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Everything posted by Freiflug88
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I said Merchandise not distribution rights for DYRL. I checked the US trademark database again. My bad HG doen't have the DYRL logo trademarked, but they do have this one Macross Logo trademarked: This was the Macross logo I was referring to. Not the UN Spacey and SDF Macross Insignia you were talking about. I am trying to tell you that Tatsunko's distrubition rights over the SDF Macross series only helps HG's trademark case. If you are legally selling a product you have the right to trademark whatever name or logo is on said product regardless of who the original creator is according to US trademark law. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
B I don't think that signing with HG is ideal, I just think that its the best choice for the foreseeable future. It looks to me like BW can either release Macross overseas now with HG or sit around hoping for an opportunity that may or may not present itself in years. Yeah, I know its pretty self serving to ask for Macross to be distributed over here, but is it really too much to ask to have Macross Frontier brought over here officially in stores while its still fresh instead of waiting till the 50th Anniversary of Macross in 2032? Problem is that HG never trademarked the designs, story, or derivatives. They trademarked the name Macross and the logos for SDF Macross and Macross DYRL from the Macross merchandise they were able to sell with Tatsunko's merchandise rights. Since Tatsunko's very rights to international merchandise were upheld by the Japanese Supreme Court in the Big West vs. Tatsunko decision I would imagine it would be very difficult for BW to convince any court that Harmony Gold didn't have the right to trademark the names and logos from the Macross merchandise that they had a right to sell. So by your logic Shinji Kawamori's VF-1 equals the US Navy's F-14. Kawamori and Big West are therefore guilty of IP theft and only the US Navy has the rights to the F-14 and VF-1 designs. F-14 doesn't Macross VF-1. There is more then one way to transform a Tomcat. According to the article Einherjar posted: So it looks like New Regency's lawsuit after finding WEP didn't poess the rights to Golion has settled. Now that Voltron is in WB's hand I think this must be the work of Alan Moore's curse on WB. After ruining Watchmen with the most loyal adaption of all time, WB is now compelled to ruin classic animes with unofficial "re-imaginings." Its probably just that Brit's way of getting back at the Japanese for sinking the Prince of Wales and the Repulse in what became known as "Britian's Pearl Harbor." What's stopping you from hooking up with that cougar here in the real world? Is her two kids and dirty swimming pool just do much to deal with? -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Maybe its just my lack of legal and business comprehension, but I don't see how BW anger at Tokyo Pop for paying HG to distribute Macross 7 Trash could stand as evidence of HG blocking BW from the international market. BW being uncomfortable with HG's mere presence in the market distributing Macross 7 Trash can't be construed as "blocking" by any means especially if it can be shown that HG obtained and distrubited Macross 7 trash in a legitimate matter. Which brings me to the Macross trademark. Trademark law does not care if the trademark holder is the "original creator" or not only if your the first to apply for the trademark. From what I gathered Chaiyo never had a single legitmate trademark like HG has, despite his claims. Now I am not arguing that HG didn't steal intellectual property just like Chaiyo did when they marketed their Robotech Comics and Videogames pre-2001, but I think its going to be impossible to convince any court that using a legitimate trademark is illegally blocking the original creator BW from the international market. The Tsuburaya vs Chaiyo case is just another example why you don't claim someone else's intellectual property, but it doen't set the precedent for defining "Blocking the original creator from international markets by any means as a crime." Like it or not using someone else's trademarked Name and Logo is privilage not a right even if you happen to be the Original Creator of named franchise. That is not a legal compromise by any stretch, its just the talk of fans trying to justify their actions on downloading fansubs. I do downloaded anime that is unavailable to me at times, but even when I buy the actual series on DVD later it doesn't legally justify my downloads no matter how "fair and honest" we fans claim it to be. Its a worldwide success in popularity with Anime fans downloading fansubs, not commercially. That doen't help fans like me who would like to go to legitimate anime vendor outside of Japan and buy Macross Froniter blurays or DVDs right then and there. Its great that you can buy Macross Frontier imports online, but that doesn't help consumers like me who don't trust online shopping and only buys stuff that is physically in front of them at a store or vendor. Just as anime52k8, said download a fansub is not supporting the anime maker. True, people figure it must be a great show if its been snatched over a 100 times on AsianDvdClub.org, but do you honestly think that downloading Macross Fansubs is better from BW then willing buying an HG licnensed DVD given the option? I know HG is charging a slice of the profit for a trademark of a series that they didn't create, but quess what? I will the one who pays that fee out of his own