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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. Its not the video quality that bothers me at all. It was listening to the Voice Acting for the English dub. Though if I had never watched Robotech and gotten used to how they sound, I might have been more forgiving of ADV's dub. After getting acquainted with how the character sounds its very hard to get used to new VA that sound very different. This is also why in Japan they will almost use the same VA that everyone is familiar with for every character iteration in the remakes. The Tatsunko footage will probably never be seen for very good reason, RedWolfe. The footage was heavily degraded because Tatsunko apparently never stored their Macross footage in a climate controled vault like Harmony Gold did with their Macross Master Footage. HG's carefully preserved 3rd generation Macross footage only marginally beat out Tatsunko's carelessly preserved 2nd generation Macross Footage according to Tommy Yune and Shin Kurokawa http://robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=191 As for the Remastered SDF Macross Released in Japan, I have heard that all the Remastered Macross in Japan: DYRL, Macross 7, Macross plus, and SDF were restored with Big West's original 35mm film masters. Edit: The difference in color is most likely a result of AnimEigo tweaking the colors and covering up the film grain. For the Japanese Remasters Big West had access to the original Film masters that were likely better preserved then Tatsunko's or HG's Master footage so they probably didn't tweak the colors or try to hide the film grain much if at all, cause getting rid of film grain can wash details out if just use a filter in a video editing program.. Tweaking frame by frame in photoshop is another story.
  2. I actually know that Mikael/Klan couple. I see them at Momocon, Dragoncon, and Anime Weekend Atlanta all the time.
  3. Don't get me wrong I enjoy entertaining AND faithful, but when the choice is entertaining OR faithful I choose entertaining especially when I am re-watching an anime. When I have time I will sometimes rewatch a series in its more faithful subbed version to see if its really different and if I missed anything, but if I feel I am not missing anything and the English Dub is entertaining and more or less on par with the quality of the Japanese Dub then I like to enjoy it in my own language. For me every anime release is an individual case though so while I may prefer watching ADV's English Dub of Evangelion I absolutely can't stand their dubbing of classics like Macross or Gatchaman and I will only listen to the Japanese Dub. Let me explain. I had seen almost all of Robotech and Macross, before I had even seen SDF Macross. After watching DYRL I was just DYING to see SDF Macross with the original songs, storyline, etc that I had been missing out on. Of course when I finally found and watched SDF Macross I was blown away and enjoyed it more then Robotech: The Macross Saga, but I still enjoy watching the "Bumbling Asteroids" moments of Robotech. Had their been a better, uncut version of RT: The Macross Saga been shown to me that kept Minmay's original songs that were actually in sync, Macross's definition of Protoculture, etc. then I would not have felt like I was missing out on so much and I wouldn't have felt desperate to actually hunt down and watch SDF Macross in its original form. A better version of the Macross Saga wouldn't keep me from actually enjoying the Original Japanese SDF Macross at all once I sat down and watched it eventually though.
  4. Its also why new fans have little or no exposure to the great classics as they get bombarded with all the new flashy crap on TV. In my case though if Robotech was faithful I would probably won't have bothered seeking out SDF Macross and DYRL in Japanese. I also care more about actually being entertained then how faithful to the orginal a dub is. For instance I always watch Macross II English dubbed because Steve Blum's Lord Feff performace is just kick ass and much better suited for the role then using Tōru Furuya's (Amaro Ray) boyish voice.
  5. I will just go ahead and say that Robotech has and will always be a great "gateway" anime in my opinion. That was the entire purpose of Robotech in the first place: entertain young American viewers with an animated show in English that they can all jump right into, not deliver a loyal anime adaption that only a small number of otaku would enjoy.
  6. Like Robotech fans listen to Carl Macek over Tommy Yune these days anyway? They'll just say that a lot has changed since then blah blah. Robotech fans listen only to what they want to hear cause you know it must be hard accepting the truth that your the fan of the losing franchise.
  7. Thanks. Tommy Yune speech seemed to apply that the anime mecha designs were like blue prints. I know that when engineers design anything with any corporate resources said designs become the company's property to do with as they please and the engineer has no such authorship rights, but I am guessing Kawamori and others designed Macross on their own time.
