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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. Never even heard of it till now. According to wikpediai its about some college otaku students and it sounds like a manga Otaku no Video to me. Let me guess you think I got the ironing idea from Genshikien? I am curious if I should checkout this manga now. I don't think its the realism that really grips Robotech fans. Its the fact that its a well animated show (due to its japanese origins) with a decent English dub that typical western cartoon fans who aren't into watching subs can enjoy. The realism that draws fan isn't from the visuals but from the English VAs who sound realistic. It also doesn't help that Macross, the only Robotech anime that ADV dubbed, sounds absolutely horrible dubbed in English with cheesy Voice acting and sound effects and I am not talking about Mari Ijama's english either. Edit: I didn't even want to get to mentioning Shadow Shronicles. I also don't want to criticize that blackhole sequence after watching the episode of the Stargate Atlantis/SG-1 crossover episode where there was a space fight with a Wraith cruiser over the disc of a black hole with little sign of actually being pulled by the black hole with engines on full power, in Shadow Chronicles at least it was used to dramatic effect that they were getting sucked in despite engines being set to max.
  2. Who is Drill Asamin? All I get from google is 'Did you mean: drill osama" To paraphase the ebay description: "A (( 抱き枕カバー dakimakura)) is a kind of large pillow from Japan. The name means "hugging pillow"; they are similar in shape to body pillows in the west." Usually pictures of young anime girls are used blah,blah... "Some of these printed dakimakura can be considered love pillows." Right... the two-sided Ranka pillow with one side that shows Ranka bottomless is just a hugging pillow. I'd love to see some otaku who buy these pillows tell that to the women in their lives. I think these $100+ erotic pillows most sell though with the nerds who live don't do their own laundry and wouldn't see the logic in just ironing a printed design of their choice onto a $30 pillow. No doubt. I mean Robotech has got to be just the most realistic cartoon of all time. With 30 foot tall humanoid aliens with bones denser then titanium that actually move, lush Amazon forests that regrow from scorched earth in less then 2 years, a city that can be rebuilt like new with no visible sign of damage from scrap in mere days, and thermonuclear hallengentic planets with no obvious side effects on peoples health. Funny how it works that discussing sex issues in Macross is a big no-no, but posting erotic pictures of Macross and Robotech girls and discussing them is not.
  3. What may be an eternity to man is a moment for god. I have no need for hesitation. ~Krelian Erotic pillow covers for the horny otakus sold out, that is hard to believe... Its ironic that we were all making a big deal of HG using superhero character designs as sex appeal to sell Shadow Chronicles to teenagers when Big West has been marketing a variety of erotic supplementary material. Just take a look at the Macross Frontier CD singles that were censored in stores for their erotic covers. What's also amusing is the fact that the CDs are advertised with the AD: "Hey, the nose art stickers are ERO! Ranka’s not wearing any (pantsu)… Sheryl seems like she’s egging us on…. You’ve got to buy these stickers!" No mention of the SONGS. Just buy the CDs for the erotic artwork to frap to and toss out the CDs. I mean its one thing to complain about HG using sex appeal to help market the Shadow Chronicles, but I haven't seen them make any shred of erotic material to sell on the side since the Robotech Sentienls Winter Wonderland Special way back in 1995. There isn't even a miniature figure of the sexy Maia Sterling to go along with her pink shadow fighter. Compare that to all the erotic PVC figures and pillows marketed by Big West. Yet when erotic Macross stuff is sold we laugh, when its Robotech that is being erotic we complain that the guys at HG are horribly perverted. Where is the fairness in that? http://www.sankakucomplex.com/wp-content/g...23-3082zaio.jpg
  4. Getting wild and into it isn't creepy, its just great sexy fun. Not really fair comparison shots considering the huge difference in lighting and mood. I also have to say that any girl would look great with a smile cast in a soft blue light. Sounds to me like someone is just jealous that someone would rather sleep with women like this: Over a fictious woman like her: :lol: This Macross sex topic has given me an idea. Lets start start a new thread where you not only say which Macross character you would do, but when and where. It could turn out to be quite funny and at the very least it will be something other then just recycling jokes and taking crack shots at RT and HG for eternity.
