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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. May I reserve a copy? It will be awhile before I can deposit money to paypal.
  2. Personally I always thought the dark energy that damaged Haestrom's sun was from a Heretic Geth/Reaper weapon test or something. Cause manipulating suns into frying organics on their own planet is an evil and ingenious tactic that I could imagine the Reapers and their cult followers of Geth using.
  3. The Protodevlin origanlly were non-corporal beings of pure energy from sub-space though. The devilish bodies you see are the Protoculture's equalvanet of "Evangelions/Angels" that they got sucked into. If they could return to subspace I imagine they would probably be on par with the Spirits of Evil. Both have antennas/mini runways stiking out of them in similar place and have a ship 'tugboating" the pyramid. Thats why I think Mumm-Ra's ship was influenced by the Einstein. While the black cradle that seems to holds the pyramid in place is probably from the pyramid ships Stargate series. Come to think of it Basara does have yellow cat eyes...
  4. Good eye! Indeed, his ship does look very much like the Einstein.
  5. They are celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Macross 7 Dynamite OVA from 1997, not the 1994 series.
  6. I would no doubt be Anti-UN all the way. De-centralized power structures is the way to go and every nation should be responsible for defending their region of "space" from alien invaders IMO.
  7. Where does it say the Anti-UN never had any space fleet of their own?
  8. What about the fact that the Anti-UN rolled out transforming Octos destroids two years before the UN deployed their non-transforming Cheyenne destroids? I would argue that is strong supporting evidence that Nora was correct in saying the UN stole variable technology from the Anti-UN. 1. It could have been used to attack Anti-UN space fleets. 2. Perhaps local Anti-UN rebels were just very pissed that the UN was seizing their properties to install massive WMDs they never even wanted in the first place? Armed with weapons or not. It seems to me like the Mars Base crew already swore they were willing die in the name of UN world government.
  9. How so? In the SDF Macross flashbacks we have Roy fighting Anti-UN jet fighters in a jet fighter. Their was no definitive proof that I recall in SDF Macross that indicated one faction had VFs before the other.
  10. Try Yahoo's Japanese auctions and Amazon.jp. A lot of Macross collectibles get posted there.
  11. The Anti-UN was the first human faction to invent variable transformation and cybernetics. Its the UN that is actually behind technologically.
  12. I see my bad. I want to point out though that when Panthro made his intro standing on top of the Thundertank only his silhouette was visible. Hence its understandable why Lion-O and crew didn't recognize him right a way. Watch 7:07 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VjIf--5-nQ&t=7m07s
  13. I doubt it. The SDF Macross doujins drawn back then were probably just as raunchy.. "The anti-sex policies in America serve the imperial needs of America, because sex is at the root of families, and families are at the root of nations, and nations want freedom and independence to live their own lives. Thus, whatever harms nations rooted in families, serves the American empire." http://www.johmann.net/essays/american-culture.html#fn16
  14. I just unlocked the Jusitcar myself yesterday., before I could only watch other players use her. Now the Justicar is my new favorite character to use on gold thanks to Biotic Sphere and reave. Personally I usually only use pull to expose cerberus guardians because I never got the hang of creating biotic explosions and I prefer to just headshot enemies after "poisoning" them with reave. I got my biotic sphere spec'd to the max for damage reduction and shield recharge. As shields get wiped out very easily in gold its very nice to be able to barrier up in a moments notice for a quick recharge before jumping back into the fray. Also want to add that I found that when it comes to laying bubbles and proximity mines narrow doorways and stairways are your best friend..
  15. I was thinking front-line of the war out in the middle of the solar system, not the actual battle. My bad for not typing it out. Then again since space is vast and 3-dimensional they could easily avoid friendly fire if they were careful and creative about ship positions. After all the SDF-1's main gun destroyed a number of Zentradi capital ships by surprise without vaporizing their VF fleets in friendly fire.
  16. Don't judge. After all who wouldn't kill Riber for THIS...
  17. The U.N. essentially said to the nations of the world "all your base are belong to us, please" and then proceeded to invade any country that said "No, Thank you." How is that not evil and oppressive?
  18. The Fucsica ending has already been done:
  19. I was thinking why not just attach a "Super Pack" upgrade that supplies an auxiliary reactor to power the barrier system while the main reactors powers the beam cannon? I mean its funny that the UN Spacy has no issue mass producing "Super Packs" with reactor engines for Valkyrie cannon fodder, but yet they never seem to consider up-scaling Super Pack to upgrade their expensive Macross-Class ships.
  20. Kamikaze attacks.or not. I always blamed the UN Spacey for things like: - positioning the majority of their precious artillery ships out in the front-lines in the first plalce - lack of decent interceptor craft and anit-fighter flack guns - lack of any barrier system to protect Macross cannons
  21. I said "I think alot of us fans just really love Haruhiko Mikmoto's artwork over Risa Ebata's.Hence we tend to defend fanservice with the classic Mikimoto charaters." Nothing about preferring classic character designs over Mikimoto's new artwork in Macross the First. No, but not every anime production can depicting the same level of graphic nudity. Just look at how the Frontier movies have more nudity then the entire TV show. Also I think when anime shows only really use pantsu jokes and such only as a lame attempt to compensate for the lack of nudity. . What are you only into masculine mecha with phallic weaponry or something?
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