  8. I didn't think these 41 illustions were the actual Macross designs until I did some digging. I did a google search to try to find answers and I ended up stumbling upon "Harmony Gold V. FASA." It looks like you are right and that the 41 are the Macross designs and not merely illustrians. What still gets me though is if the intellectual property allowing derivative use is not attached to the 41 designs that Tatsunko apparently owns the copyright on how does Big West/Studio Nue prove that they still the sole intellectual property owners of the 41 Macross designs in the first place? Does Tatsunko literally own the drawings themselves or do they just have a document stating that they are entitled to the copyrights cause they used the drawings to produce Macross in 1982? Oh yeah and for anyone interested the link for Harmony Gold V. FASA is http://alex.kaempen.org/harmony_gold_v._fasa.html
  9. Did I hear Tommy Yune correctly? At around 7:10 in the video he talks of 41 illustrations that were considered Studio Nue property because they were made in 1980 and predated the Macross series. Then he says that because Tatsunko produced Macross they were awarded the copyrights of those 41 illustrations and thus they own all the TV and economic rights to Macross. I am thinking those design illustrations he is referring to must be those images "borrowed" for Battle Tech years ago and the images used in the cover artwork for ADV's Macross DVD release.
  10. Are you blind? The Minmei doll has a huge smile on her face. She is giggling that the Robotech toys have such tiny cockpits. The "Little Focker" from Shadow Chronicles won't even fit into that thing. Anyone got Kawamori's email? Cause until the dude who actually designed this new VF-25 Superpack actually comes out and says its based on the VF-2SS I say we leave the Macross II influence as "plausible" and just admire that the thing looks cool on this HG and Robotech thread at least. If you guys really want to debate this thing for eternity start a "Kawamori love/hate Macross II thread or something.
  11. Cause making a Janice II is exactly like making a SDF 2. You can apparently build one, but it will be completely invisible and sink into a lake while everyone debates if it ever really existed in the first place.
  12. Boy the SDF Macross was one very lucky guy! Until Isamu ruined their intimate moment and came crashing down on their heads. No wait, a second all ships are female! That poor girl must have been so lonely and desperate when Sharon came frolicking around in the nude in Plus. What with no SDF-2 to share the Lake with and all.
  13. Of course! KISS = PROTOCULTURE! I don't think its cause they have no physical ability to kiss. Its just the Haydonites were just plain stupid for giving the humans their one and only fembot and now there stuck in a sausage fest. Too bad those floating heads won't ever get a chance to hook up with the Sharon Apple box, just think of all the cute SEELE boxes they could have fathered!
  14. Well the Haydonites are supposed to be those shady villians that taunt their foes from the "Shadows." Funny how its the emotionless robots that enjoy toying with their foes instead of simply vaporizing with overwhelming and efficient force like the emotional Zentradi did.
  15. Well in Robotech, Rick Hunter and friends weren't trying to do time trave God, fate, destiny or whatever you want to call it pulled Rick Hunter and the SDF-3 back in time for them to play a critical role in the birth of Zor, Protoculture, and the SDF-1 and pretty such sets everything into endless loop. Kinda like BSG where apparently God's whole plan is to have Humans and Cyclons destroy and rebuild in cycles of war and peace across the galaxy for millions of years except that BSG ends with the cycle possibly being broken according to Gauis and 6. As for Rick Hunter and Minmay they are forever destined to be apart and play their roles in resolving and starting the conflicts of Robotech in an endless loop it seems.
  16. No. Minmei was never the mother of the Zentradi or Tirolan races. According to Carl Macek himself, the Tirolans were found to be exactly like humans and had a modern civilization similar to humanity's when the SDF-1 crashed in 1999 when Rick Hunter and the SDF-3 found Tirol after being sucked through time. Then Minmei hooks up with a Tirolian scientist and they have Zor as a child. After Zor grew up and discovered protoculture part of the Tirolian population is corrupted into the evil Robotech Masters. These newly formed evil Robotech Masters then decide to enslave the giant Zentradi that were aboard the SDF-3 into their slave army. Never mind what the Zentradi are still doing sitting around in Tirol waiting to be enslaved what must have been 20 years after the time loop now that Zor has grown up and corrupted Tirol with his discovery of protoculture. Carl Macek was clear though that the Zentradi who traveled through the time loop in the SDF-3 become their own ancestors and that they were never created or born as a race by the Robotech Masters or anyone else, they were simply there as fate would have it.
  17. No he didn't marry Minmay in the time bubble. I was actually one the three lucky guys that married Minmay after the SDF-3 crashed on my homeworld of Tirol, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. You see many people seem to conveniently forget that we Tirolians or "Robotech Masters" as Robotech fans like to call us are triumvirates so there are always three of us do everything together, and yes that includes doing everyone's favorite Macross Madanna, Minmay. Of course our kooky "Love Square" didn't exactly jive with Macek's family values of Robotech so they were censored out of the Robotech novels and a single Tirolian was conveniently written in to marry Minmay and father Zor. Heaven forbid Robotech fans see the sweet innocent girl that saved humanity from absolute destruction at the hands of evil aliens with a song be seen as a whore by marrying 3 alien studs at once.
