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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. Glad I’m not a huge Roy fan. One is good enough for me. I’d rather have doubles of max and kaki.
  2. Looking at some of these pics I’m not sure which finish I really like better. The new finish looks good in pics but I haven’t opened mine yet. That’s if I even open it.
  3. The problem with these things is you really have to see it in hand to make a judgement. I’ve bought against my better judgement by pics and have been more than pleased.
  4. I thought the 22’s jumped with the stealth stargazer. Been a while since I watched it but it was a cool few episodes.
  5. I am liking the pics of the new finish. But prob won’t open mine as I have nowhere to display it anyway.
  6. Really strange but a good series.
  7. You can put the belly armor on the M&M 22’s but they don’t fit quite right. They never used fold boosters in 7.
  8. Yeah I got out of collecting transformers a while ago but I’m a sucker for starscream. He’ll likely only see bot mode anyway.
  9. Who’s ordering the latest starscream. I wasn’t but bot mode looks pretty good. Alt mode.... eh
  10. I’ve watched 7 several times all the way through. Is slow to start but somewhere near the 3/4 mark it’s pretty good. It’s is kinda hard to marathon it though with some repetitive songs and animation.
  11. I was on the fence as I have the original but decided to pick up one from AJ. I mean it has a different finish and all....
  12. Just got the little sideshow 1/6 yoda. His head looks amazing. I am having a problem keeping his left forearm attached though.
  13. That looks better than mine . Might have to rearrange
  14. That’s absolutely true. I tacked a couple parts on with hot glue
  15. Hmm that wasn’t even a thought in my mind. I’m not much of a stickler though.
  16. I didn’t think about it before but I had cats in my spare bedroom before I started dumping all my toys in there. My in box jet fire , shuttle tydirium, and b wing all yellowed as previously mentioned. I think it may have had something to do with the cat piss odor. Maybe ammonia like previously mentioned. Looking on eBay that shuttle tydirium is not easy to replace. Well no chance in making them worse so any ideas on bringing the natural color back?
  17. If they decided to do a 1/60 of this I’d bet it would do quite well.
  18. I didn’t align with her on most things but props for sticking it out for so long.
  19. I’m tempted to sell off everything to an estate sale place. I can’t handle the thought of yellowing.
  20. Yep got 4 strike part sets from NY. Won’t respond on the other 2. (I know there’s a thread for this). But anyway looks like I won’t be getting anymore than 4 dyrl releases. Hard to decide on a max 1s or 1 a though.
  21. Yeah I broke down and waitlisted Endor Luke. Thought he would go good with my scout trooper on speeder bike. Will set him up chopping off the front end. leia and wicket look good. So ordered them too. Only in stock I ordered was the clone wars yoda. He looks pretty good. I feel like the shipping was a little ridiculous though.
  22. Anyone plan on picking one of these up. I’m considering since the not zero looks so damn good.
  23. Elevator diorama 169.95. Feb 2021
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