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Everything posted by JEXPRIME



    The secondary market fell out when they started re-issuing all those bandia ones. then yaamto blew it out of the water
  2. bab ass!!!!!!
  3. I say they are cool.... but this site site doesnt say the "R" word too often....
  4. damn skippy!!!
  5. sET THEm oN fiya!!!!

    Storing toys

    Moving toys sux!!!
  7. Im doing a recast of a copit for Dante. What is the perfect orange color match?
  8. old skool you'd be switching them out
  9. " You can point with your finger hwen your drunk!"
  10. Is there a way to takethe paint off the TV pilots? and what paint should should i use to recolor?
  11. We talked about it and if there is a small study in our home its mine. I told her you can paint the entire house pink just as long as i have my room. BTW: thats why I did the smart thing and bought my PS3 xbox360 BEFORE we get married!!!
  12. All in favor of home builder making a " man room" add on in the floor plans say "AYE" !!!!
  13. its a scene from DYRl on ps2 game
  14. Thanks fellas.. as a collector i have went from the got to catch the all mentality to more "refined" stuff. not everyth9ng looks good on a shelf. a buddy of mine just told me he displays his BT/ALT in car mode and his wife doent know they are robits!!!
  15. I swear I never thought that I would see the day.... My fiance does not mind me collecting per se, but when we get married she wants me to "not" display them!!! Ive been message boards for years and I thought this kinda stuff only happened to other guys. Hell she felll in love with me with a shelf full of transformers so whats make now so differennt? what make matters worse I have tons of TF and starwars stuff. I cant enjjoy it when it sits in cold storgage for years. How many of you beeen through this?
  16. I have a set on Hikaru and one one some cannon fodder
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