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Everything posted by Freiflug88

  1. What are you talking about this is obviously Gubaba who is from Macross 7 as well. Just as Būta evolved into a human from all the Spiral energy he absorbed from Simon in Gurren Lagann, Gubba evolved into this beast from all Spirita energy he absorbed from listening to Firebomber music. All of this was explained in that episode where Fire Bomber performs a concert on that giant Poké Ball ship in Episode 3000: Pika-Bomba! .
  2. Marzan was looking for audio of Basra's accustic guitar only with zero vocals. Unfortunately since its just a short BGM piece on loop so they never seemed to bother releasing it in an album. The best solution I could come up for was to simply rip some audio from the episode with audicity: http://rapidshare.com/files/320011104/My_S...Guitar.wav.html #Note rapidshare link is good for only 9 downloads or so more. If their is interest I will reload file.
  3. Dude, your going to need a seedbox SERIOUSLY. The standard warning period at ADC is 14 days. Since the M7 torrent is about 106 gigs I am guessing you have about 75+ gigs to boost your ratio to atleast a .8 or your current IP is banned. Unless your paying like $100+ for T3 connection to your home their is just no way you would be able to compete with the 200 MB/s Down/ 100 MB/s Upload speeds that Power ADC users have with their $20 Seedboxs. Even if you have a fast internet their is no way that your ISP and Hollywood's nearby anti-p2p groups would not notice a 75+ gigs of data being uploaded in under two weeks through your home internet.
  4. Thanks. There are plenty of Klan Klan edits where it came from. Some are more NSFW then others, but this one was my favorite . If their is interest for more Klan Klan, rather then simply release a batch of photos with minor edited changes I can bring organization to my mess of photoshop layers and release a photoshop file and a matching gimp file. That way any of you guys can simply the edit together the version that you choose and export at the photo quality that you choose with either photoshop or the freeware gimp.
  5. Maybe instead of hot wiring the ship he will meet the occupants who sleep in their ship during the day and explore at night. After all Rush was having all this excited talk about how they should try to meet and trade with alien races. Also consider that the Odyssey seems to have no form of Iris, its only form of security apparently is that its traveling all the time and no outsider should know its Stargate address. Since Rush knows the Stargate address of the Odyssey and probably the Star map of where Odyssey is heading by heart I believe its possible that he might be able to simply leap frog across Stargates to get in range of the Odyssey and then dial the Odyssey. The hot wiring/stealing alien ships have been done countless times. I would rather see the shock on everyone's face aboard the Odyssey when and if Rush gates in with an alien astronaut suit to say he is back. Perhaps it will be a suit that is similar in nature to that nearly indestructible Asgard power armor and he will try taking over the ship by force until it runs out of juice or something.
  6. No new posts in 4 days. Must be running out of photos guys. I am sure many of you guys have seen this picture floating around: Sure, Its sexy but Michael and some other details were bothering me so I made improvements of my own
  7. Apparently so did this Robotech fan when he made this AMV to Weird Al's "Christmas at Ground Zero":
  8. Same place Robotech is going: Nowhere.
  9. A valid yet easy question to answer: Nope. Maia is no half Zentradi , she's half Zentraedi! Zentradi is for Macross, Zentraedi with the extra "e" is how its at in the Robotech canon. Think of it this way: Only players like Pete can hang with the Macross stars, but only the Robotech girls are Ezzay enough fo Doug Bendo.
  10. So there is no child porn probelm with depicting the micronized or macrinized Klan Klan naked despite the fact she is what like only a year or two at most older then Ranka? Must be cause she is a Zentradi and 100% alien. On the other hand Ranka is only a quarter Zentradi and thus 3/4 Quarters human. HG was apparently smart and only went as far as showing Maia in a pink tank top because they knew she was "half-alien." Cause you know showing Mylene topless was probably child porn as well and she must be just as "half-alien" as Maia is since they both come from the same parents...sort of. Sounds to me like Doug Bendo is just his usual self as a Robotech Nazi with suggesting it all just boils down to the purity of the bloodline of fictional characters and all. BTW just what kind of alien is Maia half of? They were never clear in the RTSC, surely she can't be part Zentradi like those Macross child pornstars like Ranka, Klan Klan, and Mylene?
  11. Same here at 11:59.
  12. I would recommend Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/mac Its the best audio editor I have ever used and its completely free and works for Mac OS X. Its perfect for what you need because it will show you the sound levels of the sound files so it will be very easy to spot the silent gaps in between the songs for splitting. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/about/imag...city-macosx.png I also wanted to add Gubba that instead of saving the tracks as MP3s I recommend save them as Wave files for the best quality first. Then if you need or want the music files to take up less HD space you can use the program Monkey's Audio to convert it to an APE file. As APE file the sound quality is lossless just like the Wave files, but the file data itself is compressed like a Winrar file and often takes about half the HD space as a Wave file, but still more then a lossy MP3 file. You can also take your converted APE files and burn them onto a CD. Since the CD tracks were encoded as Wave and APE files are almost half the size you might be able to burn both sides of the original Music CDs onto a single CD if you want. http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/bu...d_with_nero.cfm Also Just in case you didn't get the PM, Gubba. FLAC files are just as great as APE files!
