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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. Anyone go to Anime Weekend Atlanta last weekend by chance and notice the security staffers with their black T-shirts with the UN SPACEY logo and the words "UN Spacey" printed on front? I did and I also happened to over hear this funny exchange between an apparently well informed dealer and a security staffer: "So how much did it cost for you guys to get HG's permission for their trademarked UN Spacey logo?" "Ah well nothing actually... You see [John Doe], our shirt designer, changed it a little here [points to kite logo]... So its our original artwork for us to use now."
  2. Yes, yes of course! Robotech is the "Southern Cross" in WB's acquired rights catalog, a mediocre property buried and forgotten among a pile of more successful properties.
  3. My most nerdist Macross moment, is ironically also my most epic Macross moment which almost got me laid. So here I am at a friend's 21st birthday party and I start flirting with this Hillary Swank look-a-like. Well the whole time I am thinking "What would Roy do?" and actually started mentally projecting myself as Roy. Believe it or not it actually worked. In a way... Next thing I know I hear her whisper "well he is hot like Muy La Flaga" as we exchanged phone numbers. (And no I wasn't imagining things, as I found out days later she was indeed a crazy Gundam Seed fan) At the time though it seemed my luck had run out as she had to leave as the designed driver for her drunk friends and we parted ways. Then it turned out we actually lived in the same apartment building! As we ran into each other in the elevator. I of course wanted to bring her back to my room, but I lost my Focking mojo when I remembered the fact that MY bathroom was an absolute mess and partially flooded with toilet water. Cause one of my roommates had actually clogged MY toilet with his own freaking pubic hair shavings of all things! Well, I actually considered singing Planet Dance as a joke at Dragon Con's Dub your own hentai panel last Saturday Sunday Night. In part because whenever I try to sing the third line it almost always comes out as the most hilariously gay sounding thing ever: "koko wa soratobu paradise wa sure c@#k of energy!"
  4. You can trademark logo drawings and actual word mark, but only for specific goods and services that you actually deal in and trademark. Another look at these bits from the first post should give you the idea:
  5. Nah, I see people talk about something someone else made all the time. Besides listen to how how he says "some of the transformations of the 'animated series' could really translate right into toys." They know and subtlety acknowledge that they didn't create the meat and bones of Robotech, but of course they don't want to use a fan term like I dunno "Original series" for fear that fans would get too curious and interested in these so called original shows. Well its not like Toyanmi is going start rolling out Invid Overlord toys anytime soon for him to transform in front of TV cameras with. Then again I doubt Tommy Yune even designed the Overlord himself. I know it first appeared in his Robotech: Invasion game, but it looks suspiciously like it was a scrapped concept from Tatsunko's mecha designers.
  6. IMO wasn't so much the 25 year old designs that made Speed Racer look silly, it was the way they purposely did the CG effects to make the movie look cartoonish. Who cares we still have Top Gun re-runs
  7. They folded to Saturn's rings to rescue Jack Archer!
  8. Vive la liberté de macroix!
  9. If Bendo had actually seen the original series he would known Aisha/Ariel was just an "innocent fairy who doesn't know any better" when it comes to skinny dipping Funny how the uncensored Remastered Robotech DVDs that they keep complaining about is literally the closest thing the world will ever see to the full realization of Carl Macek and HG's original grand vision: to dub and release all 3 series completely uncut and uncensored mail-ordered VHS tapes to young adults. All the puritan stuff in Robotech started merely to satisfy American TV standards when the marketing deal with Revell called for HG to release a syndicated TV broadcast. In fact the only reason Carl Macek stuck with "For Kids" style censorship in his later dubs was so that his releases would be marketable to wider audiences, it was entirely a calculated business decision and not some personal puritan goal to censor Japanese anime.
  10. I found that same song by accident on Amazon.com's mp3 download section. It might be a reference to another song I found: "Dreamspace (Macross Remix)" by rapper B.C. From the 30 second sample I've heard it has Minmay's "1...2...3...4" from DYRL followed by an obnoxious remix of sound-bytes of Myung's "Voices" in the background. Sounds like something straight out of Macross Plus...
  11. OGM is just another container like MKV or AVI. Just use OGM cleaver to unpackage all video&audio streams, subtitles, chapters etc included then use MKVmergeGUI to repackage everything into an MKV container for MKV2VOB.
  12. Use MKV2VOB under these configuration settings: - Prefered Subtile Language: English - Transcoding Codec: Mpeg-2 Fast - Output File Extension: Auto (MPG is done by default) - Also put a check by "Large Subtitles" otherwise they will be too small to see on your TV screen.
  13. Their could be some truth to M7 being inspired by Carl's ideas though... I mean a lot of fans forget that a decade before Basera ever jammed on his guitar in M7, Mark was pwning enemy mecha with sounds louder then a missile Indeed there was: Only thing missing from the article is that his hideous faceplate was added to cover the injuries he suffered in his intended finale in Robotech: The Untold Story when his mecha went BOMBA! I got the feeling that Maia is THE girl in Dana's hallucination, but just as Jasonc suggests it was Tommy Yune taking creative liberties. For one in the Robotech series the girl just says "I am your sister Dana, the other daughter of Max and Miria" with no mention of a name. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCJXo-ChQsU#t=12m00s It was only the Jack McKinney novel, which is non-cannon anyway, that came up with the name Aura in the first place. So its fair enough that Yune gave her whatever name he wanted. As for the hair color choice of purple over blue: 1. A Kuze clone in RTSC just wouldn't be complete without a purple haired Motoko Kusanagi look-like as well. 2. "Emotionless Rei Ayanmai blue" does not match her personality. 3. Maia is Robotech's equivalent of the the purple haired "La Blue Girl" and was tentacled raped by Basera's space whales (which were apparently an original of idea of Carl)
  14. When and where did Carl himself ever say anything to even suggest that everything in Robotech was his doing and the end result of his grand artistic vision? The most outrageous claim I have ever heard straight from Carl Macek's mouth is that Robotech Sentinels would have revolutionized how all Americans viewed animation had his vision for the show been fulfilled, in his Space Station Libtery Podcast interview. Visually though Jack Baker and Karen Penn are actually rehashes of Shogo and Yui of Megazone 23 Part 1. Carl's orginal plan was to have them as "Mark" and "Becky" from Robotech: The Untold Story. Add to the list of the thousand and one things that were ruined when he was denied the use of SDF Macross footage for the film. Not to mention that her character is based on just a mere figment of Jeanne/Dana's imagination from a hallucination.