pocket. BW, Bandai, or Yamato's won't literally be paying HG a cent for their trademark, it will be consumers like me who are willing to spend extra to buy Macross Merchandise at some store counter or vendor table in our countries outside of Japan. Many of us are eagerly willing to spend OUR OWN MONEY to pay for all of BW's business expenses including the HG trademark in exchange for Macross merchandise right in our country, but its considered too much to ask BW to swallow a little pride and make a compromise with HG and their legitimate trademark. Are you telling me BW's own pride as the maker and proper owner of Macross is the only important thing? That the sacrifice and compromises I am willing to make to buy Macross merchandise HG trademark included is worthless and that I my opinion as fan who wants to consume Macross Merchandise locally is meaningless? That denying a small source of revenue to HG really justifies leaving interanational fans without Macross merchandise in their countries? I admit I must sound really pompous, but I won;t deny that I am an angry, no furious Macross fan at BW right now. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Ordering Imports online isn't for all of us. I got my Dad to order me a Perfect Grade 1/60 Wing Gundam Zero from some online Hobby shop years ago when I was still in Middle school. His credit card was charged, but we never received any news about my Gundam model other then it had been shipped out of Japan. After that I said screw imports and just went to Toys R Us and just bought a 1/144 Zero for around $35. I personally don't trust ordering imports from online retailers and I wouldn't put down what little money I have for merchandise unless I can pick up then and there at the store or vender table at the con. So I really do care about the BW-HG situation that prevents all the Macross merchandise from coming to our shore. . In my experience the American 1/144 High grade gundams I bough from Toys R Us and the imported Japanese 1/144 High Grade gundams I bought from vendors in Dealer room showrooms were practically identical in quality and price when I bought them for around $35 a piece back in 1999/2000. Honestly the only difference I found was in what language was printed on the box and instructions. What I found though was that retailers only carry the 1/114 High Grade which are good enough for the average American consumer. For the serious hobbyists interested in the in the larger and more expensive High Grade EX and Perfect Grade Bandais though, the serious hobby shops, dealer rooms, and online vendors are the only places to find them here in the states. I think its just that the average American consumer has lower standards and expectations then the Japanese consumer. Over here in America we are happy enough building small inexpensive plastic gundam models over investing $200 and several days into constructing a large 1/60 scale Gundam with LEDs and other gimmicks. Abbreviations will do that. I googled "BBTS hobby shop" and was surprised to find Big Boyz Toyz selling only RC kits. I am dispointed though after hoping you were referring to some new awesome RC VF jet made by Yamato. Then again I should have realized that RC jets wouldn't sell well in the crowded cities of Japan. You do have a point there. The High Quality Yamato's would be right next to the Perfect Grade Bandai kits in only the serious hobby shops, dealer rooms, and online vendors. Not in retail toy aisles. I am not really interested in the expensive Yamatos personally though. I am much more interested buying Macross DVDs and some inexpensive VFs here in the states, because I hate ordering imports and downloading unofficial fansubs online that don't support the anime makers. I would gladly pay extra for HG's stupid trademark if that's what it takes for an official American release of 7, Zero, and Frontier merchandise so I can physically buy Maross stuff somewhere here in America. "But the point is that HG's trademark and any additional profits they can pull won't make any possible dent in Big West's sales." Exactly if HG's trademark doen't hurt sales why not work with HG and their stupid trademark. Like it or not if Big West IF and I mean IF BW decided to go international with Macross they would have no choice, but to agree with HG on a payment for there trademark. You also want to know why I think HG might put some money in advertising that Macross merchandise is now for sale? Simple, to let all those people downloading fansubs via torrents and the usual back channels know that Macross is now available officially in America. HG may not spend much for advertising per say, but their still vigilant about illegal downloading and torrenting of the anime they profit from. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
