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Everything posted by pondo

  1. or is it just a non-canon valk? ......and are the low-res verisons non-canon too?
  2. If they did buck, they could change ANYTHING they wanted.....except for the design of the star fighter. that thing is badass.
  3. I hope that someday, i about 30 years time, someone makes a sequel series to te RDM universe. The "all this has happened before" thing is too good to pass up. it happened on earth 1 it happened on Kobol it happened in the 12 colonies I would love to see it happen in our earths' future. Maybe 200 years from now on our planet. Machines rise up and a small group of military and civilians flee our solar system......
  4. what is that VF from the first pic? great collection, btw...
  5. I've never been a huge fan of the chunky, but that's a pretty sweet roy
  6. wow...you really had your share!
  7. those are sweet! The 1S has some serious charm...
  8. I LOVED the look of the old non-transformable 3 3/4"scale vf-1s fighter. They run a pretty big penny on e-bay....
  9. Cool! I loved jetfire. IN fact I'm gonna try to track one down. I really like the look of the rounded nose and the colouring, too. It's actually my favorite chunky.
  10. wow....LOVE that rifle!
  11. if anyone has both, I'd LOVE to see some side by side shots....
  12. I forgot how bad that thing really was....I had the vf1s as well...
  13. When I was a kid, the only way you could have a macross toy in my area was to have jetfire OR a non transformable robotech fighter. You would not BELIEVE the excitement when I found one of these pieces of garbage at a flea market.... thank god times have changed........
  14. cool! the G-NU's are pretty hard to come by these days.
  15. what's yer preference? I've got the revoltechs which are pretty sweet, but the yamato G-NU flexibles look quite cool too... anyone ever done a great side by side review?
  16. pondo


    I'm ashamed to admit that I bought a version 1 vf-1j. Totally by mistake. It's a load of garage. I'd rather have a chunky. It may not ever see my mantle of toys.... Unless I glue it together and make it a battle damaged edition.....*idea*
  17. 1/250??? I thought my 1/44 chara works ones were small!!!!!!! (but sweet)
  18. well....I wasn't aware that the last part of my thread title would be cut off. The other forums in which I'm part of allow for much longer titles.
  19. well, I think this all answers my question regarding a VF-1 toy. Which kind of sucks that I won't see a live action old school valkyrie. It's like when they remade Galactica. The one rule they had was that they needed to keep the old school viper. (although slightly redesigned)
  20. Well, I had heard that the movie was only going to focus on "the macross saga" part. And I really don't care about the movie at all. but I did want to talk about the potential new VF-1's that might come out with this film (if it even happens) So I figgered I was in the right forum.
  21. "Section III: Robotech Robotech may be discussed only as it relates to Macross. We do not want this forum to be another Robotech site. Macross World and its forums are dedicated to the original Japanese vision of Macross before Robotech changed so many aspects of it." that's what I'm doing here.
  22. No. Here. But they often get flamed by purists.
  23. That's really too bad. Elitism is the biggest problem with this forum. Especially with the lockages. Yeah, robotech is crap, but it's till part of the history macross. It's a blemish, but you can't deny it. what if we locked threads about macross toys we didn't like?
  24. yes. I understand that the use of the word robotech is looked down upon here. Not everyone thinks the same. (however, I am not a fan) BUT that doesn't change the fact that this will affect VF-1 figures from being released. I don't care what it says on the package, if it's a cool VF-1 or Macross, I want it.
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