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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. Really? I am talking about the fact that Jetfire was made from a DYRL toyline mold. So what if Jetfire was also made by Matsushiro it doesn't change the fact that a DYRL toy was marketed in the US. http://dennis-toys.blogspot.com/2009/03/ba...-or-hasbro.html Edit: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=24 Yeah, fantastic punctuation and spelling no way it could be Bendo. I already know that whoever Robotechfanplus is he no doubt lied about watching only the orginial. His Youtube vid descriptions get into alot of detail about the Macross sequels as you can see for yourself. I also doubt that he is really the 41 year old from Turkey that he claims to be. and
  2. See this for yourself: http://dennis-toys.blogspot.com/2009/03/ba...-or-hasbro.html
  3. It just occurred to me JetFire was actually a repainted Super Valk from Bandai's Macross DYRL toyline!!!!! Jetfire:http://www.toybin.org/cache/1985/Autobots/Air%20Guardian/JetFire/480_robot.jpg. Max DYRL Super Valk: http://dennis-toys.blogspot.com/2009/04/fr...of-box-toy.html With no actual DYRL footage to show fans I am thinking now HG just settled with Hasbro selling the DYRL toy as Jetfire and forgot all about their DYRL merchandising buried somewhere in there contract as the new management came in the Robotech department. After reading RobotechFanPlus's comments I just get this gut feeling he is Doug Bendo.
  4. As far as I know HG only started selling Macross DYRL toys on Robotech.com since mid 2008, so they must have acquired the merchandising rights from someone besides BW not too long ago. "As far as I [knew] HG only started selling Macross DYRL toys on Robotech.com since mid 2008" cause I never even bothered gong to the site before and I haven't even bought Macross toys EVER. Still I don't see Harmony Gold acquiring merchandising rights from BW. Funny that it take them until '04 to DISCOVER that they had merchandising rights. When they ordered importers to stop importing Macross DYRL and Plus toys "on the grounds that they 'own' the complete rights to 'Macross' outside of the Japanese Archipelago." http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/023/RipOff0023721.htm Thanks for the link. This post is gold, hell I am saving the webpage its on and backing it up on my external HD as I type this. I figured something like this must be the case. I knew Tatsunko got the rights to SDF Macross in exchange for paying the production cost, but I didn't know for sure if BW paid Tatsunko as hired help in DYRL with profits from SDF Macross or if Tatsunko shared some of the cost as a partnership. We all know that Tatsunko is on good terms with HG and the real issue is that BW still has veto control over Macross DYRL consortium or not. I am beginning to think that unless something drastically changes we might have to wait for Macross DYRL to enter public domain before it can be released Stateside. Lets all campout and sleep next to Walt Disney in his cryo-chamber in the Disney tower and tell him how much it sucks that his company doesn't make hand drawn animated movies like DYRL anymore while we wait.
  5. I didn't have a enough time to also type more more in my last post, but here goes. I like the idea, but I am worried that the rights holder might not even specialize in anime and would not scan every little ad in an Otaku magazine. I think that most companies would jump at the chance though if they found the rights to DYRL somewhere in their back catalog unless they are an off shoot of Big West and also have a bone to pick with Harmony Gold. From what I know Tatsunko got the distribution rights to SDF Macross footage in exchange for paying production costs for the show. For DYRL though I believe BW had the cash to pay Tatsunko for there assistance in production. As paid help Tatsunko would only get several lines in the credits not actual rights to the movie. Looking back at the first post: It seems to me that BW passed around the Merchandising and distribution rights to DYRL. As far as I know HG only started selling Macross DYRL toys on Robotech.com since mid 2008, so they must have acquired the merchandising rights from someone besides BW not too long ago. As for the Overseas distribution rights they must have passed a lot of hands after leaving Toho sometime between 1988-2001. Then again after the trials and HG's Macross trademark no one in Japan or US was really expecting a DYRL release overseas as even being possible so its doesn't surprise if the rights have been shelved and forgotten as newer anime with less legal confusion came in.
