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Everything posted by macross1979

  1. OH HELL NO! These are sleek
  2. Actually I beleive it's Memo or ever Aaron (MechTek)(spelling) that knows Tommy.
  3. I think you mean WICKED SWEEEET
  4. Thanks brother! I will work on that book. I may be too dumb to write it though I am seriously considering getting multiples of all the V.2 1/60s. I just need to hit the lottery (or a bank) first.
  5. YES! YES YES! Thanks...this is really good news! It's there...TRUST ME. Such an awesome battle. I even put that battle on my cell phone cause it was so cool. Sorry Agent GHQ...it was funny. YES! Thanks Mr. March. You have been the biggest help.
  6. THANKS! Those are amazing! I am SO SO SO EXCITED!!! What you said! OMG! Too funny mate! This is very true my friend. The V.2 1/60s have yet to be a let down.
  7. Ooooooo blurry and yet beautiful....I know that was the plan
  8. Yeah right....we'll see! THANKS MATE! Thanks to you too mate! I appreciate all the kind words all THANKS! I totally did not even notice till you said something. I will do that for the rest of my pics. Silly me Ooooooooo pretty! Thanks for those. I have considered picking one of these bad boys up but too thin for me I feel. That is true my friend. Damn Yamato...1 more strike
  9. that's true....I was going to ask as well. Awesome displayness of the Roy 1S and Hikaru 1J.
  10. Thanks mate. I hope to accomplish more exciting poses.
  11. Thanks! Eventually I will live up to the standards you have set for us all.
  12. Finally able to join in with some decent shots. This one I stumbled across on the net. I believe it may be from the Macross Chronicals.
  13. "I'll call him....Mini Me....." :lol:
  14. Very nice brother. I'm glad that you finally received that VF-1D we've all been raving about.
  15. But you DO LOVE the Elint? Comeon my man. I know you have a little bit of love for the RVF. Just a little...
  16. Oh I agree as well...the RVF-25 is my favorite and prob. the only DX I will get. It screams awesomeness!!!
  17. That's not crappy mate. I've taken worse. I just need to start posting more pics now.
  18. I like that pic. After seeing all the nice pics everyone has taken of their 1/60 DXs. It really makes me want to spend a crazy amount of money to get one.
  19. MEMO!!! Is that you mate! It's got to be. Your avatar is cookin!
  20. One day...when children will be involved in my daily life. It WILL be...MACROSSSSSSUUUUU!!! Share the wealth of our pasts with our future.
  21. Those are pretty neat. I'd like to get my hands on some Macross Lamis.
  22. Hmmm.....probably....IF they sell well. I know that if I made A LOT more money or had a residence in Japan, I would have them all. ALLLL!!!!!
  23. Yes, that is bad a$$. You know what's even more bad a$$? This SIZE of the pics
  24. NO! I wish. I just can't see spending that much on them until I get all the v.2 1/60 VF-1s.
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