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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. Even removing its qualities as a fuel source Protoculture is still the Robotech version of Southern Cross's Protozor and allows the Robotech Masters to live a long, but boring life with a life expectancy of several hundred years. So of course the Robotech Masters wouldn't have any qualms at about sacrificing all their Zentradi if it meant getting back their precious life extending Protoculture. I agree giving the Ariel godlike powers with no apparent hunger for Protocultute let alone fatigue is ridiculous. I think they should have given Ariel very weak and limitied powers while she lives on a human diet and made the Haydonites into living Invid kryptonite. The way it is written now their is nothing to say that Ariel can't just teleport a bomb right in front of the big bad Haydonite Awareness's face and bring an end to Robotech's Space War 4.
  2. Both seasons of Exosquad are on Hulu.com, so its likely they will release the second season on DVD as well.
  3. Don't sweat it we all make mistakes, I just wanted to emphasize that the time difference between the two posts were much shorter then the two months we initially thought. EDIT: You can also blame ANN for posting article dates in the confusing YYYY-MM-DD format.
  4. I rechecked the dates on the Anime News Network announcements. Frontier was announced on 08-18-2007 a mere 3 weeks before the LAMR was announced on 09-07-2007. This is just speculation as well, but with the Shadow Rising hiatus rumors that started back in May/June 2007 (according to a post by Space Station Liberty) I think its likely HG started to spend more resources marketing the Robotech movie license to potentially movie studios as soon as it was leaked to the public that Michael Bay was making a Transformers movie back in 2006 well before any Macross Frontier announcements that I know of. Then with the proven success of Transformers shortly after its released on 7-03-2007 (about 2 months before the LARM annocement) that the Robotech Hollywood deal was actually sealed. I agree with your point though that with the announcement of a new Macross and nothing to show for Shadow Rising, HG would certainly feel much more compelled to have at least some news of a Hollywood Robotech in the works to convince fans that Robotech was not a dying franchise.
  5. I never said that announcing the LAMR would be subtle, I was implying that HG probably figured their would be no way for them to steal the spotlight from the soon to be released Macross Frontier anime with news of a Hollywood movie years down the road. Of course people are still excited about news of a LAMR that might be coming to theaters in the far future, but its not going to distract them at all from satisfying their transforming jet cravings with Frontier in the present.
  6. I think its more then just a mere coincidence, but I don't think HG goal was to upstage the news of Macross Frontier's pilot film with news of a Hollywood movie that might be shown in theaters years from now. I think HG figured that while fans are already thinking of new Valkyries and revisiting Macross thanks to the news of Frontier would be a perfect time to advertise their own Robotech franchise.
  7. I would say Frank Agrama was paying backing back his "investors" very well.
  8. Are you referring to those annoying new-school anime fans that won't give any pre-90s anime because they think old anime looks hideous, Yellowlightman? I agree with your comments that DYRL's plot is flawed especially on its own if considered a standalone movie, but I know it can't be the flawed plot keeping new Macross Frontier uninterested in previous Macross works considering that no plot is flawless.
  9. Then you'll love Battle Macross Star Gallactica even more! Its got everything: Captain Gloval and XO Saul Breetai smackdowns, Gaius Basara trading his guitar for an assault rifle for once, Grace Roslin conspiring with Leon Adama to become Madam President, and Miria Thrace getting 7 daughters each from a different drunk ace! It was really sad though when Claudia shoots her brains out after looking at an old picture of her and Roy after returning from a date with Ozma "Apollo" Lee Adama . Fortunately their was a happy ending in the end when Gaius Basara and Sivil Caprica "Six" get back together and realize they are literally embodiments of Christ and the Anti-Christ before solving everything with a song that revealed the fold coordinates to the the missing Megaroad! Probably something like: "F#*k another Macross to make us look bad!" I can't remember exactly where I found it, but I swear I saw a quote of Kevin Mckeaver somewhere on Robotech.com months ago saying something like "They just keep never stop making these dam Sequels. The Franchise just needs to die out already."
