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Everything posted by Macrosso

  1. were can i download it
  2. how do u know
  3. do the pics in the back of game can be unlocked by using certain planes or just for show. and has anyone find all the differ situations when u use differ planes on certain missions like hikarus vf-1s on a-08
  4. i believe u need 16 and 18 S ranks for max and hiraku
  5. who thinks that Evil HG are leaching robotech saga till there is no more
  6. max i mean
  7. i believe u need 16 s ranks for maxa and 18 for hikaru
  8. i just used a pc microphone and recorded it that way
  9. the one thing i would like is to use the lasers on the nose cone of the valkyrie
  10. how are my scores p1 47410 p2 39920 p3 44510 p4 36360 p5 50820 p6 40400 p7 44540 p8 36170 p9 43410 p10 39150 p11 36180 p12 54600 a1 44120 a2 47500 a3 44460 a4 40960 a5 38720 a6 47680 a7 46080 a8 51890
  11. forget it got them myself
  12. i was wondering if any one could post the songs of the game on the site. like in wav or mp3 format if u could.
  13. i can finish the part in space but then when i go to earth i kill all the enemies in the first round but i cant in the second do i have to go to the macross in that time or take out the enemys if take out the enemies how they are to many of them
  14. can u just buy the flip top and use the swap disks that came with the slide card
  15. i read in some topics u have to use both.
  16. i was reading some post about the slide card that it kills your eject motor can u still open it using the slide card or is it just busted! Since i already bought the card if i do use it how long my motor will last. i heard the flip top is an alternative how does it work but i really not want to waste more money to play imports. So help me out.
  17. help i dont understand once u take the cover off then what put screws back on and ? im lost plz help
  18. could anyone explain what to do with the slide card once u take off the front cover cause i think i doesnt explain it well. like do u just stick the card under the tray or what plz help
  19. send me a email at macrossx84@hotmail.com if u want the roms
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