True, Macross is profitable enough in Japan. The whole point of going along with HG trademark deal for once is to make additional profits by marketing to international fans though. The popularity of this website and Macross fansubs is evidence that their is market potential outside of Japan that is not being profited from. Tough. You can't always chose your business associates like you can with friends. Doubt it. From what I heard about ADV's deal with HG, ADV pays a flat fee of $2.50 for using the Harmony Gold trademark on the Macross products. ADV doesn't even really pay the $2.50 they just tack on the $2.50 to their selling price to pass the expense over to the consumer though. Now who would complain about paying an extra $2.50 for a Yamato that already costs around $100? Bandai would no doubt do the dubbing and mass marketing. HG trademark or not Bandai would oversee Macross distrubition just like they do with Gundam. As for the HG trademark Bandai just needs to get a signed agreement on an fixed rate just like ADV did then their free to distribute their Macross DVDs and toys as they see fit without interruption from HG. Did you forget that you brought up Walmart as an example first? I do agree that Walmart would never market the highend Yammies though. Bandai VFs on the other hand could definitely make it to Walmart if there $20 Gudam's models are any indication. http://www.walmart.com/catalogproduct.do?product_id=8071345 1) Imported Macross goods can and will only be turned away at the border if they are in large quantities for an obvious resale. Having HG-approved Yammies for sale in the USA isn't going to change that. 2) Big Boyz Toys (BBTS) markets only Remote Control kits and accessories. They don't sell any transforming mecha toys. Are you telling me Yamato has some RC VF that I am unaware of? I see where you getting at. That's what everyone supects, but I have only heard of HG demanding a cut of the profits and nothing about compromises on what, when, how Macross stuff would be released according. If HG did start adding demands and compromises like that at the negotiating table then it would no doubt be a deal breaker though. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
For the last time. HG just wants money from trademarked product sales, they don't want to participate in any "joint effort" to produce the next Macross series of anything. Look did Yamato and Bandai ever tell Karamorii how to design his mecha or take part in any creavtive "joint effort" in making Frontier? NO, they just sold the toys. HG would still have ZERO as in 0% creative control over Macross. Sure HG will continue selling their RT alternatives of SDF and DYRL toys with their SDF and DYRL merchandising licenses as they do now, but they're not gong evening going to be able to create Robotech DYRL, Plus, Zero, Frontier out of redited footage and repackaged toys like they did with Tatsunko's SDF rights. They can call it "Macross" right now if they really wanted, HG owns the trademarked name Macross. The issue is over derivative rights of SDF Macross and granting Robotech a piece of the profit pie on trademarked product sales does not grant HG those rights for the LAMR or anything else. Adding Yammies to Wal-Mart shelves means fans would have the options to 1) go to Walmart and buy a Yammie with a tiny HG sticker with $2.50 added to the price to cover HG's trademark or 2) order an imported Yammie and pay $10 in shipping costs. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
The Macross Trademark that is blocking Macross toys and DVDs, and the Macross derivative rights are two completely separate things. Giving HG a cut of the profits from the international sales of Macross DVD and toys DOES NOT EQUAL a free pass to use the Macross elements in any Robotech work. If BW agrees to sell the Live Action rights for Macross for use in the LAMR in a separate agreement then its just more money for BW anyway. I am not so sure Mari Ijima would do a publicity stunt like that. Mari actually moved to LA in the first place to get away from the paparazzi and all the people in Japan who still considered her as just the voice actress for Minmay rather then an actual musician. Harmony Gold wouldn't be the one deciding when Macross series would be brought over. Bandai or whoever BW hires to distribute would. Even if HG was placed in charge of distribution there would just be even more economic incentive for HG to get all the Macross merchandise out to the market ASAP and sell the stuff themselves. Besides HG has shown time and time again that they are much more content selling stuff other people made so they would never put money into producing competing Shadow sequels when they could make easy money from the sale of the second largest mecha franchise in the world to consumers worldwide. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I agree with that. I have no probelm admitting that HG deserves a cut out of every VF-1 toy or any other SDF Macross toy with their SDF Macross merchandise license that they paid big bucks for. I can see why BW and everyone is pissed when HG pulls out their Macross trademark and say they deserve a cut for everything labeled Macross under the sun though. I have no idea just how big or small this trademark is, but I still want to scream at BW to just man up and make the most of the situation at times. I know HG actions have been pretty low and I not trying to defend them, but I believe BW deserves alot of criticism as well. Just about every Robotech fan minus Doug Bendo can be guaranteed to buy dozens of Macross DVDs and toys to add to their collection given the chance. Now is it that hard to swallow your pride BW and give HG a cut when their giving you there entire consumer base in exchange? From what I understand HG would only get a cut for the trademarked Macross stuff that sells, in other words HG would no doubt drop their Robojunk (minus WB's LAM) and become BW's biggest salesmen for Macross outside of Japan. I dunno about you, but turning your biggest competitor into a business partner who will try to sell every Macross item at least twice in exchange for a slice of the profits sounds like it could be the deal of the century to me. -
The duet is here on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3SJItECuwA...&playnext=1 And you can find practically every Macross OST ever released at: http://www.macrosshare.com/search/label/Soundtracks In Gods name we pray. BOMBA!!!