  18. Ahhh don't be such a kill joy. Not all Robotech fans are THAT stupid and hopefully there will be at least one protoculture theory to laugh at. I did consider posting my own BS protoculture theory for the lawls though, but I think I might just post my nerd theory on how to kill Alucard once and for all.
  19. Yeah, and that is exactly the way I like it. Old Series > New Series in my book. Are you suggesting there weren't any female fans of Robotech back in the 80s? That had to have been several. Besides, if your a young female sci-fi fan in America with dreams of becoming a star ship captain are you seriously going to choose James T. Kirk over Roy Fokker? As for the boys. If they weren't ashamed of openly watching an 80s action cartoon for the plot and drama maybe they weren't ashamed of girly dolls? Or maybe the dolls were just considered erotic for their time before the ecchi PVC figures they sell today became so readily available? In other news Topless Robot is having a Greatest Nerd Theory Contest on the best nerd theory "to explain away a plot hole or obscure some shitty fact about their favorite series." Needless to say I hope to see many amusing theories on just what Protoculture is by Robotech fans.
  20. Robotech: Macross Saga is now on Hulu.
  21. By special features do you mean that "ROBOTECH: BIRTH OF A SEQUEL" video where Tommy Yune and other cast and crew talk about making Shadow Chronicles right? There isn't any legal issue about HG uttering the word "Macross" or any of the other two original series names its just that HG don't want to mention any of them and bring any attention to them especially when they are trying to renew Robotech as their own franchise. Its no different then when you are on a date and never mention any of your ex's names. Its not cause your afraid of getting sued, but rather you just know its a bad idea to bring attention to your ex's to a new date. Does it really matter? The Japanese Supreme Court upheld Big West's and Tatsunoko's most recent SDF Macross contract after they agreed to add 10 more episodes. They didn't change anything and neither can us hardcore fans. Finding the original contract in all its confusing legal glory will just open a can of worms and turn every vocal Macross and Robotech fan into a legal expert who claims to have miraculously found some incredible loophole that no one has ever noticed in 25 years that shows that their favorite Macross flavor is owned completely by company x and not y.
  22. Very close. I was parodying a scene from the movie "Sleep With Me" where Quentin Tarantino describes Top Gun as being gay. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Wbxh3Xz9c...feature=related
  23. Robotech: Macross Saga is f-ing great. What is Robotech: MS really about? You think its a story about a fighter pilot in a love triangle with two girls? Its really a story about fighter pilot and his struggle with his own homosexuality. And the real ending of the series is when Rick and Breetai fight the Zentradi at the end of Episode 27. Because Rick has passed over into the gay way. They are this gay fighting f-ing force and they are beating the Zentradi. The gays are beating the Zentradi alright. Then its over and the f-ing land. And Breetai been trying to get Rick Hunter the whole time. Finally he has got him. And what are the last f-ing lines they have together? There all hugging and kissing and happy with each other. And Breetai comes up to Rick and says "Microian you can ride my tail anytime!" And what does Rick say?! "No, You can ride mine!"
  24. McDonald's actually had the trademarks registered within South Africa from 1968 to 1985. George Sombonos, owner of a chain of 177 fast food restrautants, didn't even try to trademark McDonald's designs until 1993. The fact that McDonald's already had trademarks registered within South Africa, but that were just never used was mostly likely a major key to their victory. I also found no single mention of "Intellectual Property" in the entire transcript. How does this McDonald's case honestly support the notion that Big West is the rightful owner of "Macross" trademarks through intellectual property ownership?
  25. Its not saintly, but its not the most unethical business decision to get compensation from an acquired trademark on a franchise they had nothing to do with. For one Harmony Gold would get money from the pockets of Macross consumers willing to pay a little extra on the purchasing price that covers the trademark fee and wouldn't be interfering with Big West's profits from licensing Macross to a distributor in the first place. HG trademark or not Big West would still make the same amount of money and Bandai's profits would just get hurt by the people unwilling to shell out an extra buck or two for HG trademarked Macross merchandise. Still at the end of day its profit with HG or not at all as far as the U.S. Market is considered. Doesn't matter Trademarks and intellectual rights are two different things. The trademarked name "Macross" is unique and like it or not it does belong to HG because they trademarked it before Big West could. Rather the trademark owner is the intellectual property owner or not trademarks still have to be honored. My point with the Star Wars example is that you can't always just add a number or a word to a pre-existing trademark and then claim it is your own.
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