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Everything posted by pondo

  1. Thanks! Mine showed up just after I posted it!
  2. the curl on the wings is just a molding flaw? I can't believe that. It's pretty darn fluid. Anyway, I've got all the armor on and I think it's a pretty sweet toy. I haven't transformed it yet, but I'll get around to it. I don't mind the light blue scheme of the valk, but I'm not a fan of the purple armor. Is it better than my yamato broken shoulder edition Roy? Good question. Anyway, for the price, it's a great purchase.
  3. well, my first vf25f just showed up! I love the fighter design on this and I don't mind the chunkyness at all.....but what's with the upswoop on the wings?
  4. pondo

    1/100 Toynami Regult

    speaking of regults, do you guys think they were inspired but the AT-ST (seen briefly in empire strikes back) or was there some earlier version of a two-legged, chicken walkin' mecha that Lucas might have even got ideas from?
  5. I lived in hong kong a couple of years ago. That's what got me back into macross. In retrospect I would have bought a LOT more. I picked up my revys in a shop for $10 (canadian each) and I got my 1/48 CF for $80. I can't wait to go back!!! BTW, does anyone have any great pics of their light blue movie Alto? Is it blue in the movie?
  6. one quick question about the vf-25. Why is the movie version of alto that slightly off-coloured one? Is it that way in the movie? Or is it just a non-canon mistake (since they seem to going for so cheap)? Anyway, I bought it from hlj but it ain't here yet.
  7. pondo

    1/100 Toynami Regult

    I just went and pulled out my revy. I never realized how floppy the thing is. Even though it's more detailed and flexible, I think this toynami is more anime accurate.
  8. pondo

    1/100 Toynami Regult

    I just got my notice too!!!! I'm pretty excited about this one. (I love my revy, but this looks great too!)
  9. pondo

    1/100 Toynami Regult

    when did your arrive???? I'm still waiting. I'm not really sure why I got it. The revy is pretty fantastic. Got any pics of the two of them together??? (wait...nevermind)
  10. I just found out a friend of mine is going to hong kong in two weeks.... I'm thinking I might need her to bring a "package" home for me...
  11. well, my "1 valk per year" rule had me pull the trigger on a 1/60 vf25alto w/ super parts. I ordered it from HLJ so who knows when it will be here. But I'm still waiting for my galactica viper model and my toynami regult from BBTS... Anyone got the regult yet?
  12. And that is ultimately what I think too.
  13. I guess that's my point with the thread.
  14. Because this was more about his review and his larger commentary on yamato that deserves it's own acknowledgment.
  15. He did a really great job talking about yamato on this one! Plus, It's nice to see an actual list of shoulder problems in one place! http://anymoon.com/blog/2010/02/16/yamato-...-set/#more-3616
  16. well, now that I ordered my "movie edition" alto, I realized that it isn't just the super packs that are coloured differently. I totally didn't notice the whole "not white" thing abaout the valk. I'm an idiot.
  17. I just ordered the "movie" alto version from HLJ. Mostly because it was was the cheapest way to get a vf-25f. Super parts on the vf25 aren't really my thing anyway. I'm curious to see if there has been any upgrades on the mecha itself.
  18. tv green would be AMAZING
  19. aren't they both 1/60's???
  20. well?
  21. that dub is awful....... the voice acting in robotech was WAY better than that. (too bad everything ELSE was wrecked)
  22. So...if that lawrence Kasden penned robotech flick ever DOES happen, what are the chances it would have our beloved VF-1? After seeing how amazing the mecha was in avatar, I got pretty pumped to see my beloved SDFM in live action. Would HG legal issues even allow ANY resemblance to SDFM?
  23. this may be a stupid question, but those are 1/60 valks, right?
  24. I gotta say..this whole development has been hilarious!
  25. http://www.canucklehead.ca/look/the-gospel-of-luke.html
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