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Of course Keith can channel the spirit of Roy Focker thanks to his Basara avatar. Basara IS the Jesus Christ of Macross you know. -
Yeah Max's "aces" pulled an Itano Circus and just weaved through holes in his Duramax Ultra Mega Thins. Those things just don't offer any protection...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBr98Nji-mA&feature=related . Raising babies is only for the normal couples of Macross. The last thing a couple of Ace pilots that are passionately in love needs is a baby to worry about and take care of. Macross has shown time and time again that when Ace Couples form its only a matter of time until a monster with some vague connection to Protoculture shows up to try and kill them, but tends to happen faster when they show affection in a hanger bay. When this happens at least one of them will die UNLESS they happen to be rocking out to Basara's awesome music... Well then I quess babies are okay for Ace Couples as long as they always have a boombox with Firebomber music ready just in case. Most of M7 has started to make sense to me after realizing that Kawamori is the god of Macross, Basara is Jesus Christ, and music is the holy spirit or maybe I just listen to the Duet Version of Angel Voice too much...
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
1. The Macross Frontier Englsih Dub is only an unofficial fandub. Its being done by the Macross World user Hikaro, the same guy who did the English fandub of MDYRL. 2. If Bandai were to release an english dub of Macross Frontier they wouldn't owe HG a cent in royalities and they already paid Big West for the rights to use the Macross Frontier footage which includes editing. Dubbing the actual songs might be a different story though. 3. Only if Bandai were to release Macross Frontier outside of Japan would they have to pay royalties for using HG trademarked "Macross." As for the copyrighting individual genes I doubt that will go though. Chris Horrie of UK News tried to patent and copyright his whole DNA as part of a report on celebritites being encouraged to patent their DNA back in 2001. He was told he needed to get a complete printout of his entire DNA which would be several miles long in order and prove that his unique DNA had a "Clear Technical Application" such as a reaction to chemicals that would produce something valuable in order to patent his unique DNA. When he later tried copyrighting his DNA he was told that his copyrighted genes [could only apply to any documents on which [his] gene pattern was written and not the genes themselves], but that there was "absolutely no chance that this would stand up in a British court of law." ~http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/1494746.stm I say that even if the Pharmaceutical companies succeed in copyrighting individual on paper any judge in their right mind would simply rule any scientific research into individual genes as "Fair Use." -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Your welcome anytime. I don't think he should fix the capslock, its his own unique signature. Its just wouldn't be same to see MEMO's posts in lowercase. I thinks its cause we feel we know everything we really want to know about Macross and we subconsiously feel that if we continue to rant about HG blocking Macross things will magically work themselves out. Kinda like the people always ranting about the the end of world, global warming, the return of Christ, alien invasions, new world order, etc. because deep down part of them wants it to happen sooner so they can shout "I told you so." Except in our case its more like we want to say "Listen to this song!" to friends before loading an R1 release of Macross Frontier into our DVD players. Of course HG wants to release more Macross with there golden HG stickers attached so they can get in on the profit. HG has set themselves up in a win-win situation where they could tell BW "release Macross on our terms and share the revenue or keep it in Japan and don't bother our Robotech franchise." Naturally BW has chosen to just keep Macross to themselves rather then deal with Harmony Gold and all three companies seem pretty content with the Status Que so far to me. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
No, designs aren't in the deal cause BW owns the designs. HG pays Tatsunonko for the SDF footage and the rights to sell SDF and DYRL Merchandise which they are allowed to do whatever they want with to turn it into Robotech. Then Toynami and Palladum agree to pay HG royalities in exchange for the rights to use Robotech in their toys and RPG books. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I was just stating my theory on MEMO's point. Honestly I don't know what Tatsunko opinion on the matter, but I do know that they are competing companies and business is business. Their sales figures and income statemens aren't exactly public knowledge, but anime production isn't a the lucrative business that otaku often imagine and common sense dictates that as a business they would fight for every potential dollar. I don't think its vengance over the courtcase, not that the court case was a big inconvenience for Tatsunko. Its just that its undeniable that BW selling their newer Macross overseas would competes and hurt Tatsunko's profit from selling SDF Macross overseas to HG. So its only natural for HG and Tatsunko to cooperate in there common interest of preventing Frontier from leaving Japan and pushing Robotech/SDF Macross aside as everyone's new favorite Space Opera. -
Yeah, the only thing the genius Max couldn't figure out how to use was birth control. I like to think that had the genius studied well under Sempai Focker, he would see the logic in placing Exesodel in charge of the bridge and partying with the bridge bunny every once in awhile. Conventional military force is useless againist the Prodevlin so why not just sit back and enjoy the sex, drugs, and Basara's rock n'roll!
