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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. I’m ok with bbts. What’s ems from Japan? $50? I’ll pay an extra 50 for less hassle.
  2. Yup I’m in. 25’s are my fave.
  3. I skipped this But kinda want it now.
  4. Reva is a great sculpt. It’s a shame it’s a figure I have no desire of getting.
  5. I’ve slowed down collecting so price is ok for me I guess. I’m gonna go for it. Had an original jet fire in box but unfortunately he yellowed like crazy. Quite upsetting.
  6. Yeah I thought it was pretty interesting. Crazy how they started out in basically a tin shed.
  7. In for a PF fo sho.
  8. I’ve slowed my macross buying. Only waiting for the PF 19. I like the Bandai 1/48’s so I’m in for one.
  9. I took the palp scene as he didn’t want him to see him again for the fear of him turning against him. May be a small chance but it was there. I’m not sure how expansive the empire was at this point and maybe didn’t want him taking the chance of being turned or have a large revolution against them.
  10. The last episode redeemed the series for me. I guess I can call it a win overall. Fan service. Sure. But I like fan service.
  11. I’m down for commander Appo with speeder. I think I can pass on the heavy weapons version.
  12. Not blown away but off to a good start. 2nd episode had me feeling more of a prequel vibe I guess. Which I liked. Hope it can keep up the pace. casting is decent. Can’t say I’m feeling any of the inquisitors though.
  13. The PF was the only valk I have really looked forward to for a while now. But owe some taxes so I guess I’m better off waiting
  14. Not sure how I feel about bespin Luke but that KENSHIN HIMURA is 🔥
  15. Man I’ve really been looking forward to that PF for a while now….. jeez
  16. I’m in. I love the oddball stuff.
  17. ErikElvis

    Macross figures

    Just paid for Basara and Mylene at amiami.
  18. GBP is pretty awesome. I’d say go for that first. But you could always eat ramen for a month and get both.
  19. I liked the last episode. I was interested the whole time. Maybe he’ll get a carbonate freezing chamber trailer to tag along with him….. or maybe something like a trailer. Or call it a caravan to make it classy.
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