  5. The RDF are beef because they weight train a lot in the "Gravity Simulator" as part of their training regiment to take back the earth and the RDF must have a strict drug testing policy because they can't afford to have soldiers wasting any protoculutre just to get high. 1. I think girls with short hair are sexy. 2. Who cares about style when the girls look better without clothes anyway. 3. While Maia can't sing, just shouting my name would be music to my ears. 4. What no messy politics to worry about? I just have to kill some reds and sleep all day count me in!
  6. I am gonna have to say that this is one area where Shadow Rising triumphs Macross Frontier in my honest opinion cause I would dig Maia's ass over Sheryl's any day. Seriously Marcus has it made compared to Alto: no princess idol syndrome to deal with, no tangling in a love triangle, Maia can actually pilot and she doesn't look like an anorexic fashion model, and she tested negative for Vajira AIDs I meant it more as a general statement about the cartoon industry here in America. I only watched a few minutes on youtube on several of those shows, but I did notice the glowing tattoos and the flat characters in Battletech when I wasn't laughing at the CG battlescenes lifted from Mechwarrior. The thing that stuck out to me about Invasion America was the first 3 mins with the CSI moment of the alien remains and how the main character is a carbon copy of Terry from Batman Beyond.
  7. After looking through the interwebs I remembered seeing episodes of Wing Commander and Battle Planets way back, but I don't remember seeing several of the others. What disappoints me isn't the lack of Cartoon Space Opera, but the fact that they don't make cartoons like they used to do. I can see why the darker Space Opera were dropped in favor of other lighter shows. Here in america anything that is animated is seen as light or childish. Back in 1999 a comic book shop employee was charged with selling a hentai comic to an undercover cop in Texas. Despite the fact that all the mature and pornographic comics were sold in a backroom where no one could enter without showing a valid ID proofing they weren't under 21 could enter, the employee was proscuted on the arguement that since the porno comic was "cartoonish it was made and marketed for kids." Of course. That's what was missing. I had a feeling the "Power to the Dream" Harmony Gold Dub was missing something. Too true, fortunately the real deviantart artists out there have realized that as well. "I was unhappy with the new version of ariel in the shadow chronicles so I drew her the way I think she should look. notice how her chest isnt bigger than her head" ~HappyPenguins http://happypenguins.deviantart.com/art/Sh...attire-49884109 http://happypenguins.deviantart.com/art/TS...g-cute-54819066 Yeah, cause its so easy to just shoot bullets at people though an internet connection. I blast people with cannonballs through the piratebay all the time. Guns are expensive and overrated anyways. Just take me to a decent hardware store, give me a $100 or so, and I will make you a flamethrower.
  8. Personally I would rather see a reimagined Robotech series produced by Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski from Warner Bros animation then a single movie spin-off of 6 5-min short stories done by Studio 4c, Production I.G., and Madhouse. If the Robotech LAM is a success I wouldn't be surprised if it led to animated spin-off material considering Robotech's anime origins. I honestly can't think of any Space Opera cartoons that were made in the West except the animated Star Trek series. I find it sad that most Western cartoon studios don't even attempt to make any serious cartoon shows anymore except for Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  9. I dunno reboot the franchise as Battle Star Galactic meets Transformers and dumped down for the American audience that is unaware of the definition of the prefix Proto. It will be remotely like that classic anime that was a cross between Space Ship Yamato and Mobile Suit Gundam, only with a really crappy story, cardboard charaters, and pretty Computer generated effects. Toss in a lesbian love triangle between a Starbuck rip-off, a Dominant female captain, and an asian Hanna Montana though and the LAM will become an instant box office hit and Oscar nominee. Only one word in the english dictionary could describe how I would feel if that happened: Power to the Dub! Power to the Dub Lovers Power to the Money I want new Fans Power to the Fanfic universe! Power to Protoculture's mystery I don't wanna to share our power The trademark I finally grasped slips through my fingers I'll hunt you down all the way to the other side of a Neutron S black hole... ...(Basera Hunter breaks a few strings on his guitar and his flaming red VF-19 spins out of control and crashes in flames)
  10. Is there a clip of this? I knew David Letter used Robotech music, but now Conan O'Brein is getting in the Robotech act as well? You have good points about the state of the Anime industry in the US. I don't think that TV broadcasts are exactly becoming more and more irrelevant. I think the widespread popularity of shows like DBZ and Naruto with ordinary consumers and fans is owed entirely to Cartoon Network's broadcasts. Anime shows can be popular with the average American consumer, but only after they see it somehow. Audiences become aware of the show through TV then they search the internet for ways of watching the shows when it is convenient to them. Honestly, if Macross Frontier was dubbed, edited, and shown weekdays by Cartoon Network (not Adult Swim) I bet that within a few weeks most of the Naru-tards would be trading in there ninja headbands for SMS jackets in between watching crappy Youtube videos of Macross Frontier set to Linkin Park. Come to think of it after the Robotech LAM is advertised for theators would probably be the best time to market Macross as the "Original Robotech" to the American "Anime" fans who realize they have been missing out when they are shown the original source material unedited and uncut.
