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Sir Galahad®

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. Should Recon Valks be heavily armored? The RVF-25 was under equipped, only having the super pack. It didn't have even have the tornado pack. It did, however, have 3 ghosts to support it. Conversely, the VF-31E even had an armor pack available.
  2. Does the EX-Gear transforming as your pilot seat assist in withstanding the high G-Forces? If it does, are there some sort of technical information about it?
  3. On a different note, what was the feedback for Labyrinth of Time?
  4. The Messiah and the Kairos use the same engine (Or maybe my source material is wrong), but does that mean the VF-25 can be equipped with a beam gunpod as well?
  5. Can modern valks in battroid mode sustain altitude in an atmosphere? (Maybe it's a different universe but it is weird the Gundams with wings can sustain atmospheric flight but cannot escape the earth's gravity. Modern Valks like the VF-19 and onwards were able to go into space, unaided.) In Macross Zero when Fokker was transforming his valk keeps descending. In Macross when Max and Millias Battle over the ocean has Max transforming into a battroid but only stays on that form for a few seconds (maybe because it is less mobile?)
  6. There is also this multi-role thing... I am a hacker and a singer, I am a mechanic/engineer and I am also a singer
  7. Since it has been said that the performance of the VF-31 is equal to the VF-25, why create a new fighter at all? Cost? Use? Roles? (Of course other than the reason it being a new show :))
  8. Macross derivative? So it would still come back to the SDF-1 and the VF-1 again for the next 36 years...
  9. Over the years, I have seen the backpack thrusters disappearing, with the VF-25 just having six small thrusters that push you forward while in GERWALK since the legs are pointing downward. I do understand that that is what the FAST packs are for, or the Extra engines in the VF-27 and YF-29. But when I look at the VF-31, I would think, what would push this forward while in GERWALK (image credit to Projeckt-Zero-Three)
  10. Speaking of VF-25s, there was a G-Variant for Snipers right? Did the 171 have improved optics when it was given a sniper role? I mean if that is the case, the Optics for the VF-25G seems to be a nice to have than a necessary feature.
  11. So if you are fleet and when to update your line of main valks, which would you choose between the VF-25 vs the VF-31 as the performance is roughly the same?
  12. I assume this is animation error? Or you could just actually add the missile launchers (or fuel tanks) as is.
  13. My favorite Gatchaman look and feel was for the NTT commercials where the Boyband SMAP redid it in live action. Kinda resembles the 1994 OVA
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