  15. I think its likely that the ASS-1 was actually just running on auto-pilot for a very, very, long time. After all its a derelict ship whose previous owners were remnants of a brainwashed army who lost their supervisors in a a war thousands of years ago. I don't know about you, but I don't see jumping ship or creating a self-succiffant colony in the ship's hull and repopulating the ship with new crew-members as an option for brainwashed minions. Most likely they just died out naturally leaving a literal skeleton crew of the ship's AI systems.
  16. Showing videos at a convention panel is considered a "public performance" regardless of if I am profiting off their copyright work. If I am going to show copyrighted material at a panel I want to present it legitimately or not at all. If I can get video permissions to go on along with my planned project that is still a big WIP presentation awesome, if not I will just continue the panel minus the copyrighted videos. Then again if I do a video presentation I doubt I will be able to open up the panel via Skype for Taksraven and others as it 's probably considered an internet transmission.
  17. I would be happy to do so for anyone willing to reimbursement at least some of the cost of acquiring a Skype account and renting over-priced Internet access from the Regency Hotel.
  18. Already Preordered None so far Intending to Buy Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Revoltech figure Ryofu Housen Apron Figure Kanu Unchou Maid in Black Xtreme Xecutor Arcadia Miniature Model Sheryl Nome Swimsuit DX figure Maybe purchase Miku Hatsune Tony Ver. Queadluun Rhea Klan Custom Linebarrels of Iron: Vardant Variable Action Figure 1/144 Scale Risty Queens Blade Fig Villetta Nu Swimsuit ver. Wang Liu Mei Chinese Dress Marie Mamiya Starless figure If I Had the Money 1st gen Jet Fire brand-new still in box. Lynn Minmay DYRL figure Gatchaman Jun Dark Ver. Fig Macross Zero VF-0S 1/60 YAMATO 1/60 SV-51 Gamma Ivanov Valkyrie Asagi Igawa Figure Ichiban kuji Klan Klang original color ver Reona Morimoto completed Resin Kit
  19. Well I did inquire HG for video permission... so I can actually illustrate a few of the edits in Robotech and they have asked for a details on how I am going to run the panel. If they don't like the power point presention and schedule I submit to them when I am done with them. Then understandably they will probably deny me video permission. If they do deny me video permission though no big deal I'll just cancel the video presentation aspect and just say what I want say to the 3 or so tired attendees who may show up at the panel Monday morning. As for the HG crew they are already scheduled for Kumoricon in Oregon that same weekend and its probably not worth it to fly to Atlanta just for a Monday morning Robotech panel that's a last minute addition. Nothing to worry about. By Monday morning's Robotech panel even the most violent of D*C fans will have been cultured after attending Sunday night's "dub your own Hentai" Panels .
  20. Conveniently enough my track director actually has 14 years of experience in dealing with Japanese intellectual properties. I'll probably call it "25 years of Robotech" or something, still working on wording the blurb for the programming guide actually. As for the debate issue its all the more reason I want to use solid documented sources when I cover the copyrights issue in my presention before time permitting I open up for a Q&A.
  21. Oh it gets even better. 5 minutes after I posted the "They Live" parody I get a little email from a convention director... Long story short I will actually be hosting a Robotech panel at Dragon Con. And on that note LoneWolf, Seto, Azrael may I incorporate your great info and sources from the first post into my presentation?
  22. Anyone want to help me pass out the "sunglasses" at these Robotech panels?
  23. Nah, its just that Gatling gunpods are just so awesome they make buzzsaw sound effects... IN SPACE!
  24. My take is that the VF-4 was built to compliment the early Megaroad fleets in humanitiy's crucial first sprints towards colonization. After barely escaped utter annihilation and venturing into an unknown frontier everyone wanted solid guardian fighters for the Megaroad fleets. With all those hardpoints and weapons that Seto mentioned IMO it was designed as a type of heavy assault fighter. Later once the UN colonized nearby worlds and gained more experience in space their was a shift in defense mentality as well as well as fleet configurations. The perception of the big bad VF-4 and VF-14 as being necessary for fleet security gradually changes to expensive and impractical overkill for the role of mainstream fighter with-in long range fleets. While I have never seen any money amount attached to any VF its a simple fact that heavier more massive fighters like the VF-4 and the VF-14 will have to be manufactured and maintained with that much greater amounts of raw material. Sure the Zentrandi war factories gathered enough raw metal for a fleet of nearly 5 million massive ships, but the UN Spacy fleets are in a marathon race across the galaxy. They don't want to spent years mining every last asteroid field they see dry just so they can they see in space just they can build the biggest baddest fleet in the galaxy. So the progression to smaller, streamlined fighters like the VF-11,19,and 25 is just one facet of the ultra-long range immigration plan.
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