  6. Trademarks are not generalized. HG only has Robotech trademarks that pertain to cartoon series, video games, toys, etc. Besides Robotech pool cleaners don't compete with HG's Robotech franchise. Its only when games like BattleTech come out that use identical designs or a cartoon named Robotech that HG is really going to take actions to protect the Robotech name. Also common words and phases cannot be trademarked. Thats why Sci-Fi is becoming Sy-Fy. So there is nothing HG can do about a mining company named Harmony that mines Gold unless they rip-off HG's golden logo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HarmonyGoldLogo.jpg). Merely having an ad for just "Do You Remember Love" wouldn't cut it, the phase DYRL alone is not trademarked. The DYRL ad would have to have Macross or some Valkyrie attached as well in order to raise the alarms by any Macross DYRL holders still hiding in the woodworks.
  7. There was documentation on SDF Macross over distribution contracts, but that didn't help either. Its likely that it has something to do with: I think that BW and Tats could possibly both have some stake in DYRL distribution rights and both have to agree in order for DYRL to be distributed much like the situation between Fox and WB over Watchmen. If this is the case why didn't we get Robotech: DYRL comic books and video games? Tommy Yune could use Robotech Shadow Rising as a chance to explain how a fictional retelling of Space War One was filmed in universe after the SDF-3 crew disappeared. Obviously the Protoculture ruins would become ruins of the Robotech Masters, but when it comes to the Love song found here is where things could get interesting. The house that Rick and Lisa sleep in could turn out to be the house that Lynn Minmay raised Zor in the distant past. Of course the song found by an old picture frame of Zor and Minmay would turn out to be written by Minmay as a love song about remembering her love with Rick. Sounds like a fanfic I know, but what doesn't in Robotech. Then a RT DYRL game with animated comicbook cutscenes like Metal Gear Portable Ops would be released with the ability to control a stealth unit that travels around in Zentradi sized cardboard boxes.
  8. Yeah, I figured I would get such a reaction after my initial post so I figured I would explain it now rather then later. The real definition of conspiracy is simply: a group of persons united in the goal of overthrowing an established power as opposed to a cabal which usurps an established power from within. Its thanks to media and political slander that the term "conspiracy theorists" has become associated with the misinformed crackpots that you think of. So you see you and many others on this forum, myself included, are part of a conspiracy to overthrow the established ideas set by HG onto RT fans. Its a good honest review of the "books" of Robotech. Unlike another review I saw where a guy actually compared Robotech to the books that formed the Bible. He believed that the stories of the original anime didn't work well on their own, but that combined together as the Robotech trilogy they some how at a greater impact. Even went as far as saying that Robotech taught great morals such as when the Invid learned to forgive Zor's original sin of stealing protoculture at the end of Robotech.
  9. If they do they better use dual tracks and not pull the stunt they did with Season 1 of Code Geasse by releasing it first in English Dub only. To me that actually sounds like it could be an interesting story that twists historical events. Japan actually had 2 atomic bomb projects during WW2, hence the inspiration for the antimatter bomb. I should have realized it sooner that you are indeed a conspiracy theorist, trying to reveal the truth behind the collapse of the twin tower cannons of the Macross on 9-11 to every Robotech fan you can. I also mean it as a compliment in that you continue your personal crusade for the truth despite resistance from Hardcore RT fans and HG. I for one have been criticized as being crazy by many friends and family for my interest in trying to find the truth behind UFO and alien sightings.
  10. I never heard that line, I was too busy looking for the SDF-2 that they kept mentioning in Robotech. So even the VF-4 is just another thing that Robotech was missing Robotech. I will admit that sadly that is me in a nutshell currently. Its not like other comic book artists haven't drawn women with barbie doll figures or outrageously beefed up men. This time Tommy just ripped off of DC and Marvel Superhero comics instead of Macross. This exaggeration of masculine and feminine qualities that people have been complaining about in artwork and advertising ads isn't new and is tied into basic human psychology 101. People are designed to spot members of the opposite gender quickly before they even recognize their own gender by looking for features deemed masculine or feminine such as broad chests or slim waistlines. It is these very features that are always exaggerated when photoshoping model photos or animating cartoons of either gender, often on an unconscious level or to help market something to the opposite sex. Honestly, though I think we can put aside this Robotits discussion. Its not like there is any shortage of stuff of things to complain about HG and RT. I actually saw a couple once cosplaying as Ishtar and Hibiki back at AWA 13. It was funny because I saw Mac II a week before the con, yet I didn't recognize them at the con despite this gut feeling that I should. When I rewatched Mac II again a few days later I then noticed the outfits that Ishtar and Hibiki were wearing when Ishtar got cultured shocked and started running, then it suddenly hit me that the couple I saw were indeed cosplaying as Ishtar and Hibiki. Edit: QUOTE (RavenHawk @ Apr 24 2009, 10:59 AM) * Are you talking about obscurity in America or Japan? I don't know about Japan, but here in the states MOSPEADA is a lot more obscure. Megazone Part One was almost as big a cult classic as Akira.