Those lucky Frontier Farm hands! This is the perfect solution for making America greener and choosing local "All natural" organic farms over processing food plants! We aren't going to listen to you Hollywood Celebrities telling us to go green while you cruise around in your expensive limos and private jets. So follow Sheryl's example and work the local farms in your sexy cow bikinis for a change to get our attention!
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I am not MEMO, but I think I understand his point: According to him Tatsunoko wish is to have Macross not leave Japan. He is trying to say Tatsunko wants to deny all of Macross (except SDF of course) from leaving Japan because they were left out of their production. Its simple supply and demand: With SDF Macross practically the only Macross avaliable outside of Japan Tatsunko can demand a huge fee for their SDF Macross rights with HG, replace HG with a nicer company that allows the rest of Macross to be supplied all over the world and suddenly Tatsunko's aged SDF stuff are nearly worthless as fans rush to buy all the newer Macross thats now the Fad. Makes perfect sense to me. Start off by getting the crew that produced "The Dark Knight" to put Robotech in the spotlight, then hope it becomes popular enough for the WB's animation crew that did "The Animatied Series of Batman" to renew the animated franchise as you sit back and collect the checks from the mail. -
Those were SDF Macross references though which had been seen as Robotech though. I think that the dub sucks for atleast not keeping the "Listen to my song." Removing the "Bomber" bit I can understand as 99% Americans would hear him yell "Bomber!" after "Listen to my song" and think "WTF is Kyon a terrorist that hates music or somthing?"
Same here, I can't stand it when my sh#t turns to poo.
Yeah, for the episode preview for episode 12 (In both orders) "Live A Live" (a Mosepeda reference perhaps?) where Haruhi plays "God Knows" in her bunny outfit. The episode preview is at the end of the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqFa9S4DuOY I also checked the English dub and as I thought they removed the "Listen to my Song!" and "Bomber!" lines from the dub and simply state next episode Live Alive. No doubt because few Americans would get the Macross 7 reference.
And how he kicked ass in a bar and a knife despite any combat experience outside of a cockpit. It seems to me the only thing that doesn't seem natural for the genius is getting back together with his ex-wife Milia in Macross 7.
The computer and electronics super geek thread
Freiflug88 replied to Dante74's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
There's already a Cyberdyne company. There in Japan making powerful exoskeletons named HAL as we speak.,, http://www.toplessrobot.com/2009/07/were_a...oing_to_die.php -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Not a chance. All the new reimagined stuff created for this potentially popular Robotech will be the property of either HG, Maquire Entertainment, or WB and will have nothing to do with the Tatsunko Macross rights over international distribution. Also WB movie or not no one is gonna buy Tatsunko license without buying HG's trademarks and their whole Robotech franchise. Tatsunko's merchandise and film rights are only as valuable as the paper their printed on if you don't have HG's seal of approval and an inventory of Macross merchandise to repackage and sell. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Just look at Aero Fighters Assault and Pilot Wings 64. Sure they look like crap now, but back in the day it was really impressive and really fun to play. Crystal Dreams could have turned out looking great though if they developed it years later with the N64 expansion pack like Rogue Squadron, Perfect Dark, Hybrid Heaven, Banjoo Kazoo, etc. On the contrary. The biggest money maker from Robo**** franchise is from the selling of Macross merchandise and the Remastered Robotech dvds which use edited Macross Footage. Their Macross rights form the very foundation of their Robo**** franchise. Trying to buy just their Macross rights is like trying to convince Microsoft that they would still have a flourishing software franchise after selling you the Windows OS. The licenses will expire. Not sure when exactly, but the probelm is that HG can keep renewing their Macross film and merchandising rights as long as Tatsunko is willing. As for the Macross trademarks those can be renewed indefineatly as long as HG is selling products that bear the Macross name and logo like their Macross saga dvds.