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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. Oh your fine.... thanks for contributing!
  2. Big gundam looks good but I’d be a little afraid about how the joints are gonna hold up. Kinda new territory. I’d hate to have a big floppy $1000 mess.
  3. I still hate they put that writing on the wings.
  4. Well ordered 4 strike packs. Maybe order 2. More later. I’d just really hate to pay a huge markup on these later down the line.
  5. Ok waiting for my summons of discount power at NY. Then I think I’ll do 4 now and maybe another 2 later.
  6. None yet. Trying to find of if packs are specific or not. I’ve seen a little evidence that they aren’t.
  7. So are we still not sure if it comes with all the skulls for fast packs? bandai is eff’ing with us.
  8. Aahhh yes. Big oversight.
  9. Ugh. How many strike packs do I order now.
  10. It is annoying dealing with NY but they have always pulled through for me. I got into them early when people were still kinda unsure about them and I cleaned up on preorders for a while.
  11. Yeah I like the 25’s. And it helps frontier was actually a good show too.
  12. Well I got 2. One at retail and one at markup. I wanted two Hikarus. I’d prob do one Roy.
  13. Should I be using my MacBook over the iPad for p/o madness.
  14. I’m hoping for 2. But I have no room here for anything so if I miss out I’ll take that as a sign.
  15. I had the same prob with my milia. Couldn’t figure out why the boosters looked crooked. One just wasn’t snapped in all the way.
  16. I have a regular release on display. I’ve kept all these PF’s in the box except my milia that I decided to display. Rainbow canopy looks good. I wonder if there is a kit for models for adding the rainbow effect.
  17. Safe to assume I’ll buy at least 4 sets of super packs. Maybe more. We may get some cool variant vf-1’s that could benefit from a set.
  18. I accidentally ordered 4 missile sets from NY. Ordered 2 then forgot I ordered and ordered 2 more. Maybe it is a good thing.
  19. I really need to stop collecting but these 1/48’s are too good to pass up.
  20. Damn. The 1S is looking good. Guess I’ll have to continue this line.
  21. I know the rainbow canopies had their problems but I’m Willing to give them another shot.
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