  10. I had a similar idea about combining ideas from ExoSquad for a Robotech reboot. The Zentradi could easily be renamed and rewritten as engineered clones designed to assist with spaceship and mecha construction before they turn on their creators and leave to build their massive armada in another solar system. Years later the humans unlock the secrets of "Robotechnology" and create nano-robot assemblers to build smaller more sophisticated ships, cultivate Protoculture into a powerful biofuel for nuclear fusion, and of course repair the SDF just in time for Captain Gloval and crew to fold out before the massive Zentradi fleet bombard the earth at the start of the first Robotech War. I think that WB would be crazy not to put Yune and the HG Staff as advisers for the film. By agreeing to produce a Robotech movie WB must make a Robotech movie while avoiding infringement upon BW's Macross copyrights and like or not the guys at Harmony Gold are only people in the US that have all the details and fine legal print surrounding the issue. I think there is more to it though. The animated series are always made to loosely tie-in to their Live Action counterparts in some way and the Robotech LAM is just a rough draft so far. No animation studio in their right mind would decide to start actual work on an animated series tie-in with no clue as to what the Live Action counterpart will even look like in the end, not to even mention the legality of Robotech elements that are likely still in question. That is total BS. The guys at HG never waste that much time with prostitutes. They blow their cash and fire their blanks faster then a gunpod and are always gone in 60 seconds. Your right the story would be much better as Robotech Shadow Gallatica. No need to even rescue the SDF-3. They will just show Lisa, Minmay, and Mira awaken nude in a Hadonite bathtub filled with protoculture goo and imply the same thing happened to Rick and Max before the Robotech Master Coval reveals himself as the true leader of the Hadonite's and asks them, the Final "Super Dimensional Five" to give him the knowledge for creating a new more powerful resurrection machine to resurrect Zor in exchange for a truce. After they start to exchange memories Rick sees the memories of Mirya shooting at Roy and starts choking her death which leads to a chatotic death brawl as Max kills Rick and points out the obvious that Roy could have been brought back to life with resurrection as well. Meanwhile all of the Ark Angel crew minus Louie and Janice decide they are tired of fighting in a stupid war and to just go back to nature on the new Earth-like planet they found after Captain Grant is hailed as a chief by humanoid aliens that resemble African tribesmen. As for Louie he tried out his new teleportation device and disappears into thin air never to be seen again leaving a heartbroken Janice to pilot the Ark Angel and the rest of the RDF fleet into the sun. Fastword 10,000 years Zor Prime and Dana "Six" Sterling in a red dress are seen reading a newspaper article about the discovery of "Mitochondrial Minmay," the human-invid daughter of Scott and Ariel. Then in a flash of light the SDF-3 is seen crashing out of the sky and onto a remote island. Zor: "So the circle continues. Protoculture sure works in mysterious ways" Dana: "Yeah, why the hell did God decide to work though a plant of all things." Zor: "Well you know he does know a bit about farming." Dana: "I forgot, quess I was too busy remembering love." THE END.
  11. I know! When Tommy Yune and Kevin aren't attending Cons their blowing their money on hookers with fake boobs and latex to fulfill their Ariel and Janice fantasies in Vegas. Then they write it off as "research for new character designs" in their travel expenses.
  12. According to Urban dictionary's definition of Gangbuster: I also doubled checked and there was indeed a "Gang Busters" radio show at that time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_Busters Shadow Chronicles theater tickets and DVD Sales did indeed "come on like gangbusters" though with all the excitement of an actual Robotech Sequel from all those eager Robotech fans. Of course Shadow Chronicles is absolute trash compared to Macross, but that never stops fans from getting excited and wasting their money on their beloved franchises.
