me no. But not everyone is as fortunate. Anyways its irrelevant. Its good to have some rivalry between companies. And this 171 will no doubt put a damper on the people that are walking the fence on whether or not to pick up the 17 with their extra cash. either way I better have a 171 coming(ebay pre-order) and will hopefully get the 4 too.
  11. +2. Bandai just killed to with the 171 so Yamato better step up.
  12. You know Yamato's pissed. The 17's great and all but I don't think it compares (in looks) to the 171.
  14. Get it. I love the 22's.
  15. I kinda wished i went for the weathered 1/48 Hikaru..... Well maybe in the next few months. And the yf-21 was %45 off? I didn't see that. I woulda liked another for battroid.
  16. Finished up the 21/22 collection with max. And put an order in for my first ver 2 1/60! VF-1A Hayao Kakizaki
  17. Im digging the light blue in fighter. The S I guess will stay in battroid.
  18. Are M&M 1/48's still out there for reasonable prices? I have the max and wouldn't mind the Miria. I love the 1/48's
  19. You now on one of these releases they're gonna make a S**T ton of these things hoping everyone preorders like 3 and just keep playing the 4 min window game.
  20. F-it. Just ordered from toy wave. Bandai is winning. Thats now 2 and I don't even really like the Alto version.
  21. Im sure this is a marketing ploy. Japanese aren't dumb people. They're adjusting to the market. Somebody is getting employee for the quarter for implementing this.
  22. Im thinking around release there will be cancelled preorders with orders opening back up for somewhat normal prices. Just have to be vigilant checking form 3-5 every morning..... I work nights and am usually up. Just missed out on these b/c Its normally a little harder to check at work. And they'll pull up my internet records and be like what the F are you doing on these sites constantly.
  23. wondering the same. I already paid in full off ebay and wouldn't mind another one but really don't feel like paying for it now.
  24. I have yet to have even been close to getting one of these preorders. I sucked it up and ebay'd it
  25. Man I should have ordered 2 Ozmas. And Could have near got 2 Altos for what I paid for my one!
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