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Everything posted by Freiflug88
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Seto's post had no mention of the VF-1 and there a lot more mecha covered in SDF Macross then the VF-1. Though it is a long shot that BW would actually agree, I am sure it would be much easier and faster for WB if they could simply obtain Macross mecha designs already modeled in 3d from BW over redesigning them from the ground-up. Paying for the completed designs from BW could easily shave millions and years off of CG production and saving them from the worries of a potential lawsuit from BW down the road. I gotta a better idea. If Robotech fans like him are so desperate for more Macross why not try actively recruit them to our cause of ending HG's embargo on Macross? At the very least we should recommend them to buy Macross toys from VFTF1's webstore. -
Whats the next macross series?
Freiflug88 replied to Thai Boxer 9901's topic in Movies and TV Series
This looks just like the halfway point of Bible Black... I just gotta to unlock and choose the hidden option to get to the best ending! 4. Order the whole bridge crew to quit gawking and SHOOT THAT ENEMY SHIP DOWN NOW!!! I know! Everyone of all ages appreciated seeing Sara's naked body and Lucy's butt check from the mature perspectives of Shin and Isamu in Zero and Plus. It was so immature of BW to cut the lights off on us and show us only tuna buns even on the DVD and Bluray. I don't know about you, but I would would be thrilled about revisiting those three. If Big West would only make a quick remake of DYRL in Fontier's style, rename "Love in the Battlecity Megaroad" or something, and then have it ready and waiting for worldwide theatrical release on the same day as the Live Action Robotech movie. I agree on the Macross Concert idea. I won't die until I have see Basara, Sheryl, and Minmay merge into a Macross with a pair of giant speakers on its shoulders and sing! Grunt squadron idea I like. Political thrillers are the last thing I want to see in Macross. SDF Macross did a good job of tying political issues into the main plot that dealt directly with the main trio. In recent works like Zero and Frontier though I felt like they added a lot of needless background politics and conspiracies to satisfy Kawamori's apparent need to bash the military and only robbed what little screen time both series had to develop their characters and plot. -
Whats the next macross series?
Freiflug88 replied to Thai Boxer 9901's topic in Movies and TV Series
I actually want a darker Macross that is kinda of like the original SDF meets Freespace. I want to see a Battle Macross with an experimental intergalactic fold drive end up stranded in the middle of another Galaxy against a new powerful alien race that can not be reasoned with or singed to. In order to survive and return home the Macross crew will have to resort to raiding enemy supplies and utilizing space gurellia tactics while hiding in a Space Nebula. -
Whats the next macross series?
Freiflug88 replied to Thai Boxer 9901's topic in Movies and TV Series
I want to see a slightly darker and serious Macross that is filled with deeper slower music to reflect the change in mood as well. Personally, I would love to see and hear a Japanese equivalent of Alexx Wesselsky as the next Macross singer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY-sjG-4b1c I also want to see a singing idol that is outside of the Love triangle and be a supporting main charter for once. The "celebrity is overrated I just want a normal relationship" plot is getting too cliche for me. I say have the singing idol be the dead charater for once, their spirit and music can live on. These wings of ours are Burning Red! There loud cry tells us to grasp happiness! Erupting Burning Feather!Seiti-ha Love-Love BOMBAAAAAAA!!!! *King and Queen of music Basara and Minmay come flying out from the wings of the Goddess Valkaryrie and burn a music note into the heart of the Devil SDF-3* -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I never even noticed him in the clip. I rewatched it again and wondered how in the world did I ever miss Tony Oliver's name showing up! (I would still choose Rick's voice over Vic Mignogna's Hikaru anyday though.) I would also love to listen to the Audio Commentaries with Rick Hunter speaking about what he thinks of Macross Frontier. "2059 and you guys are still looking for me, I am touched. Wait a sec Save Minmay Soon! Come on guys don't you have all her CDs already. I am the one with the Protoculture here! "Great, Lynn Kyle is the hero of this time..." "Wow, I knew Bro had Jungle fever, but boy I never expected him to actually pull off going black face. And what is he doing with my Lisa!" "Alright where is Claudia? That Holly Berry look-a-like was always my black fantasy... Oh God No! She got a SEX CHANGE! The horror! The Deculture! Thats it! Dr. Lang I need my Protocutlture dope NOW!" Running out of quote space in you signature, eh? -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