  13. Its well known that Tatsunko handled the production of SDF and DYRL. Since Tatsunko's initial deal for SDF's production gave them only the international merchandising rights, I think its very likely they just made the same deal with DYRL's production.
  14. Here all you need to know:
  15. What you talking about? I don't know about you guys, but my glass is always completely full and even glows in the dark.
  16. Second that. The Gianna Michaels VT is much sexier and more proportional then even the Virgin Pink Maya Veritech.
  17. I thought so too, but I looked all over Episode 27 and none of the Valkyries used missile pods, they go all out with those giant "Reactive" missiles for the climatic battle. Same here, but I haven't found a single use of the Missie pods after scanning though scenes all over SDF Macross. I think its likely we are just getting confused over the 3-missile packs that show up frequently in SDF when the Valkyries aren't firing missiles from the "hammer space" underneath their wings or launching the giant "reactive" missiles.
  18. OH SNAP! Basara and the power of song got nothin' on Musica and her cosmic harp. I think they were all proposed names for replacing the Japanese pronouncement of "Hikaru Ichijio" when the Macross Saga was edited into Robotech. I know it can't be coincidence that they are all 3 syllable names and are interchangeable when it comes to synching lip movement in dubbing. Doesn't really matter if my name has over 3 syllables though because it only takes a Transforming Motorcyle Helmet to feel like Rick Hunter! http://jalopnik.com/5325396/transforming-m...ike-rick-hunter
  19. I don't blame them. The guys at HG must feel almost relieved as the SDF-2 at the bottom of the lake... With their chance to press the "reset" button and start from scratch with WB's reimagined Robotech and all.
  20. I am planning on doing the DVD fansubs for myself and to release on Animebyt.es. I already have the Raw Macross Frontier Isos, and I want to try fansubing them myself rather then wasting my Asian DVD Club ratio on Blinx01's fansubs. No subs are perfect, but I have corrected several errors I have noticed with the dialogue in Thora's subs. Until I find reliable Macross Frontier lyrics, I am not even going to touch Thora's song lyrics. If your interested in just the subs I will gladly post my edited Subs to rapidshare or something right after my DVD fansub release is finally completed and posted on Animebyt.es.
  21. I will be fansubbing my Macross Frontier DVDs with Thora's subs for anyone interested.
  22. I wasn't trying to say they should totally reuse the old g1 transformation, the video is just a comparison to the bayformer transformations. I admit I am impressed with the CG artists for modeling all the individual parts and animating all those complex mechanisms, but from the standpoint that they are supposed to be violent giant robots locked in a never ending war they look way too fragile to survive any combat let alone jump onto freeways at 80 mph in mid transformation. Honestly, if I was a Zentradi going against any Bayformer I would just jam a giant sized wrench or two into all those tiny gears that make up their joints and then laugh as I punch out all the thins paneled armor and rip out all their internal parts piece by piece. I was thinking of a movie or an animated series, not a crossover game. I also think the Psychotic Joker would fit right in with those evil Galactor goons that gun down everyone from babies to the disabled elderly with Thompson Machine Guns and Nazi Lugers for fun. Nah, General Leonard being the Supreme Commander isn't confusing at all. When Eisenhower became the "Supreme Commander of Allied Forces" and the first Supreme Commander of NATO after WWII he was still a 5 star general and was often addressed as General Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces or NATO. The "Supreme Commander" is merely a title appointed to the senior commanding officer, in the US military there is no actual military rank higher then General of the army which is granted to the senior 5 star General at the time. Interestingly enough the US military never used the Rank of "Field Marshal" instead like several other countries do simply because as the first 5 star General George Marshall didn't want to be addressed as "Marshal Marshall." Back to Robotech though: Leonard is the senior 5 Star General and he gets the title of Supreme Commander by default because he is the old man who has been in the military the longest. I will explain the mysteries for free. 1. The SDF-2 was nowhere to be seen because it was going number 2 at the bottom of the lake to have its privacy. 2. Dolza just believed what his parents told him: that kissing would create Protoculture. Its just like when parents today tell their children that kissing creates babies.
