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Everything posted by macross1979

  1. Vegas, OH Sooo Beautiful mate! Great shots. I really need to get a better camera so I can capture the true glory of the valkyrie. That 1S is one of Yamatos "better" efforts of weather I think.
  2. Ummmm.....are you maximilian_jenius? I'm sorry, that was a bit mean. I just don't see how you could answer that question for him.
  3. Wow...glad to hear you don't like us because of our personal choices. Guess that does'nt make you such a good person now huh?
  4. Very Very Nice! Can you transform the Luca figure? How are they all holding together?
  5. Thread closure in 5...4...3... Closing?
  6. She IS worthless without that bloody hat. Guess you better keep her. I won't begin to try to persude you to get rid of your awesome collection. It would be hard if it were mine.
  7. Oooooooo I CANNOT wait! Your work boggles my mind my friend. PMing you.
  8. You can edit this thread to make it a poll....just so you know.
  9. I am stoked for you too get those as well. I need some diorama action now! I know you may not want too...but you should get rid of some of the other collectibles you have to make room for MORE MACCCRRROSSSSUUUU!!!
  10. Like I have said many times before. We all have our own opinions. It just happens I agree with YOU!
  11. That's it. That Luka valk is amazing looking. I'm gonna pick one up today. Well....order it today. Probally won't get it for like a week.
  12. Ummmmmm HELL YEAH that would be sweet. My vote is in for the 1/60 diorama. No 1/48s here.
  13. Looks great mate! GOOD JOB!
  14. DAMN! Both of you present a impenatrable argument.
  15. Can't wait to see your review. I am always impressed by them.
  16. Another excellent idea from the 2 of you! Let's get to it!
  17. I'm hoping I can get some on here soon as well. Not enough time these days.
  18. I do concur with the color idea there mechatek. Good idea.
  19. I cannot wait. I hope to make it this year. If not...I might just have to send someone in my place. This is an excellent idea. I certainly would buy this one as well.
  20. Well, it's sad to say. But, I'm not surprised it was Roys 1S. That is a great idea David.
  21. Oh so true my friend. Why does everyone look for such an easy way out of making their own decisions it does? I must have missed this if it was said previously. Damn...well...I'll get a Luka version still. Too good! THANK YOU for the pics of Luka! You just made me want this valk that much more! I cannot wait till I can afford it. WAY to expensive.
  22. Quoted for truth... why? Because we all love different things. We all know this as well. What I think is god like...my friend Miriya here may think is $hit.
  23. Sorry MM...I don't really have a good answer for you on that one. But I needed to make a statement to CF18. Thanks for posting those awesome pics of Michaels(spelling) valk. It makes that toy look amazing. You are right though. Good photography makes a big difference.
  24. I think we all have noticed. Great sales they have but I would rather them be having more sales on the V.2 1/60s. Only on the Hikaru non-super/strike parts version though.
  25. that sucks man. Wait...which valk do you speak of? I have yet to transform my 1D into anything. The only problems I have heard of with this guy so far is the cockpit staying closed and I'm all good on that one. Have you gotten your 1D yet?
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