  13. I almost certain he would. Tengu literally means "heavenly dogs" and that fits Gavil exactly with his white fur, angel wings, and his pet Glavil who in his own words is a part of him. On a similar note I always saw Lord Geppernich resembling the romanatic Lucifier archetype of Milton's Paradise Lost. One look at him without his helmet and its easy to see that they tried taking Milton's describtion of Lucifer as "the most beautiful angel of them all" quite literally.
  14. The beauty of being oblivious as to what that annoying furball was actually saying in Japanese is gone forever now. I just know Basara would use it with his Anima spirtia to to drill a huge hole in Gurren Lagann's spiral butt if he wasn't such a pacifist.
  15. It also didn't hurt MF's case that the pornstar is actually outgoing and enjoys dating across a San Francisco with contempary fashion and technology spiced with futuristic holograms, while John Lennon writes and records music to cassette tapes in solitude inside his rundown mansion located in the Bronx circa early 90s. IMO though the biggest turn-off for M7 by far was Gavil and his annoying habit to utter "Beauty" in every other sentence. MF was wise to keep Brera quiet most of the time.
  16. - Evageeks speculated that Lilth had her own spear counterpart like Adam. I speculated that Lilth never had a spear of her own and that the spear's purpose was to inhibit Adam. - Just what is defined as a "God" flucates through the show. Considering that Adam is immortal and gave birth to the angels during Second Impact its clear that he is a god-like being. - The goal of the angels was to return sole to Adam from which they came at the cost of humanity. It was obvious from Kaworu Nagisa reaction on finding Lilth that he realized he had been tricked and that he only planed to merge with Adam and didn't care to merge with Lilth. - Adam and Lilth were two separate enites that were obviously placed by someone or something purposely. They both were found deep in the center of artificial cavities not made by NERV or any man. If it was a case of a god "Lilth" splitting into two halves to spread life onto the planet then they should have been found close to each other in one underground cavity or spread out on the surface of the planet. Instead both were encased in perfect artifical spheical cavities deep underground on opposite ends of the globe. - I never said that all planets were inhabitable. I stated that any inhabitable planet was no doubt already inhabited with life seeded by beings just like Adam and Lilth by the hands of "God"/Proto Race.
  17. I can tell just from the title the writer of that article doesn't know what he is talking about. "Chicks dig giant robots," not the annoying emo pilots that pilot them.
  18. Tried compromising through Photoshoping? Force Lighting is nothing to the great metal god of my cult.
  19. When it comes to upping your ration on Asian DVD Club Uxi, I found the best way is to buy a fast seedbox and download and seed the most recent Golden or pinku torrents that pop up. For one month's subscription of Mr. Seedbox at 12 bucks I was able to upload over 300 GB and greatly improve my ratio.
  20. So this you and your ex?
  21. According to the Classified Information of the EVA PS2 games the Spear of Longounus is actually a countermeasure to prevent a Seed of Life from sprouting: Whats more according to the Classifed info it was by bad luck that a pair of white and black moons landed on the same planet which would result in an inevitable conflict between angels and humans. Considering that only Adam was found with a Spear of Longus I believe that the First Ancestroal race used it on Adam to prevent the Angels from being born from him as a way to correct their mistake and give the earth to solely to the Humans. For one in the Evangelion series itself it is stated that the angels would only appear after Second Impact. Its well know that Second impact was caused by experimenting with Adam who was found in Suspended animation, the Spear of Longinus was picked up by Gendo in another trip to Antarctica, and that the angels despite having imortal life only appear 15 years after Second Impact. I believe that the Anartica team wanted to experiment with Adam's S2 engine and thus removed the Spear that kept it turned off (ie, in suspended animation). Thus Adam was freed of the Spear and his S2 Engine chain reacted to explode giving birth to the angels and spreading them all over the global where they lay hidden in places like volcanos until they reached 15 years of age, the very age that was considered adult hood during the Edo period of Japan. So the Spear actually designed to inhibit seeds of life from sprouting so either Yui brought it herself because she doesn't want it to sprout or the Spear which seems to have a mind of its own is tagging along with her to prevent her from spreading life on another planet that is mostly already fertilized with another egg from the Ancestral Race. Personally I believe its a bit of both. Yui should know full well that any other habitable planets in the Galaxy have likely already been planted with the seeds of human or angel life by the Ancestrial race. She had no problem slaughtering angels so that her son Shinji could inherit the future of the Earth, but I don't see her as having any intention to wipeout the life that has been planted on other habitable planets in a "fourth impact" in the name of spreading humanity to other planets like its manifest destiny or something.
  22. I am going with the Macross Zero cult. Instead of the Mayan islands we party on Brazilan beachs where clothing is optional. While I am there I might as get all three of the Nome girls to get Brazilan Butt lifts as well.
  23. What legions? I thought there was only room for 4 in Seto's Pixie Squad.
  24. Macross groupies cults? I second that. The world is supposedly going to be decimated in 2012 when Planet X aka Nibru comes around and our UN is too incompetent to even consider building a Space Navy and colony fleets to evacuate us. So lets all rent a lodge in Alaska where the Grand Cannon should be and party like its 1969 in a final 2012 New Years party! Oh don't forget to bring Doug Bendo and Robotech virgins as sacrifices to our favorite Protodeviln Silvil!
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