  11. That is what makes the spirit of Robotech the polar opposite from Macross spiritually in my eyes. Macross was all about the regular guy who just wanted a normal civilian life and was drawn in as a soldier to a epic conflict. Likewise the Macross city is a reflection of this, despite the radical change civilian life continues as normal as possible with all the amenities and excesses we take for granted. Even the scary enemies turn out to be mutual allies by the end of the story. RSC on the other hand is like Starship troopers and Blue Gender in a PG movie, its everyone being slaughtered at the hands of instectoids in the name of the military machine packed into a campy kid friendly movie.
  12. Personally, I was never bothered by the 2d art looking sterile, the character designs looked like they were lifted from superhero comics to me. On the contrary it was the bland 3d in the background that really got to me. It was obvious nobody even bothered to take a moment to paint over the backgrounds in photoshop or even attempted to render them with RT Battle Cry's pathetic cell shading. The b-movie acting and hollow lines I think lacks more soul then the actual artwork.
  13. My bad Seto, I was quickly reading your post and typing my post before I had to rush out the door. I completely missed the sentance: I see what you mean that the actual VF-4 Production was never animated in the Robotech universe, but I don't think that is reason enough to exclude it from Robotech mecha. If the prototype model itself existed in RT its a small stretch to say that some production model would be built sometime in the RT continuity. Of course if a production design of the VF-4 is shoehorned into the RT corner its just going to be a copy of Macross's design as we all know HG doesn't make anything remotely original except for character designs with big breasts which bring me to this: Now I wasn't actually there so I don't know how Tommy actually delivered it, but I think it was just a joke that came out sounding bad. Tommy himself is Korean and everyone knows he was the creative director so when he remarks that "you know how those young Korean guys can draw their women" he is indirectly making fun of himself as a horny guy who draws sexy women because he can. I think you guys are just blowing things out of proportion as we start to demonize everything Tommy, Kevin, and the whole HG crew do. It was obviously a stupid joke that Tommy said trying to be funny rather then state the obvious that he is just a normal straight guy who likes to use his drawing skills to make sexy woman. Edit: Don't forget as well that were things that were drawn in by animators that Tommy changed such as the Regiss transformation scene where she turns into a burst of light that looks like a giant penis and Aeriel's nudity which of course had to be censored to keep the movie PG.
  14. When I said the model appeared I meant the toy model that Hikaru/Rick was playing with at the beginning of episode 36 before Minmay walked into his room. The same toy model is also visible on Hikaru's desk in Macross DYRL after Minmay storms out and Hikarus and Misa have their moment. Even though it is only animated briefly as a toy model, its still technically an animated part of the Robotech universe and got just about the same screen time as the Ghost fighters in episode 1.
  15. Funny you should say that. Just the other day I saw a youtube video with SRW attacks and it had Mosepeda in one of the SRW games! I believe it is one of the more recent SRW games on the PS2. I was actually looking for the SRW game it was on because I wanted to compare SRW stats of the Alpha/Beta fighters to other Macross fighters after reading Einherjar's post about Alpha and Betas being considered superior to any Macross model. No such luck in finding the specific game but I do remember seeing that Mospeda Inbit and Ride armor in a SRW game. No doubt you were playing SRW Alpha Gaiden judging by your description. The ridiculous twists and turns are inevitable when you consider they are games made from twisting scenario after twisting scenario from popular series as missions. Part of the fun though is the fact that it is a cross-over that shows a what-if the characters all existed in the same universe. Such as the moment Roy challenged Isamu to a drinking contest, with Hickaru saying something like "Poor Isamu doesn't stand a chance against Major Focker, the Nighttime ace." Perhaps you should try the Original Generation games already available on GBA, I guess you could say they are more legitate in that it is original charaters rather then a cross-over mash-up, but there is just as many twists in the plots. Your welcome for the new sig, but uhh I think you should paraphrase for this site. Without the context of the situation it sounds like THIS Macross website is dying a slow and painful death with Robotech. On the OTHER website, however its much more fitting to use in its current form. You know what website I am talking about.