That is Unless... Conan O'Brien does the english dub! http://www.hulu.com/watch/85526/the-tonigh...anga#s-p1-st-i1 MANGAAAAAAA! -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Its spelled Cannon Films, Jenuis. http://www.cannonfilms.com/films2.html From what I heard though, Robotech: The Movie never had Macross Footage attached to it ever and that the first version that Carl showed Cannon Films was l a censored and English dub Megazone 23 with spoken references to Rick Hunter, the SDF, etc to tie it in to Robotech. It was only after the Cannon execs were bored with this movie version did Carl get the idea to add Robotech footage to give it more Action is what I was told. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
That is interesting. I had always wondered why HG somehow got merchandise rights to DYRL, but never edited DYRL into a Robotech movie. I find it a shame that Carl couldn't afford the rights at the time. Had DYRL been a Robotech Movie then we would have at least had a decent English dub of DYRL instead of "Attack of the Bionoids" and at least a possibly of a DYRL release by ADV. Probably. It makes perfect sense for Carl to consider DYRL, and then turn to the cheaper Megazone 23 to create an alternative Robotech movie. As for Tatsunko's excuse not to use Macross footage to avoid consfusion between DYRL and Robotech: The Movie it was no doubt just a just a convenient way of telling Carl Macek that he couldn't use SDF Macross footage in a movie PERIOD. Tatsunko no doubt figured that if they allowed Carl to settle with editing SDF Macross footage into a theatrical release like "Robotech: the movie" then their would be no way for them to possibly sell the expensive DYRL rights to HG and Carl at a later date. -
Or Stargate: Macross if they activate the stargate with music and build a small city inside their ship for the civilians.
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
WB must've hired Basara as the script writer. His scripts are always Fire Bombers and are just too hot for Hollywood to handle. So they always end up tossing them into the fire and tell him to write again write again. For as we all know Briticana's are a superstitious cowardly lot. They plan and plot, but they always get caught. There evil schemes will come to not. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
What are Tatsunko or something? Who said you could have the interweb distributional rights to what I type? The idea of profiting off a Robotech movie has no doubt been an idea of HG for a long time probably even before they acquired the trademarks. It wasn't until after Transformers was a huge success that HG and WB got together and become serious about the Robotech movie though. If WB and HG really were serious about a Robotech movie back in 1999-2002 like I think your suggesting then they would have at a finalized script to show by now. I am suprised that Lelouch would even be portrayed as a happy and preppy teen without a care in the world in the Japanese dub. I always saw him as a cross between Light Yagami from Death Note and Char from Gundam personally. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I have never heard the original Japanese voices for Code Geass, but I did enjoy the English Voice acting of Code Geass none of the less. Everyone has their own thoughts about dubs though. Personally I think Bandai's real failure was having the initial release of Code Geasse in English Dub only with no option for listening to the Japanese Dub. Exactly, Gundam has the recognition thanks to Toonami. All Bandai has to do is put Gundam stuff on shelves and even teens who aren't anime fans will buy them like hotcakes. Without the great exposure that Toonami once provided to all teens, Bandai will have to work that much harder to market Macross to anime fans via the internet, convention panels, and retail shelves. -
Makes me wonder if Klan ever saw HBO's remake of the Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman. on the Frontier?