  11. I read somewhere that Tobey was willing to act in Spiderman 3 and help produce Robotech behind the camera at the same time. I think other factors will most likely slow down the production of the RT LAM though. Setting the eternal debate of legal issues aside there are still the time consuming issues of the script, preproduction planning, production and the matter of creating all those CG Special Effects.
  12. That makes sense considering that the "Neutron S" test created a black hole. I recognized the voices behind Roy Fokker, Maia Sterling, and Vince Grant, but I think the lines in this trailer are the corniest BS I have ever heard. As for the blue rock dude they called him "Air-rock" in the trailer and I think he is just a rip-off of "Thing" from Fantastic 4 and Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen combined into one useless character.
  13. That "something more efficient" I imagine would likely be the Haydonite's energy source, unless the Haydonites turnout to be rival siblings of the Invid. Rather then evolving into supernatural the Haydonite's became cybernetic beings with their own variation of Protoculture and a robotic Overlord over a Regiss. Neutrons have no net electrical charge hence they are neutral, but that doesn't change the fact that Neutrons are electrically charged like Electons and Protons. I think they went with "Neutron S" because the name Proton Torpedos were already taken though.
  14. SDF-1 could have its main cannons replaced by the vacuum cleaner from its father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roomate the Space Ball 1 . EDIT: Beam me up Scotty, there is no sign of Protoculture around here.
  15. That is an issue with almost every movie based on a popular franchise, its always the hardcore fans that are the most vocal in wanting a faithful adaption and are the hardest to satisfy. In the grand scheme of things they form a percentage of the moviegoers a Live-action Robotech moive would market to. Watchmen showed that a blockbuster movie cannot even break even if it appeals only to fans of the franchise. Making a movie that is "faithful" to the original source material is one thing, making a movie that is actually enjoyable to watch is another, and they are not mutually inclusive. I could argue as an example that Macross DRYL wasn't exactly "faithful" to the original SDF Macross designs while Robotech: Shadow Chronicles was as faithful to the New Generation/Mosepedia designs as possible. We all know the movie that was more enjoyable, better paced, and better put together though.
  16. No, WB will announce that they created 4 million 1:1 scale prop Zentradi warships that are now in orbit for the movie and that Steven Colbert will be the one firing the Death.. no Grand Cannon. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-r...e-a-death-star- Good point. I would also like to point out that for Transformers all the action was filmed before the Transformers themselves were even modeled in their final design. WB is likely still in predevelopment planing as they sort through the hundreds of pages of script drafts debating what to use for the movie. Is there a market for this movie? There very well could be. I think that will always be a big demand for watching epic space battles, breakneck aerial maneuvers performed by mecha to avoid missile swarms, jet pilots acting like "Mavericks" at times, and watching believable characters in interesting and extraordinary circumstances. I think something a lot of us Macross fans are forgetting is that Robotech can and should be filmed and marketed first and foremost as an enjoyable summer blockbuster movie rather then just an 1980s cartoon brought to life in a new medium for Robotech/Macross fans. Star Trek was a hit because it was a fun action packed movie that even non-Trekkie/Trekkers could get into, not cause the redesigns looked so new and refreshing. Lets be honest here over 99% of American movie goers are not going to give a dam about how the appearance of a Live Action CG SDF-1 compares to some Shinji Kawamori guy's design used in some 1980's cartoon, but would be more then happy to see it punch into a giant spaceship and blow-up it up from the inside with nukes in a scene with pretty special effects and explosions.
  17. Tell that to the Robotech fans who screamed that Tony Oliver and Dan Warren should have voiced Young Simon and Kamina in Gurren Lagann. Great idea. "Hey Janice... ah I mean Chase what song did you sing when you committed suicide to defeated the Haydonites in Robotech: Deep Shadow Nine?
