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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. Never watched the anime. Told myself I’d do that first before watching this. Seemed like too much of an undertaking though so decided to watch the first episode. Interested but not completely drawn in at the moment.
  2. Hayden was flawless in this episode. Saber work was dope too. Finally some actual storytelling going on. Kicked it up a couple notches this episode.
  3. Better episode. Prob just because of the action. Still interested to see where it goes. Most interested in the “sith” And Sabine right now.
  4. I think what makes it worse is I had high hopes for this series. It’s too soon to call it a wash but just feels very ho-hum so far.
  5. Both liked and disliked the 3rd episode??? Only watched each episode once so may be just forgetting but ahsoka seems kinda one dimensional. Best part of 3rd episode was like the last 30 seconds.
  6. That’s an easy pass. Now I wouldn’t mind an original imperial guard rerelease.
  7. Ugh don’t really need one but I’ll prob pick one up.
  8. I’m eerily optimistic for this. For the most part Disney has been a let down. No whammies! Give me a win.
  9. Tried for the Artisan Anakin. No go. I think it was worse than the macross stuff.
  10. I’m getting it near perfect or not. I have way to many 19’s that need the company.
  11. I really liked it. Best 3 marvel movies (in my opinion)
  12. Looks pretty damn good. Wonder if they will all come with bed head though.
  13. I had this one at some point but long gone now
  14. I might have dipped if they took the writing off of the wings.
  15. Just recently watched the first one. Was sorta slow but something kept me watching. By the end I was looking forward to a 2nd
  16. I’m in the same boat. Want to unload a good bit of stuff but can’t muster up the energy to go through the hassle.
  17. Not really into DC. I like Batman. Thought the first Wonder Woman was good. Just watched justice league on a whim and really liked it. Makes me want to see this flash movie.
  18. I know I prob should be bored of these. But I’m not. Really liked 4.
  19. Just watched the last episode. Enjoyed it. But how in the hell did that mando make it to space with his jet pack when a few episodes earlier they were all running out of fuel chasing a dragon thing to its nest. overall 3rd season I guess a C+
  20. I’ll put words in your mouth to soften the blow. “It’s good just not AS good.” 😉
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