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Everything posted by pondo

  1. I find that wading through ebay searches and different japan suppliers can be pretty fickle. Any good search tips on finding that perfect deal? BTW, I made the mistake of buying a yamato version 1 by accident...........NEVER AGAIN.
  2. I emailed them over a month ago but haven't heard back. anyone know how long it takes to hear?
  3. the more this thread gets bumped, the more I realize that I don't have a "toy fund"
  4. Thanks. I had some extra oak and plexi-glass lyin' around the shop so.... Unfortunately, the 1/48 looks so much better on it. And the only one I have is the CF. (which I'm not the biggest fan of)I prefer that size (even though the 1/60's are "better") I don't exactly have the cash for buying valks left right and centre so it'll be a while before I get another.
  5. I made my own!
  6. what does hi-metal even mean? But I gotta say, I love the sculpt going on here. slick.
  7. weathering looks so bad. Why is it always just blurry, airbrushed grey? weathering has scrapes, bulletholes, dents. And it's not just grey. They need to forget making those exclusives and let people do it themselves. sorry to rain on the thread.....
  8. I now hate this thread. I am not waiting for a package right now and every time this thread pops up, I am reminded of this fact............
  9. I noticed shoulder crack on my vf-1s as soon as i got it out of the box. ....so I've never transformed it. Even thought I REALLLLLY want to................
  10. Thanks man! I love die cast ships but that -A model was a real piece of crap. Anyway, I don't really want to collect a lot of trek, but I'd really like a slick, detailed enterprise -A that's about 8" long. I'll keep looking. I think Art asylum makes a nice one that I might get. Once again, sorry for the non-macross discussion
  11. fiber-optic lighting would REALLY make that price sting less...... .....not that I will be getting it. But I'd like to see one someday
  12. well..I know it's not macross but I just got a matchbox diecast star trek enterprise from ebay and it's a piece of crap. The nacelles are both bent, the saucer section is off kilter and it's loose. and it's only about 10% die-cast...... just needed to vent.
  13. I only have one 1/48 but it makes me smile every time I look at it.
  14. I totally would have sacrificed the torso joint for a chest and torso to slide together a bit.
  15. now I really can't wait!
  16. As I said above, the one that ISN'T signed by harrison ford is still $2500 at my local comic shop. What's the difference between a falcon replica and an SDF-1 replica? At this level of quality and price, they're both for a very niche fanbase.
  17. You know what? At first I was shocked at the price. But then I remembered seeing high end star wars replicas at local comic shops. They have this falcon (minus the autograph) for $2500. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Master-Replicas-Han-Mil...=item1c0d6bc065
  18. so uh....what's everyone gonna do with their freed up $500?
  19. what the heck????
  20. so it wasn't like design upgrades for DYRL? It's just a totally different model? well, either way, it's badass.
  21. Being that there are 50 pages and I can't read ALL the witty banter which that entails...I have a question about mecha Is the destroid monster that we see in SDFM the same model as the one that we see in frontier? If so, did we see it transform into fighter/bomber mode in the old series? Or was that sort of added as a retcon along the way?
  22. the way I see it, is that a transforming revoltech vf-1 will save legions of children from having to play with these.....
  23. I just got one from overdrive sale and yes, that one still has the shoulder crack issue.
  24. well, I'm really downtown so I've never seen the dude at pacific mall. The only current macross place downtown is actually beside the AMC entrance at yonge and dundas. There s an anime shop in chinatown but they never have any macross and there WAS a cool one in the chinatown mall but he was shut down last year because of rats. Which KILLS me because his stock is still sitting there in the store.....
  25. So I just made a trip down to the only shop in toronto that actually carries macross stuff. They had the 1/60 armoured messiah ozma custom for.....$369!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost fainted when I saw that price.... btw, They also had a tan tomahawk for $149 and a couple of bandai 1/55's, and they did have a 1/48 stealth vf-1s for $220 But here in toronto, that's about all there is.
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