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
HG is no doubt using those Shadow Chronicles cells again for Shadow Rising. Its not like HG should be in a hurry to tone down RSC's fanservice, the the only real service that HG delivers to their fans anyway. I think dubs of MF and Zero could work well if they used the right VA talent. Bandai showed they can deliver a phenomenal job with Gurren Lagan. In my opioun their Gundam dubs have only been been horrible ever since they started the policy of recasting the same cast from Inuyusha's dub for Gundam Seed onwards. If Bandai paid big bucks for the trademark rights from HG I would imagine them advertising Macross like crazy to make their money back and then some. Besides Gundam is barely advertised at all these days because of its solid brand recognition, treating Macross exactly like the gundam series that is familiar to virtually every anime fan in the USA would be a huge mistake. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Come on your ideas didn't suck. We all make mistakes and when we just have to "fly away" and "try again!" Now ALIENS VS. PREDATOR VS. YELLOW DANCER would actually be very entertaining. Yellow Dancer would no doubt come out on top. He is armed with the power of song, a beta full of missiles, and an Invid girlfriend who has all of Ariel's power except her giant boobs: all devastating weapons in there own right. Plus Predators have a strict policy against killing females except in absolute life or death combat situations and Yellow's female disguise might work on them if he figures out how to hide the IR signature of his manhood... As for dealing with the Aliens hopefully Yellow Dancer will realize its not safe to touch there blood like it is with the Invid other wise fighting with blue balls will be the least of his worrys. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Are you kidding me? Mouthed Mecha with emo pilots never talk! They scream and go berserk after the pilots yell "Mommy" or "Deculture"! The whole point of the Veritech Units having months in the upcoming "New Genesis Robotech: Do You Remember Loneliness" movie is so that they can devour Protoculture pellets every 5 minutes rather then pluging into the Protoculture Matrix that was found on the "Adam Space Ship 1" after Second Impact. Besides no one would be able to hear them scream "All Veritechs roll out" in the vacuum of space in the first place. Only the "angel" voices of Basara Nagisa and Lynn Min Rei could possibly be heard in the vacuum of space silly. Cause WB's policy must be if you don't have anything good to say about your movie then don't say anything. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Yeah, it would be nice to hear what the guys at WB actually think of Robotech and if they really agree with HG that RT will be the next Star Wars, but with nothing solid to actually show for the LAM at this point its no doubt in WB's own interest to remain silent on the issue at least until they have started production. HG has been vocal because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain with the LAM. If WB says they disagree with HG then it will hurt the movie's image. If they agree and the movie fails then they lose alot of their creditability the next time they announce plans for a future movie adaption. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Well WB has to have someone to produce Voltron after obtaining it. See only after America gets used to the concepts of combing mecha, transforming Kawamori fighters, emo pilots with their formfitting jumpsuits, etc through the Voltron, Robotech, and Evangelion LAMs will Hollywood and movie goers be prepared for a possible Aquarion LAM which screams a Micheal Bay urinating super robot hit! Best part is that an Aquarion movie would is nearly guaranteed to have at least one awesome merge scene with hot chicks and veiled nudity otherwise there is no point in releasing an Aquarion movie period. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I had the same impression Jenius, until... Dow! That explains it. This whole time I thought the Basic Regults were considered scouts. So Revolttech's Regult is only a 1/108 scale then: 1512cm/14cm. They probably rounded down and consider their Regult 1/100 scale like their Valks. With the Revoltech Regult more accurate scale and the fact that it is on a much smaller scale then the Battlepod in question I can see now its extremely likely the Battlepod is in the 1/75~76 ballpark. Unfortunately there is no way to tell if the 20cm is truly accurate for the Battlepod toy from this photos, but they sound close enough for me. Has anyone at Comic Con considered just asking an HG representative the scale of their Battlepod toy? I am sure they wouldn't exaggerate the size of their battlepod, like they do with their "tripods" all the time. LOL. HG and WB have had a merchandising deal for Robotech ever since the Robotech comics started to be published by Wildstrom comics, part of Warner Brothers Entertainment. YAY! Finally "new" paperback Robotech comics! HG must of heard the complaints from guys like Montage that the hardbacks were harder to burn. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Didn't see the 1/100 valks for the last post. Are they from the same Vinyl toyline as well? Even though its not a Revoltech Regult it not to hard for me to believe that HG and Vinyl just copied Revoltech's idea of a 1/130 scale Regult for their battlepod. Also 1/75 Scale sounds way to big for me. Take a look at how Revoltech's own 1/100 Valks with Fastpacks (no stands though) are about the same size as their 1/130 Regult in a side by side comparison 2:30 into Collection DX's video toy review . Also take a look of the Zentradi-mecha comparison photo here: EDIT: I don't see how the battlepod toy is huge enough to be 1/75 scale considering how much a Battlepod towers over a VF-1 on a 1 to 1 scale. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
If its just the repainted Revoltech Scout Regult that was released last year then should be 1/130th scale. No scale was listed on the actual Revoltech box, but since the toy is listed as being 14cm tall and the Regult Scout is listed at a height of 18.20 meters on Macross Compendium I calculated the scale to be 130 after dividing 1820 by 14. http://www.kirinhobby.com/shop/product_inf...roducts_id=1578 http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Regult -
If its Eva Unit! You know what that means: The aliens must recruit emo teens as mecha pilots as well! Looks like humans and non-humans aren't so different after all!