  16. Lighting III is there in SDF Macross, Robotech, and even DYRL, but only as a mere model.
  17. Wow. Gone for a night and the thread has grown by two pages. Nope! I already made a youtube and Gmail account under MacrossFanPlus! The youtube vid is titled MACROSS FLONTIER+My Time to Be A Star. I am disappointed they no really puts effort went into these vids, then again its probably because video editing is a hobby of mine. Seeing these lame vids wants me to make a several well made videos I have had in mind for awhile. Once there done I will have them posted for you guys of course. Its one thing to create cross-universes such as Super Robot Wars does, but to graft other Macross shows to Robotech rather then admitting their separate is just sad. http://www.geocities.com/spiffy5181/vf11-1.jpg LMAO! Isamo, ANTI-UTG, or even UTG forces is not mentioned once once in the actual text. Yet they make such posts as: -The VF-11 however was not finished as it again saw service in the front lines in the Fourth Robotech War against the Marduk and the Varauta War in 2064 but was shown to be inferior in all cases to the most enemy mecha. -The VF-11K was designed as Sound Force Mecha and had a speaker gunpod and four internal missile launchers and a Sound Energy System as well as a guitar stick control systems Don't worry Macross007, the website hasn't been updated since January 21, 2002 and several of the pages are already gone. The website is dying a slow and painful death... like all things Robotech. If only my avatar could do more then just look cool and deliver actually headshots ("Kopfschuss") to kill websites... Just think of how much better the internet would be without Robotrash.
  18. Relax, I was just being scarastic. I think the hover tech could work well as long as their is a decent explanation like hover technology lifted from SDF-1 and/or Zentradi ships. When I first saw RT on Cartoon Network I honestly thought I was watching a different show when it moved to the SC saga because of the huge change in the charaters and background, obviously for a LAM2 things would be changed to suit the transition better. I might just do that. I was actually planing to make a parody Robotech Frontier trailer myself. Except unlike RobotechFanPlus, I am actually going to put effort into editing MacF Footage with audio from various stories few that are RT however.
  19. Hey Twip, I brought Batman Beyond into this because it was a great example and because it was so Schway. Anyways I was searching for news on the Hellsing OVA and stumbled upon an old page from Ain't it Cool News from 2003. I wish I could find the original post, I am just so curious as to what company the right holders would not want to share revenue with...
  20. No! If that happens then: - "These aren't the Gundams you are looking for." - Zechs will wear all black and have the voice of James Earl Jones. - The Zero systems for Epiyon and Wing Zero would each be powered by an annoying and otherwise useless droid. - Hero would be a mothers boy who turns emo after accidentally blows up his mother along with a military base. - It will suddenly be revealed that Heero is the brother of Relina before she makes out with Duo Solo in front of the Death Falcon Hell Custom. - The epic "I will survive" moment will simply be "Trust the force Heero", as Heero Skywalker aims for a two meter hole in a Death Star pulling a colony drop with a massively overpowered buster rifle. What are you talking about SC fit right into the Robotech continuity perfectly! - About ten years later mankind always gets hover cars and futuristic clothing somehow (haven't you seen Batman Beyond) - It just makes sense that the only source of the vital Protoculuture that powers everything be left buried in the remains of the SDF-1 - Its so obvious that the three mounds were the remains of Kyron's ships and the two SDFs from Macross. - Everyone knows Helicopter rotors work so much better then jet engines in space. - All black charaters RT are magically related to Claudia Grant because she never had kids and her family was wiped out on Earth. - Its an ingenious idea to use the one Zor clone that is vital to your protocutlure producing plans as a spy amongst a violent and stupid species that is vastly inferior to a species such as the Robotech Masters. - Speaking of which no name would better describe a bio-technologically advance race then "Robotech." - Protoculture can obviously become anything except for of course an ancient culture, that of course would be as stupid as thinking Robotech wasn't three separate shows shoved together as every knows HG made Robotech. Doesn't hurt either that Kevin is over 6 feet tall and is a lot more physically imposing then either Tommy or Steve should the fans get physical.
