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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. I don’t even want to watch season 2 as I think the new guy just won’t be near as good as the first guy.
  2. Yup as a die hard OT fan this makes me sad. Even though the prequels had their problems they felt like Star Wars movies. These new ones. Not so much.
  3. I love berserk. That being said I have two kick ass statues of him. Don’t think I need anymore.
  4. Loved this “series”. Dark, weird, and perfect in length for my ADD. Can’t wait for season 2.
  5. I complained about this earlier in the thread. I don’t think the premium looks so hot.
  6. The max is looking good!
  7. Hhmmmm do I want that baby Yoda? He’d make an interesting little conversation piece.
  8. When I saw an article saying this is “woke” I lost all interest. It’s a shame.
  9. I would love to see production numbers for these. Well for that matter any valk.
  10. I didn’t hate this movie but I’ll def put it behind the original trilogy, attack of the clones, and revenge of the sith. I hardly watch the phantom menace due to jar jar. I just feeL these new movies don’t fit in to any of the other movies in feel. Say what you want about the prequels but they felt like Star Wars movies.
  11. Probably more then half of my shipments from japan aren’t even attempted to be delivered. They just put the slip in the mailbox. It doesn’t help I’m a couple hundred feet off the road.
  12. I use to think that the 1S’s were the cool valk. But I think I switched to thinking the 1A is cooler.
  13. ErikElvis

    Macross figures

    Mine has shipped. I’m tempted to tell him forget the refund and put the money towards making a new zentran soldier.
  14. Not seeing a ton of hate for this movie. I’ve been there opening night on thursdays the last 2 movies but decided to wait for this one. Hopefully go this weekend.
  15. Yeah got bumped to April. Not to happy with NY this time. I’ll try to be patient.
  16. I consider these old warbirds priceless. Sad how few remain. Same goes for German armor.
  17. I was torn on which of these planes to pick up. I love WW2 and how could you not love the worlds first operational jet fighter.
  18. So is anybody getting the initial shipment from NY for the strike packs?
  19. Watched the first 2 episodes. It’s ok. I think I’m interested in it just because I like the genre. I don’t know if it’s just me and accents but I have trouble understanding what they’re saying at times.
  20. Getting back into rc planes. Picked up one of these. I have not flown in 10 years so better take it slow as to not dump it into the ground.
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