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Didn't know that about the EU. I believe HG also has trademarks in Chile, Mexico, and maybe a few other Spainish speaking countries though. From what I heard Spainish dubs of Robotech and Macross are very popular. Who knows maybe BW will just ignore those 3rd world countries. Its not too off topic. Harmony Gold actually has the license to the 94' OAV now that Urban Vision's license expired. As for the Original Gatchaman Turner's G-Force was part of a license deal with Sandy Frank in 80s, but Sandy Frank's rights expired sometime in the late 90s. So its only ADV and Harmony Gold with rights over the Gatchaman series and OAVs respectively here in the States. Since this Gatchaman movie is a new derivative though I am sure Tatsunko is the only one Imagi needs approval from. I doubt HG has a trademark on Gatchaman... Now I have doubt Imagi has everything cleared with Tatsunoko. I personally like to call Tatsunoko the "animation whorehouse of Japan" because history has shown they will let anyone have their way with their franchises in exchange for money. By September I will hopefully have some interesting info on the Gatchaman movie though. I am personal friends with the Animation Director of Dragon Con and this year she is bringing in the writer Paul Dini as a guest. Too bad I don't have enough money to finish the Joe The Condor cosplay I was planning though. -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I don't doubt that BW can challenge HG's trademark in courts, but I do doubt if it would be worth the hassle for BW. Just scheduling and challenging HG's trademark in single case would be expensive and time consuming. Then multiply it by all the countries HG has a Macross trademark in. Even assuming that BW wins no contest in the actual courts BW could easily waste more money then Macross is worth obtaining all those trademarks back. And then once the expensive legal war is finally over how is an exhausted BW going to get back on its feet and produce new Macross series? With its new cash flow from all those now dated Macross series sold in bargain bins across the world? -
Robotech and HG License Debates
Freiflug88 replied to TheLoneWolf's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Yeah, its clear that Big West is the legitimate COPYRIGHT owner of Macross, but it is clearcut that HG is a legitmate TRADEMARK owner of Macross. Interesting link Xeros. Fortunately not every copyright record was theft, found out Macross Plus music was credited as copyrighted music played at the 1998 UK Breakdancing championship. I got to get a copy of the 1998 UK Breakdance Championship now, $20 says that they breakdanced to Information High! http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/8628/breakdancef.jpg Thanks for all your hardwork Bri. I'd reward you with a drink if I could. But then could we really bear to call the US version of M7 "Macross Plus Seven" or "Macross Seven Plus" when listening Basara singing what sounds like utter nonsense in English is clearly a negative. Or the frustration of how "Macross Plus Zero" could equal Macross mathematically, but not spiritually. Its People! Protoculture is People! HG and the Military are using otaku to fuel F-14s that transform into giant robots to fight aliens the size of ... mice. http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/mem...dc271b1d5fa.png