  18. Mainstream American will always see Macross AND Robotech as mere cartoons in the footnote of the LAM as the material that inspired by and not really care. If the Robotech LAM somehow becomes the next Darknight and leads to a new Robotech series on Cartoon Network or something I can see HG continuing to be the c@$Kblock of Macross for the American market, but it won't change Macross's popularity with American fans. So don't expect Macross fans to throw their Macross DVDs in the trash over the Robotech LAM or anything. I was thinking specifically of Dan Worren's role. We know him best as the voice of Roy Fokker from Robotech and Yang Newman in the English dub of Macross Plus. Obviously throwing Roy's voice over General Reinhardt doesn't make the character as great as Roy. Don't forgot that the shiny new shadow tech being a Trojan horse by the Haydonites subplot is a ripoff of the Cyclon EMP assault in the first episode of BSG. As for the Haydonite battle cruisers, they yelled replicator ship from Stargate meets Shivan cruiser from Freespace.
  19. What Seto said, plus some things I would like to add. The only thing Shadow Chronicles delivered was an amateur animated movie with the Robtoech banner. Maia getting annoyed at Marcus and the guys staring at Janice's melons in a bar DOES NOT make a Macross Love-triangle, a few talented VAs don't make great charaters, and going 3d doesn't make mecha designs any better then when they were hand drawn on 2d paper.
  20. Saw that same clip posted on Topless Robot.com several months ago. For the real Robotech LAM they should cast Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie not only cause the Sterlings are the Smiths of Robotech, but because they will cost so much money to cast WB will have to rush the CG of the knife scene and make it just as crappy as the original to stay in the budget.
  21. Never was a battletech fan so this it the first time I have seen it. It looks like a VF-1J from Mars to me! Do I want the return of this? Hell yeah! If I had one I would put it next to my Roswell UFO model.
  22. 1. In the Chuck Roven Robotech Clip, he speciffically stated that "Chris Nolan" wants to film Robotech in "IMAX." 2. I was trying to say that even if WB has to pay something like $20 mill to BW for the Macross designs it would be cheaper then casting overpriced "A-list Celebrities" 3. WTF do you mean by "We don't even have a script yet?" They never make scripts public. Don't tell me your waiting for another Robotech script leak or that your with WB. Good one
  23. You make it sound like the decision to make the Robotech movie is like American Idol or something. To vote first dial: (1-325-427-4653) 1-Fck-Har-Gold then: For Robotech reimagined dial: ILUVLISA* For Robotech Macross Saga: ILUVMISA* For Robotech porn movie: FOCKLISAISAMILF* For no Robotech movie dial: IAMGAY4BRIGHT* Seriously the decision to spend money on pursuing or settling rights for the Robotech LAM rests in the hands of the WB execs writing fat checks and not with some popularity polls on cartoon properties. In the scheme of movie budgets $10-15 million to sort out the legal issues and get the Macross designs would be a bargain considering that A-list celebrity names cost a minimal of $20 million a piece. Just hiring Will Smith to act as Gloval would cost at least $80 million. Edit: Replaced #(pounds) with *(star)
  24. Of course they probably already have, but then again when Fox Studios followed through with a lawsuit over the rights for Watchmen Zach Synder just rushed the production so that the movie would be filmed before Fox Studios could bring WB to Court and have a judge order WB to stop producing Watchmen. Interestingly enough I found an article from variety magazine posted on Zach Snyder's blog that stated that "Fox said it would rather see the film killed instead of collecting a percentage of the box office" back in August of 2008. Turns out WB had issues over the Dukes of Hazard as well and (agreed in 2005 to pay producer Robert B. Clark at least $17.5 million for infringing on the copyright to his 1974 United Artists film “Moonrunners,” which became the basis of the Warners TV skein “The Dukes of Hazzard.”) ~http://www.zack-snyder.com/news/watchmen-news/foxs-watchmen-lawsuit-heats-up. With that in mind I think that if any movie studio has a chance of pulling off a Robotech Macross Saga movie WB has to be it. Even if Big West denies the Macross rights for the movie, WB would probably be willing to just pay them off in millions for infringing and just write it off as being a cost of producing the movie.
  25. The Robotech LAM plagiarizing SDF: Macross and/or DYRL won't be anything like Disney plagarizing the 1960s Kimba the White Lion. Big West has its eyes on HG and is interested in protected its Macross franchise.
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