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Everything posted by pondo

  1. pondo


    That's a bit harsh, considering we do talk about knock-offs here. Jetfire is just a knock off....one that got most of the people from the western hemisphere into macross.
  2. pondo


    It's still a valk. Just re-branded. And as we said above, if jetfire hadn't been brought to us, many of us never would have found macross. It deserves it's place. And possibly, if we let one jetfire thread exist, people would stop making new ones......
  3. Adam and you are my new best friend!!!!! I couldn't figger out the part where the die cast bit over the jet intake slides down!!!! YES!!!!
  4. pondo


    He didn't need one. He was sentient.
  5. I had a roy 1s which I could never get the crotch to fit and now my tv max just showed up. Same problem. And the head seems a bit funny too. is there anything out there with pics or video to help? Or has anyone translated the manual? I never had any problems with my 1/48!!! help?....please?
  6. pondo


    As cool as the chunkies were, the jetfire look was my favorite. I even prefer the rounded nose. We probably aren't supposed to talk about that stuff, but for a generation of north american kids, jetfire was the key to the journey to a life long love of macross. At the same time, I WISH someone would make a masterpiece G1 Skyfire.
  7. I simply can not get the old crotch system to work. I have never seen my vf-1s in battloid form. It just ain't gonna happe,
  8. there's a difference between thinking it's a good idea and willing to buy one. I'd say that most forumites here are completists. The only thing keeping them from getting one of each is cash. And frankly, if Yamato can justify a $2300 SDFM, they can do a TV folker.
  9. You have to understand that when the first thing you buy is a vf-1s strike Valkyrie and it has broken shoulders out of the box, you tend to feel a bit differently. It's like buying a top of the line sportscar that has a transmission failure rate of 50%. Sure, it looks awesome in the driveway but when only 50% of the ones off the line work, you tend to question the company and their motivations.
  10. the real question is....if they released it, how many of you would get it? I know many of you say that it's practically the same thing....but at the same time (no offense because I'm envious) I've never seen so much obsessive collecting in my life. A tv roy would sell like hotcakes
  11. I was wondering, since there was no real information on it and it was a pre-order. I assumed it was a new deal.
  12. I'd love to do one in a military A-10 thunderbolt sorta motif
  13. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00197 anyone know the deal here? I've been holding out on a hikaru until the QC is fixed. could this be it?
  14. basically this is all a HUGE untapped story
  15. good point. That thing looks bigger than the death star. It could hang out ANYWHERE and be defendable.
  16. then this implies that the galaxy exists and that the battle frontier COULD have been fully staffed.
  17. I'm in toronto and i haven't a clue. I ordered it from BBTS and I haven't heard yet.... BTW, do you know any good anime toy shops in town? There's one at yonge and dundas, but that's all I know. Oh yeah, there's the anime exchange in chinatown.
  18. It could certainly give the Daedalus attack a run for it's money..... good times, good times.
  19. I saw that. I guess it means that perhaps the entire colony is in on her conspiracy? Seems unlikely. But if it were true that's a HUGE arc that I would have liked to have seen. It could have been like the battlestar pegasus or something.
  20. Frontier Spoiler! When the battle galaxy finally shows up, what happened to all the people? Where was the fleet? Was Grace just controlling it like a ghost?
  21. the green one is WAY too rich for my blood....
  22. what's the deal with other coloured ones? I saw a pic of a green one on another thread. Are those gonna be available to folks over seas?
  23. As I've said before, ad some fibre-optic lighting and paint and then the price would be worth it.
  24. pondo

    1/100 Toynami Regult

    them's fightin' words
  25. split 'em up!
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