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New Edwards Test Pilot

New Edwards Test Pilot (9/15)



  1. just checking. too lazy to look through the thread but is the going rate for this $180? i just happened to see it on crunchyroll.
  2. been out of the game for a bit. still thinking of picking this up. good site to get it from?
  3. In short I don’t really care where the story goes. The little bit of lore we had was all well and good. I do consider the series interesting.
  4. I’m in for 2 Droideka’s
  5. Got some buffing done on the new to me Camaro. I bought online and had it shipped. Claimed it had near museum quality paint. Damn thing was swirl marked to hell. Got the front bumper and rear spoiler done today. Hopefully get more done tomorrow and eventually ceramic coat and clear bra the front.
  6. I’m not opposed to EV’s but I still prefer my gas sports cars even if they are slower.
  7. Done and done. Don’t care how much extra I paid. Just went on BBTS and easily preordered. I’m kinda psyched for battroid. My yamatos can hold down fighter.
  8. Yeah I totaled my 02 sunset orange SS 7 or 8 years ago. Missed that car. Really wanted another orange one but good luck finding one. Carfax shows like 6 owners on this thing but only had 2k miles up to about 10 years ago. Now it’s up to 14k
  9. That’s awesome stampeed! I’d def cruise in that i picked this up a week or so ago
  10. just popped in to say ROTS is in my top 3 Star Wars movies. the tension in say, oh, the last third of the movie was intense.
  11. White does look good but do I need 3 ahsokas? edit: I caved and ordered with my sideshow points.
  12. I like the matte finish but still think I prefer the gloss for fighter mode. I’ll display the matte in battroid.
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