  21. You just hit the nail on the noggin Seto. With little concrete news for the LARM we find ourselves speculating and creating all this hype as part of our obsession with Macross. After all why would we be posting on Macross World if we had no interest in Macross? Considering that Robotech is tiny compared to other sci-fi franchises its no surprise that fans are hungry for every trivial bit of a LAM that they hope to revitalize interest in Robotech and possibly Macross by extension. And of course RT eclipses Star Trek and Star Wars! Phasers, lightsabers, the death star, and even the Force itself is nothing compared to the the power of song! In all serious though I for one am tired of watching generic space battles that is nothing but, big ships launching projectiles and exploding that as long as I see at least one fast paced space battle with jets in gerwalk, a few itano circuses, and a Daedalus attack synced to a decent concert sequence I will be more then satisfied with the LARM. I am sure a lot of viewers who have not been exposed to Robotech/Macross would be blown away by such a different take on space battles as well. Its because we associate "reimagining" to movies like Transformers and Dragonball Evolution and naturally assume the worst when noting is shown for the project. Had concept art of this reimagined look been released to fans so that WB and company would at least seem to be taking the project seriously then I am sure there would be more enthusiasm from most fans. I doubt Michael Bay himself will have any hand in the LARM, and if the rumors that Christoper Nolan wants to direct Robotech and film it in IMAX turn out to be true then the reimagining prospect seems much brighter.
  22. That is a validate point. What I was pointed trying to point out earlier about Tobey's fandom wasn't about how it would effect the quality of the LAMR per say, but how it would influence the mecha designs and the Macross look we are all speculating over. My point is that Tobey might push for the nostalgic look of the original perhaps even approach Big West if he really wants the original look. On the other hand he might want to redesign everything and start Robotech from scratch. Its his project and ultimately his call how he approaches the LAMR. Exactly. Case in point the blockbuster defining films JAWs and Star Wars that showed that movie audiences want to be entertained rather then bored with artistic character driven stories. The LAMR has blockbuster written all of it though with plenty potential for action and a simple plot. - boy gets in cool robot - crashes cool robot into house. Meets hot Chinese girl. - boy falls into "friend zone" with girl, but kicks ass in combat zone with his buddy - best bud dies, everyone cries manly tears and the boy gets a new ride - boy realizes that old sour puss is actually hot and more fun to be around then the little brat when she leaves - boy saves old sour puss with the cool robot he inherited - boy and old sour puss ride into sunset the end... till they make a dam sequel
  23. If that were the case then Tobey would have simply left Robotech to be done entirely by his production company and still cash in without doing any production work himself.
  24. When you consider the fact that Tobey was born in 1975 making him 10 when RT was originally broadcast its very possible for him to become a childhood fan of Robotech. We are no doubt hearing about how a lot of these people in Hollywood are anime fans for PR, but that doesn't change the fact that numerous people in Hollywood have been genuine anime fans for years. I also can't help but point out the absurdity of your comment "It might have been a coincidence that he liked it and his company is interested in the movie." Its no mere coincidence that a company would have the same interests as its founder. It also telling when Tobey has expressed interest in working behind the camera on Robotech while acting for Spiderman 4. He must be really interested in Robotech if he is willing to shuttle back and forth between two busy simultaneous movie projects.
  25. In the copyright domain all of things are subjective and speculative like this though. I wish I could find the clip of when Steven Colbert had his brother, a copyright lawyer, come on the show to debate about who had the rights to the Obama HOPE photo (http://media.collegepublisher.com/media/paper791/stills/4g02ri0d.jpg). When Steven asked if it was Obama, the photographer, or the guy who edited the photo that should have rights to the photo his brother replied that all of them could claim ownership of the photo. Then when Stephen was asked whose side he was on his brother replied "I'm a lawyer I am on the side of who ever pays me the most money." I do agree that we are all speculating and talking about a lot of ifs especially with what little confirmed news we do have. I for one though want to look back on our current speculations if and when the movie is made to see how right or wrong we were. It will be somewhat anti-climatic though if it creates as much hype as Watchmen did when it was marketed as staying as loyal as possible to the comics. Then again if it did create such hype then Macross could become more well known stateside. Forgotten by all this legal speculation though I think the single biggest factor that will influence the Macross scales in the LAM is Tobey Maguire. Its his money and the people that he is hiring that are making this movie possible, not HG, BW, or Tatsunko. The bigger the fanboy he is no doubt the harder he will push to put more Macross/Robotech into the movie however he can.
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