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Everything posted by Macrosso

  1. not my order maybe u bought from the hentai section lol just kidding man.
  2. found these pretty nice site found the cds i was looking for pretty cheap like twice as cheap should take a look heres the url http://www.animecornerstore.com/index.html some of u might like these http://store.yahoo.com/animecorner/macplused.html
  3. yeah like bobe said i think i saw these on ebay once.
  4. Who do u think in all macross series died the most f up way and most sadly?
  5. might as well add me to lol
  6. online or in stores?
  7. Im from Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA mostly raised in Puerto Rico
  8. man i wish they did one for the VF-17
  9. Macrosso


    http://www.animetoxic.com/prodetail.cfm?itemno=46929 i found it it looks ok if only i new a painter that would paint it for me
  10. Macrosso


    got a pic of it
  11. Macrosso


    bah that kind of sucks since it doesnt look all that great. what do u think i really love that mech. unless the model kits look nice none paint or something.
  12. Macrosso


    Which is the best vf-17 figure? i dont really care for model kits since i cant paint
  13. if u want the m3 intro go to unspacy.de
  14. if u want to download the intro and other stuff go to unspacy.de
  15. k thanks for the info about the disc and the website. i just might pick it up i really think its better than the 3rd series the new gen one it felt like a bad macross series wanna be to me.
  16. i think it was roy i just was wondering long time ago. finally feel like posting it. i would like to know how did he turn from being a white man to a black man. when it shows him with basra when he was young hes white and then when there older hes black. any info or is it a bad tan?
  17. i really like southern cross i was thinking of buying it off ebay since its so overpriced in retail stores. but i heard awhile back that one of the dvds didnt play and they had to send it back to get a replacement. Did they fixed it and restock stores or do they still have that problem or should i just find a bootleg then? (the adv version i mean)
  18. i believe its track 3 on cd i love that song too
  19. Man that movie is the sh*t nice story and good action and effects. Its like castlevania the movie hope the next one comes out soon.
  20. we should get manga entertainment to send a c and d to those b*stards at over harmony gold since theyre selling macross plus dvds.
  21. hey lynx u can get it online and not pay shipping just get the serial number.
  22. anyone play this game! Im on Erica server but i dont get the game till tomorrow nite. The beta was fun. character name Lanzidis
  23. reminds me of a xbox game phantom crash the design look almost like it except for the face.
  24. theres a secret jet to unlock in ace combat 04 that is like the yf19. dont know what it is called. so it is possible
  25. no the game its coming here to us in couple week or day i think on here site it says it will be all in english with jap subs. maybe her voice will be in the us version.
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