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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. I’ll have to get at least one of each of these.
  2. I enjoyed the last episode. Maybe they’re just testing the waters with this season and will get more depth with following seasons.
  3. Whatever that is on their chest is terrible. Looks like some sort or corporation logo.
  4. Yeah I’ll open mine when the strike packs come in. Now do I leave it in battroid or fighter....
  5. My latest toys. Trying to get back into rc airplanes. E flight ec 1500 and spektrum dx9 receiver.
  6. Sorry I accidentally quoted then it wouldn’t let me type. Weird. anyway how am I going to display this. Battroid all loaded up or fighter.
  7. I know I’m suppose to be more excited for Roy but can’t wait to get Hikaru
  8. Oh jeez. I can’t even remember what they were called. The planes had something like a 50” wingspan. I’m looking into getting back into it.
  9. That 0D looks awesome Archie.
  10. Cool! I love RC planes. Got out of it a few years ago after I crashed my favorite plane and took apart my other plane and never put it back together.
  11. Can we get some more 51 pics?
  12. These metal builds are really good. I’ve fell out of collecting them though. Well I did have to pick up chars zaku. Like sqidd said I love bad guy mech.
  13. I don’t want purge mode if it effects the look or function at all.
  14. I’ll take a 19 reissue without the writing on the wings.
  15. Agree. I like battroid but fighter is where I’d like it to shine.
  16. Yamato might still technically win fighter mode but I’m in either way. Definitely need more pics. Does look a little thick in fighter. Pics are always so hard to tell. Sometimes you really need to physically have it in hand.
  17. This made my day that much better after a crappy night at work. Just when I thought I was working my way out of collecting BAM pulled right back in.
  18. So hard to choose. Fighter mode yf-21 is dead sexy though.
  19. Thanks! Really like it so far. Super smooth and quiet on the highway. Has a bigger trunk and hood then my fit but overall not much more room if any for passengers.
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