  23. Its cool Gubba we all make mistakes. My bad on Admiral Hayes rand and misspelling Leonard's name. Leonard is referred to as both general and as Supreme Commander within the Master's Saga and HG's Official Robotech Timeline though.
  24. The thing that really bugged me was how the bayformer designs had dozens of moving parts and flimsy looking car panels coming out from their rear ends, but somehow had structural integrity greater then any tank. Compare them to the transformations found in anime that use a few simple moving parts that look much more believable and stronger then folding car panels: http://www.3dblasphemy.com/OPTIMUS/OPTIMUS.html Buying out HG doesn't change the fact that Tatsunko would still have international merchandising rights to Macross SDF and DYRL. Besides if WB bought Tatsunko they could they could always make Tatsunko/DC Crossovers. Who wouldn't want to see Berg Katse and the Joker pair up against Joe the Condor and the Batman? Sure there will always be curious fans who will see Live action adaptions, but I am talking about Japanese Macross fans realizing WB's movie for what it will be: a Robotech movie not a live action adaption of Macross with all the deculture. Those are some of the things every RoboTrekkie knows: 1: "We come in peace, set Protoculture rifles to kill" is what Roy Tiberius Kirk, Captain of the Super Duper Fokking Enterprise (aka the cool dude in the yellow shirt) always says when he isn't banging green haired amazons from space or making TV history by making out with the black bridge officer in the first interracial relationship in a cartoon. 2: The MacGuffin in the red shirt never dies. 3. Earth is always screwed because the Robotech Fleet Academy keeps producing idiotic commanders like General Hayes and General Lenard. (Lenard may have been bald, but he was definitely no Piccard) There is always a cute chick (or in one case a crossdressing dude) who sings somewhat in tune in every RT Generation. Protoculture will always matter. The United States of Robotech will allows rely on Protoculture guzzling SDFs no matter how many times Al Gloval argues that Protocuture emissions warm the earth like Zentradi laserblasts in his documentary "The Inconvient Truth: the Crisis of Macekreing Anime." Only after the huge success of the first Matrix did WB trust the Wachowski brothers enough to write the scripts of the last two really "Zany" movies of the trilogy with no editors and practically no studio oversight. The Matrix has nothing to do with Love Triangles being portrayed in Hollywood though. I honnestly can't think of ANY Hollywood or primetime TV Series (Reality TV trash like the Bachelor doesn't count) that set up a Love Triangle with two very likable female charaters and a guy who has to pick between the two on the spot. In Hollywood Love Triangles tend to be resolved with the woman becoming attracted to the guy in her "friendzone" shortly before getting married. They don't have Love Triangles with a guy turning down the young girl he had a crush on for the last two years after realizing being with her was only a fantasy and that he has an actual relationship with the woman he once hated as "Old Sour Puss."
  25. I don't see how Hollywood bigwigs would really be attracted to a plot that sets a young girl up to become humanity's biggest celebrity of all time only to be dumped for a female military officer or become a slurm that makes out with her cousin moments before teaching alien Spartans culture though singing. I also wouldn't even be surprised if WB/HG decided to remove all the good aliens including Mira and simply rewrite Dana and Maya as the daughters of Rick and Lisa. As for aiming for updated designs that look nothing like the cartoons that will be easy if they don't mind giving the Veritechs the hideous bayformer transformations. It would be a lot cheaper for WB to simply buy Robotech/Macross licenses from HG and BW rather then spending I don't know several hundred million dollars to acquire two no wait three companies when you count Tatsunko's Macross rights, just to obtain the rights to make a few Live Action movies on an anime franchise with little popularity outside of Japan. I would only hope the majority of Japanese Macross fans would be smart enough not to fall for such marketing gimmicks after seeing all the Harmony Gold trademarks in the spots Big West would be.
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