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Everything posted by pondo

  1. Yeah, it was my first venture into the whole overdrive thing. I' lived in Hong kong last year and totally wasted my time there by only buying a single 1/48. So the thought of ordering one at higher prices has been killing me. I think I just need to go back to hong kong..........
  2. I'm 33 and I'm a fan of sdfm and macross frontier. The thing I love about them is the long arc. They take time for character development and in both of them, the scope gets much larger than any of the characters realize. I didn't understand the appeal to macross plus. Not at all. I didn't like Top gun, I didn't like macross plus. And DYRL isn't as interesting to me as to others. Great flick, but it's such an abridged story that I don't really care that much. I have the feeling that I'll enjoy macross zero.
  3. I just got my first 1/60 last night. vf-1s and yes, the shoulder is cracked.
  4. Well....my first package arrived! V2 1/60 vf-1s roy.............................with complimentary shoulder crack.
  5. I recently ordered my first package from overdrive. 1/60 roy and the strike pack. It's sooo much cheaper than anywhere else. Even cheaper than HLJ with their free shipping offer. I'm a bit worried about shoulder crack but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I placed the order on september 23. However, I just got an e-mail on monday telling me that my order was now being processed. All this is making me regret not buying a whack load when I was living in hong kong.
  6. just a nooby observation going on here.....but there are some rich forumites around here!!!!!! (or some with a serious addiction;) )
  7. PICS@@!!!!
  8. anyone? I've ordered my first over-drive package a bit ago. 1/60 roy w/ strike I have to tell myself it'll NEVER come....... who else is waiting impatiently?
  9. not only a lack of character development, but a lack of plot. Frontier has about 5 times the plot development that macross had. In the old there was a general idea that the story progressed for humanity as a whole, but this time around every human character has their own discovery of how this thing unfolds. There are so many agendas and conspiracies.
  10. in the end, this was amazing. A brilliant tribute to the original series. The conspiracy was pretty convoluted so I would say that it could have benefited from some more episodes. They told a lot of the story through some pretty faced paced flashbacks, and if you ain't quick, you'll miss a lot. And this also means that I'm gonna have to start buying frontier toys....
  11. gotcha. I had heard that the first film would be a retelling but the next one would be a sequel.
  12. I made my points about DYRL above. Personally, I didn't think it worked. And macross plus wasn't a HUGE stretch to condense it into a film. There were only 4 episodes. this is 25 epic episodes filled with character development, relationship development, plot twists and conspiracies.
  13. Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? The great thing about these macross series is that they spend time on a long arc. That simply can't be retold in a 2 hour movie. Honeslty, I think the only reason people prefer dyrl is because it was such an upgrade to the original vision. Beautiful animation, upgraded mecha, sophistication. But the story telling was far better in the original series. because they spent time to flesh it out. Now as far as a film version of the frontier series, it won;t have that upgrade. Frontier already has some of the most advanced animation there is. And if they're re-using animation? We'll be lucky if there is ANY kind of sensible plot. the series was rushed already.
  14. but natural weathering is a very organic process. And looks good. The weathering that is done by yamato looks inorganic. It looks like a machine took an airbrush and did a pass over every panel line. It's all very uniform. Kind od like when you see a girl with way too much make-up on.
  15. It may just be me, but I think the weathered editions look terrible. They don't even come close the the custom weathered pics I see around this place. They just look like factory airbrushing and totally lack character. And personally, I'm not really a fan of non-canon stuff either. It reminds me of the endless spiderman and batman variants that we see at toys r us. give us more canon zentradi stuff!!!
  16. wait, are these those clear stand thingys? Or the cool looking robot arm docking stations? 'Cuz those are sweet looking.
  17. like a detailed wiki? I'm a little over halfway through it and I'd like to read up on the episodes I've seen. It's starting to get a bit convoluted and I wouldn't mind a refresher.
  18. well....episode 12 was pretty badass. I now regret hearing that awesome version of do you remember love a couple of years ago. (I ws just looking for a limewire version of that song and the frontier cover was what I found) but the end was fantastic!
  19. wood is a good large material for shaping and sanding. PLexi is great for the joints, but I wanted to avoid having to glue plexi to plexi and I needed a large base. PLus, it classes it up a bit more.
  20. I'll probably change it to a UN spacy sticker when my next valk shows up
  21. not with the 1/48. But I'm already working on new "arms" so that you can. (frankly, I've never had the gunpod actually stay on this one before)
  22. here she be! *wishes I had a 1/48 cooler than cannon fodder*
  23. Well, I finished it yesterday so I will put up some photos when I get home. I used oak for the wood bits and gave it a dark Jacobean stain. I can't WAIT for my 1/60 roy to get here from japan for it.
  24. Before you order, you should check out the overdrive sale. Even though there is shipping, those valks are pretty darn cheap and so are the separate attack packs.
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