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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. I have an epic shipment from HLJ coming. Sleeping pills and a sale did me in.
  2. Wrong thread...
  3. When are us "Lesser thens" going to be able to see this?
  4. I was thinking a 25 Fire valk??
  5. Well I just ordered a fire valk and sound booster. I never thought I would get one but after the last tme I watched 7 it has grown on me.
  6. My private warehouse is looking super sweet right now. $80 shipping. Thats pretty good considering theres 5 valks and a few other miscellaneous things.
  7. Do I want 2 of these G's??? If I dont Ill prob kick myself later but damn next month is going to be expensive. And I should get my heater fixed before winter.....
  8. Im going with HLJ for the fact that, god forbid, somethings wrong with it. HLJ has a good track record for that kind of stuff.
  9. ErikElvis

    DX VF-25G

    The only V1's I feel are acceptable are with tornado packs. I still dont think my 25g looks bad. But I wont dare transform it out of fighter....
  10. As far as I know I haven't had any problems with mine.
  11. Is it that the lower legs will go further forward but the ankles can't bend back far enough to compensate?
  12. I actually cant recall the original YF's gerwalk. Ill have to look. But the VF's are not appealing. yeah the yf-19 does look better.
  13. Gerwalk is pretty awful. But I still love the 19's
  14. I have the say I wasnt too impressed with the S head. But in person it really looks a lot better. Im hoping its the same with the D. Seeing in 3d must help some.
  15. Im partial to the plus valks. 1. YF-21 / VF-22 2. YF-19 3. Tie VF-17/VF-27 They both have pretty tough fighter modes in completely different ways.
  16. I really think they could have done better with the head. 17S FTW!
  17. I pre-ordered from amiami just in case i missed HLJ then saw HLJ's like 5 mins later. Ill get it from amiami so I dont get blacklisted by letting it lapse. Gotta keep my options open
  18. Looks real good!
  19. Holy S. I have so many things pre-ordered for next month im going to have to go through them and likely get rid of something. I dont know if it should make me happy that we have this problem or upset i won't be able to get them all.
  20. Nice!
  21. I dont think I have ever collected anything for an investment. I want to be buried with all my things.
  22. There they go AGAIN with the stand that you cant get.
  23. Im pretty open to, uhhhhh, things that are different but that just seems weird.
  24. ErikElvis

    Macross figures

    Nice! Im excited about the Sheryl-Basara. Cheap too!
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